Who would you rather beat?

The amount of elite recruits in the SEC alone makes the rebuilding job CBJ has to do that much harder.

True, but rebuilding in other conferences is useless cause they still don't seem to compare.

What I'm worried about is the buckeyes getting a nc shot now that they are off probation. They have a joke of a schedule and could go undefeated again. If they were off probation last year the SEC might not have even had a team in the NC
How can it be hands down for Florida? It's no question that AL is our biggest most historic rival. Buck Fama. Roll tide Roll down the toilet bowl.
Hard not to vote for bama, but I HATE the gators. I hope we knock the snot out of them lizards this year! Go VOLS!
If a top recruit is considering UT and Bama for the class of 2015, don't you think Bama's NC helps them more in recruiting this kid? Quite frankly, I could care less about keeping it in the SEC. I hate Bama, and I would be perfectly happy if they never won another game. I'm a fan of Tennessee more than the SEC.

This is the way I feel no allegiance to the SEC it is what it is....It will always be a great conference. I pulled for Louisville although Florida was the better team and didnt get up for the game because it was a downer for them and a big game for Louisville.
Bama, end of story. If this does happen, what are the odds that Harvey tries to poison the rock?

Probably not Harvey. He's gonna be preoccupied for awhile.

Wouldn't put it past the rest of the crimson knuckle dragging nation tho.
The OP's question is: Who would you rather beat? Not, Who would you rather beat so that Tennessee could position themselves to compete in the SEC champ game?

I get it, we're all excited, but Tennessee isn't good enough right now to be relevant.

Sooooo, I would rather beat Alabama. Not only would it be a milestone win for the resurgence of UT, it would damage their hopes of getting to the BCS title game. I also hate Alabama with every fiber of my being.

Oregon? Meh, so what, they got good and we played them a couple of times when we were in the dumps. Means nothing.

Florida? Yeah, I'd love to beat them and I'm tired of making them look like world beaters when they aren't. Bottom line, a win against Alabama is that much sweeter.
Alabama. Every single time. Always and forever.

Please give up this SEC pride nonsense. This period of SEC domination has been the lowest period in UT football history. Wake up.
Here's a better question. Would you rather

A.) Tennessee go 7-5 with wins against Florida and Auburn and an ass beating from Alabama.


B.) Tennessee go 6-6 with a win against Alabama and close losses to Florida and Auburn?
Oregon. 97% probability we will win our firs two games. A win over the ducks would set a tone for the whole season and be the biggest motivator for our team. This would be big!:peace2:
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True, but rebuilding in other conferences is useless cause they still don't seem to compare.

What I'm worried about is the buckeyes getting a nc shot now that they are off probation. They have a joke of a schedule and could go undefeated again. If they were off probation last year the SEC might not have even had a team in the NC
I would love to be in Ohio State's position. When we had our run in the 90s the SEC was nowhere near where it is today. We played 1-2 great teams and a handful of decent ones. We never went in to the season having to face five preseason top 10 teams.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
This is really a tough one. Oregon is definitely a distant third. One the one hand, upsetting Alabama would be huge for our program and would gain national attention. However, I intensely hate the Gators and beating them would let me finally shut up my gator friends and put us in a better position in the SEC-East.

Can't make up my mind - I'm fine with either. Let's get a least one of these victories!
Florida. I know the Bama rivalry, but I still envision that game being the deciding factor in the east. I know GA and USCe have come along way, but I still go back to the 90's mentality of beat the Gators and you control your destiny.
Bama, gotta be Bama. I just have this fiery hatrid for them deep in the pit of my stomach which makes me angry. I don't even know why, aside from the fact that I am a Vols fan, I have never even met a CT fan!

If we beat Bama this year, you guys will literally be able to hear me screaming in Knoxville.
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This again?


Turds... hands down. Even though I am old school and went to UT when Bama was a real rivalry, beating the turds gives us a chance at the SECCG. If we lose to them, more than likely we are done. Losing to Bama is not the end of the world in that respect.
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