Who would you rather beat?

Well, correlation of course implies causation, but it does not necessarily follow that SEC domination is the reason UT is down. There are other factors involved obviously, but please tell me how Alabama's dominance is good for UT.

I can just hear the recruits right now "Hey Papa, if I go to Tennessee, I will be able to receive a personal mudhole from the national champions for four straight years. The national champions! Where do I sign?"

I realize we actually are bringing in recruits (verbals) this year, but I fail to see how Alabama's dominance has anything to do with that. I think the reason can be attributed to a perfect storm of Butch doing all the right things to create excitement, excellent social media presence, and motivation from fellow recruits all snowballing to make UT a fashionable place to commit at the moment. It's beautiful to watch, and I hope Butch can keep it up long enough to result in actual signatures on February 5, 2014.

EDIT: In summation, there is never a reason to root for Alabama. F*** Alabama.

FTR, I'm not advocating for rooting for Alabama
Floridas national championship didn't prevent LSU from winning it. Nor did it prevent Alabama after that. Nor Auburn. Nor Alabama again.

All these SEC teams winning titles. The Big 10 has only had one dominant team in the past decade and they are what, 1-2 in the title game? If there's anyone hurting Tennessee's chances its the admin and the coaching decisions they've made.

It weak to wish the competition to fall to our level. We need to rise to our competition.

It is not weak, it is called a rivalry. So it makes sense to you to root for your HATED rival over a team you have no legitimate reason to hate? "Derp, ah hayt Notre Dame, roll tide! Jus this wonce though, har har *nudge nudge*"

This is not helping UT, which is the only institution I care about in this conference. You are delusional if you think the dominance of our rivals is somehow beneficial to our program. Let's stop riding the coattails of the teams we are supposed to hate, and pretending that their success makes us better than teams outside of the SEC. SEC pride is weak.
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Probably florida...i'm going to get flamed for this but I feel Alabama has the best chance to win the NC, again, and I would like to keep it in the SEC. Even if it means they get another one.

Get outta here you are not a VOL fan! bama every year and on Sundays too!!
It is not weak, it is called a rivalry. So it makes sense to you to root for your HATED rival over a team you have no legitimate reason to hate? "Derp, ah hayt Notre Dame, roll tide! Jus this wonce though, har har *nudge nudge*"

This is not helping UT, which is the only institution I care about in this conference. You are delusional if you think the dominance of our rivals is somehow beneficial to our program. Let's stop riding the coattails of the teams we are supposed to hate, and pretending that their success makes us better than teams outside of the SEC. SEC pride is weak.

Glad I'm not the only one who sees it this way.
The only way it helps us, is if we're beating that dominate sec team
It is not weak, it is called a rivalry. So it makes sense to you to root for your HATED rival over a team you have no legitimate reason to hate? "Derp, ah hayt Notre Dame, roll tide! Jus this wonce though, har har *nudge nudge*"

This is not helping UT, which is the only institution I care about in this conference. You are delusional if you think the dominance of our rivals is somehow beneficial to our program. Let's stop riding the coattails of the teams we are supposed to hate, and pretending that their success makes us better than teams outside of the SEC. SEC pride is weak.

Boise state dominates their conference but it doesn't do them much good in playing for national championships. Maybe if they played in a better conference it would. But at least they have the satisfaction of seeing their rivals get pummeled by other teams.
If I recall correctly, in games Tennessee lost since that time, they had a 4th quarter lead twice (2000, 2006)

That's pretty much my point. There are teams that UT always seems to play better than they should (Georgia comes to mind-it's usually closer than everyone thinks it will be) but Florida is the opposite-we get blown out looking stupid even in years we should have had a chance of keeping it close.
Even a coach that shall remain nameless that was here for one year knew that beating Florida was important.
That's pretty much my point. There are teams that UT always seems to play better than they should (Georgia comes to mind-it's usually closer than everyone thinks it will be) but Florida is the opposite-we get blown out looking stupid even in years we should have had a chance of keeping it close.
Even a coach that shall remain nameless that was here for one year knew that beating Florida was important.


i interpreted your post to mean that tennessee should have won several of those games, but just couldn't "finish them off".

i didn't understand that becayse tennessee has rarely been in a position to "finish them off"
If I had to pick one team, it would be hands down Vanderbilt. I can't take another offseason of listening to trash talk from my lifetime Vandy-fan best friend, who is also on the Bama bandwagon, and refers to the Crimson Tide and Vandy both as "we" in conversation.

I just can't stomach another loss to the pretentious douchebags in Nashville. EVER.
Anyone who would choose Florida over Bama is in desperate need of Vol history......and doesn't get it. Florida is a couple of decades annoyance, and probably has the worst fans in the SEC I'll grant........Alabama is a hundred year old inter-family grudge hate where you feel the need to spit after saying their name. Alabama hate is epic.....it is deep, and it means more because they have a epic program, WORTHY of being hated and our nemesis......I have a hard time hating the trailer park hooligans down in the swamp near as much as our arch nemesis. One foe is trash, the other is our epic century old foe, and two programs that were battling for national dominance before Florida Gators were on the map.
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Anyone who would choose Florida over Bama is in desperate need of Vol history......and doesn't get it. Florida is a couple of decades annoyance, and probably has the worst fans in the SEC I'll grant........Alabama is a hundred year old inter-family grudge hate where you feel the need to spit after saying their name. Alabama hate is epic.....it is deep, and it means more because they have a epic program, WORTHY of being hated and our nemesis......I have a hard time hating the trailer park hooligans down in the swamp near as much as our arch nemesis. One foe is trash, the other is our epic century old foe, and two programs that were battling for national dominance before Florida Gators were on the map.

The talk of Florida being some Johnny come lately gets dumber every year. For recruits, Florida has been relevant their entire lives, and it's not going to stop anytime soon.
Which team on our schedule this year would you be most excited for a win against?

In order for me:

1. Alabama (It would feel so good to knock them out of the NC hunt.)
2. Florida (It's been awhile)
3. Oregon (payback is a b***h!)

Florida because its been like 9 years... streak has to end now!!! then bama because nobody wants them to have three in a row. and everyone here hates alabama
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The talk of Florida being some Johnny come lately gets dumber every year. For recruits, Florida has been relevant their entire lives, and it's not going to stop anytime soon.

Florida Football starts with Spurrier.....TN and Bama have been legendary several times over that period. Even as good as the old ball coach was, they have never had a dynasty that compared to General Neyland or Bear Bryant. They are a "NEW" program comparatively speaking and didn't have a nat championship till 1996......no they're not a Johnny come lately...they're a Spurrier come lately, and it remains to be seen that they will continue to be a power in the SEC over the long haul...... Unless you mean a power for keeping parole officers employed. They do not have the tradition or pedigree of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Ole miss, etc all who have more championships and have been having them much longer.......they didn't become really relevant until Spurrier.... I'll be damned if a program that only became a significant power in the SEC the last few decades and had neither a national championship or even a conference or division championship until the 90's is going to be considered our nemesis.
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Florida Football starts with Spurrier.....TN and Bama have been legendary several times over that period. Even as good as the old ball coach was, they have never had a dynasty that compared to General Neyland or Bear Bryant. They are a "NEW" program comparatively speaking and didn't have a nat championship till 1996......no they're not a Johnny come lately...they're a Spurrier come lately, and it remains to be seen that they will continue to be a power in the SEC over the long haul...... Unless you mean a power for keeping parole officers employed. They do not have the tradition or pedigree of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Ole miss, etc all who have more championships and have been having them much longer.......they didn't become really relevant until Spurrier.... I'll be damned if a program that only became a significant power in the SEC the last few decades and had neither a national championship or even a conference or division championship until the 90's is going to be considered our nemesis.

Keep living in the past, and see what that gets you. Recruits don't care what happened 50 years ago, and neither do younger fans.

I'm sure UF fans are really upset they don't have the "tradition" of Ole Miss.
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Keep living in the past, and see what that gets you. Recruits don't care what happened 50 years ago, and neither do younger fans.

I'm sure UF fans are really upset they don't have the "tradition" of Ole Miss.
This is just stupid....and not even relevent

If we can get to a point to compete with Bama, Florida will take care of itself. Right now Georgia is a bigger threat in the SEC East then Florida.....speaking of living in the past...the 90's wants your Florida vs Tennessee decides the SEC paradigm back. If your worried about the east, then Georgia is the current Big game target....Spurrier and Meyer are gone... The reality is we are not really ready for Florida, Bama, Georgia etc....likely this year. But no matter how big the eastern conference games are once we do return to that level of play, Alabama is Tennessee's nemesis, not Florida......sorry that you don't like the traditions of the Tennessee Vols but a hundred year old tradition doesn't change, just because a few kids don't know the history.
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This is just stupid....and not even relevent

If we can get to a point to compete with Bama, Florida will take care of itself. Right now Georgia is a bigger threat in the SEC East then Florida.....speaking of living in the past...the 90's wants your Florida vs Tennessee decides the SEC paradigm back. If your worried about the east, then Georgia is the current Big game target....Spurrier and Meyer are gone... The reality is we are not really ready for Florida, Bama, Georgia etc....likely this year. But no matter how big the eastern conference games are once we do return to that level of play, Alabama is Tennessee's nemesis, not Florida......sorry that you don't like the traditions of the Tennessee Vols but a hundred year old tradition doesn't change, just because a few kids don't know the history.
This is just stupid....and not even relevent

If we can get to a point to compete with Bama, Florida will take care of itself. Right now Georgia is a bigger threat in the SEC East then Florida.....speaking of living in the past...the 90's wants your Florida vs Tennessee decides the SEC paradigm back. If your worried about the east, then Georgia is the current Big game target....Spurrier and Meyer are gone... The reality is we are not really ready for Florida, Bama, Georgia etc....likely this year. But no matter how big the eastern conference games are once we do return to that level of play, Alabama is Tennessee's nemesis, not Florida......sorry that you don't like the traditions of the Tennessee Vols but a hundred year old tradition doesn't change, just because a few kids don't know the history.

I don't even know what point your incoherent rambling post is trying to make, nor what you're even arguing. I not once said Florida was a bigger rival, I was arguing your silly notion that UF is a "Johnny come lately". You're the genius who acted like Ole Miss having "more tradition" than UF means anything at all.

And who said anything about it being the 90s anymore?
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Anyone who would choose Florida over Bama is in desperate need of Vol history......and doesn't get it. Florida is a couple of decades annoyance, and probably has the worst fans in the SEC I'll grant........Alabama is a hundred year old inter-family grudge hate where you feel the need to spit after saying their name. Alabama hate is epic.....it is deep, and it means more because they have a epic program, WORTHY of being hated and our nemesis......I have a hard time hating the trailer park hooligans down in the swamp near as much as our arch nemesis. One foe is trash, the other is our epic century old foe, and two programs that were battling for national dominance before Florida Gators were on the map.

Sorry pal. I was at UT before FU became anything other than an automatic win and a victory over Bama resulted in goalposts coming down and bread trucks being looted on the strip.

That was then.

Now, FU annually rubs our noses in the dung. Yes we have lost to Bama the last 6 straight, but most Bama fans I run into at least have a respect for our rivalry. Not so with Turds. To them we are not even worthy of scraping off their shoes.... I would pull for Al Queda over Florida... and I live on the Space Coast....
Boise state dominates their conference but it doesn't do them much good in playing for national championships. Maybe if they played in a better conference it would. But at least they have the satisfaction of seeing their rivals get pummeled by other teams.
This is the same ridiculous argument you guys always come up with. The SEC isn't going to suddenly become the WAC just because half the conference isn't ranked in the top 10.
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Missouri or Vandy are more reasonable wins, don't you think? How about we take em 1 at a time and focus on WK our next opponent.

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