WHUT!!!? "Hatred in the Hills"

Well, that's uncalled for. Show me a history book that refers to Knoxville as the Marble City. As a matter of fact, show me anyone that commonly refers to Knoxville as the Marble City.

How sad the state of an older generation thinking they are better than a younger generation because they never had any new-fangled electronic devices.

Isn't it past your bedtime, grampa?

A bottle of lotion and your "hand held device" and you're in heaven, right sonny?
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I've never heard that but I like it.

I don't mind a game having a name, that's OK. But for Wikipedia to suddenly, 2 days before an article about rivalries appears in Saturday Down South, to have a name no one ever has heard of, and the only wiki reference is to a Candy site called Anchor Down, only further greatly diminishes the original Wiki concept as a credible source of information (I know, like haha ROLTFLMAO anyway, right) and can only point toward the collusion or outright fabrication of Wiki data by Saturday Down South.

The preposterousness of the assertion by SDS of a named rivalry between Tennessee and Vanderbilt can only mean there is no real fact checking policy in place at SDS or they don't mind their sports writers chewing up toilet paper and throwing at the ceiling to see what sticks, even to the point of trying to "make" (stupid sounding, to me anyway, just plain goofy) a name by anonymously editing the Wikipedia reference.

Through their recent lack of fact checking, Saturday Down South has shown themselves to be as useless as tits on a boar hog for football facts.
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A bottle of lotion and your "hand held device" and you're in heaven, right sonny?

It's your daughter's lotion, old timer. She wanted me to ask about your hip surgery and remind you that she taped Matlock for you on the VCR for when you get back to the nursing home.
Actually you are the one misinformed. The history books used in our education system over the last twenty years have been modified to promote liberal fantasies. The high school history books of today completely omit the roles of Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, and Pope John Paul II in promoting freedom for all of Eastern Europe. They ignore the end of the Cold War.

And now we have Communist Core being promoted.

I find it more likely that the lack of school funding in Tennessee makes it hard to find books published after 1990.
I've done it twice. Freak's a busy dude. Also, if he makes me keep my name, it might keep others from creating names after coaches, so it actually benefits him more to not let me change it.:ermm:

Just let him know you are a four star poster and not some preferred walk-on.:dance:

Edit: It would be funnier if he left you with it. It is your scarlett letter, similar to Lane Kiffin naming his son Knox.
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It's hardly worth mentioning when people over 60 identify with one-another due to having been born further back than the majority of those participating in the conversation. I'm 63, also, and I find that age doesn't separate me anymore than other matters from people with whom I hold conversations. What we older ones have in common is that we're irrefutably closer to death. For those who're younger and possess the delusion that being "old" comes replete with the nuances of bragging about what 'young'uns' couldn't possibly know due to youth, is just a reverse rendition of 'agism.' For you youngsters who manage to survive long enough to become old, rest assured you'll also hold membership in the fraternity of those closer to death. Personally, I pray equally for us all.
It's your daughter's lotion, old timer. She wanted me to ask about your hip surgery and remind you that she taped Matlock for you on the VCR for when you get back to the nursing home.

It's your daughter's lotion, old timer. She wanted me to ask about your hip surgery and remind you that she taped Matlock for you on the VCR for when you get back to the nursing home.

Feared of gettin old, eh, sonny? Speak up now! Us "grandpas" get tired o' havin' to point our earhorns at you young'uns.
If anyone actually needed proof of how irrelevant the UT-VU rivalry is, take notice of the first three pages of this thread...

...it discusses the nickname of Knoxville rather than the topic of this thread.
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While certainly the nickname has faded into oblivion, 90 years ago that was Knoxville's identity. Old folks who live south of the river probably have more of a chance of remembering that.
As I posted regarding another article, "Hatred in the Hills" sounds more like a new Hatfields and McCoys documentary instead of the Vols-Commode Doors game.
Seems like with almost 100 years of history passing since your 1926 reference that "rivalry" phrase would be commonly used. I have never heard it either and I am also an alumnus. I am also a man, I'm 40.

No offense, but I sure am glad we didn't hire you.
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Dang....some of yaw need some new friends. I've lived in Nashville all my life and I dont know any vandy fans. As far as running accros em thats rare too. About the only time I hear about em is when I turn on the radio or log into VN.

You must not get out much.
I've done it twice. Freak's a busy dude. Also, if he makes me keep my name, it might keep others from creating names after coaches, so it actually benefits him more to not let me change it.:ermm:

I don't remember, or I'm not getting your emails. Try again. I don't mind changing it for you.
That "nickname" has been taken down from wikipedia. They do fact check after all. :)
Ok, it's in the Saturday Down South 'Bestest Rivalries Ever You Did See' article already referenced,...BUT I'm 63 and I've never, ever heard the Volunteer/comodedoor game called that. Not once ever.

So, I google it and guess what...It ONLY comes up in Wikipedia, AND 2 days ago an annonymous user edited it.

If ever I've seen something stoooopid this has to top them all.

Saturday Down South just became a non-entity for me.

That was a first for me too for that nickname. It's kind of cool, but Tennessee-Vanderbilt is not exactly a big rivalry historically since they are usually so pathetic
I've done it twice. Freak's a busy dude. Also, if he makes me keep my name, it might keep others from creating names after coaches, so it actually benefits him more to not let me change it.:ermm:
email sent to the grand poobah on your behalf. :devilsmoke:
It's your daughter's lotion, old timer. She wanted me to ask about your hip surgery and remind you that she taped Matlock for you on the VCR for when you get back to the nursing home.
That's a little harsh marblecityVol. :p
You must not get out much.

Married with one child. We usually eat out once a week. We like places either in east Nash, Opry Mills, Hendersonville, or Cool Springs area. The closest I go to down town is the Guerst Haus. Dont like crossing the river. Maybe thats how I avoid em.

VN Store
