Who would you like to see on future Tennessee football schedules?

UNCP- univ. of North Carolina @ Pembroke
Only had a team for bout 5 years but they're 20 minutes from my house :)
Who cares, as long as it isn't a cupcake? If you win, so what? But if you lose (or fail to win by 20), the coach gets FOR SALE signs placed around his house, and death threats. Beating the likes of Buffalo, Austin Peed, Georgia State, Akron, Wyoming, Montana, MTSU, and any other cupcake out there rarely does any good on the power rankings, and losing to them get you featured on Sport Center as chumps of the week. It is a lose lose situation. With the slow evolution of D1 football going to a true playoff system, if you recruit your tail off, and have a coaching staff that can teach and make a program live, jump, and breathe again, you aren't afraid to run the gauntlet. If you want to be the best, play and beat the best.

I suggest)

1. Go to a 9 conference game schedule ASAP. As John Ward said, "It's Time."
2. Move Missouri & Vandy to the west, and Auburn & Bama to the east. Why? At least, it is a shorter drive time for the fans of most every school.
3. If you really must have a tune up game, open with a cupcake. I don't like the idea of playing any of those teams, but I will tolerate playing 1 a year. Screw playing a D2 team. Very few of those teams buy out their ticket allotment, and you don't see the local season ticket holders giving that games ticket away. Make your other 2 OOC games against the PAC12, BIG10, BIG12, and the ACC. If one of those 2 games are against a Boise State, or someone else in the "lesser conferences" that has proven themselves as a program, fine, rotate them in too.

I am just sick and tired of playing 3 cupcakes a year. Where has it gotten the Vols? Nowhere! It seems to me that when the powers that be started this nonsense, our good fortune on the field dropped right with it. Once Butch Jones gets this program back where it belongs, the Vols will have the talent AND the depth to play this kind of schedule. GO VOLS
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1. Colorado State (wouldn't have to travel)
2. Hawaii (would love to travel)
3. Clemson (unis could be confusing)
4. Rutgers (their new AD could come say a few words to the players)
5. Oregon State (I could stay with my relatives)
Notre Dame (we owe them some payback)

Texas (UT versus the REAL UT)

Florida State

USC (self explanatory)

Boise State

Problem is big out of conference games are likely gonna become a thing of the past for most BC schools with the implementation of 9 conference games.

Sad, but true.

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