Who would you rather beat?

If a top recruit is considering UT and Bama for the class of 2015, don't you think Bama's NC helps them more in recruiting this kid? Quite frankly, I could care less about keeping it in the SEC. I hate Bama, and I would be perfectly happy if they never won another game. I'm a fan of Tennessee more than the SEC.

Obviously it does....you've been around long enough to know that. You don't care if it doesn't stay in the SEC. Fine!
I hate Bama too, a lot. You have no argument to say that I l am a fan of the SEC more then of UT. That's silly.

I could only pick one team. I hate florida and I want another NC for the SEC. Oregon is not in the SEC are they fade, and florida isn't going to get it done.
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This is tough, Florida because it is better for the East, but even if TN beats Florida you have UGA and SC to contend with. So just straight up it has to be Bama, but agree with OP on the order.
Obviously it does....you've been around long enough to know that. You don't care if it doesn't stay in the SEC. Fine!
I hate Bama too, a lot. You have no argument to say that I l am a fan of the SEC more then of UT. That's silly.

I could only pick one team. I hate florida and I want another NC for the SEC. Oregon is not in the SEC are they fade, and florida isn't going to get it done.

I am usually SEC loyal, but I have to say I might root against Bama no matter who they play in the NC. I just hate to see another NC (three in a row).

Let me put this way if TN is Bama's only loss and that puts Bama out of the NC, that is just great. Who cares about SEC pride, beat Bama all day every day. That goes for anybody else too. You think LSU fans were feeling sorry for TN in the 2001 SEC champ game after they cost us a NC chance?
Florida. ... have and always will hate them more than bama,.. I wanted to wear the uniform just once,so I could go spear timmy in the chest when he wasnt expecting it..
You just don't cheer for Bama ever. You can wish other SEC teams well if you want in Bowl games, but never Bama. NO mercy when they were 3-9 10 years ago, no mercy.
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You just don't cheer for Bama ever. You can wish other SEC teams well if you want in Bowl games, but never Bama. NO mercy when they were 3-9 10 years ago, no mercy.

And I will tell you that it was enjoyable to bask in their misery. I would have picked another team if it was switched with bama but those were the three that were posted.

Also, there are just teams I hate more then bama...that's JMHO.
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Which team on our schedule this year would you be most excited for a win against?

In order for me:

1. Alabama (It would feel so good to knock them out of the NC hunt.)
2. Florida (It's been awhile)
3. Oregon (payback is a b***h!)

It's not my "little book" that defines a Vol fan but being college educated you should know that. Being someone who put in a lot of work for the Vols then you would know better than most that a true Vol fan would never pull for Alabama. And I have serious doubts that you ever did any actual work for the Vols or if you ever went to college for that matter so on top of being stupid you're also a liar, congrats.

a year in the band and three as a student trainer.

I understand your hatred to Alabama. I hate them too. I would rather anybody else in the sec win a NC. But they are getting it done lately. And it doesn't make me happy.

Thank you for this stimulating conversation.
43 years as fan not even close that washing powder team, why did bama and little nick name there football team after washing powders. I HATE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFING little bama:banghead2:.
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If we could only win one of the three games, then a win over florida would be better for UT. The gators are in the SEC and in the East.

This is why we need a dislike button. Sorry, I'll root for anyone over Bama. SEC Pride is something Vol fans have because thats all they have. We play in the best conference. Thats all we can say because we suck right now. But, rooting for Bama and Florida is stupid. Wake up.
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This is why we need a dislike button. Sorry, I'll root for anyone over Bama. SEC Pride is something Vol fans have because thats all they have. We play in the best conference. Thats all we can say because we suck right now. But, rooting for Bama and Florida is stupid. Wake up.

Vol fans? That's a broad statement huh. I have Tennessee pride, I pull for 1 team and 1 team only but even if someone else pulls for the SEC as a whole, what do you care?
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