Why are you here?

Why do you interact in the PF?

  • I want to learn why others think they way they do.

    Votes: 48 42.9%
  • I want to persuade others to my view.

    Votes: 13 11.6%
  • I enjoy defending my views.

    Votes: 20 17.9%
  • I enjoy arguing.

    Votes: 30 26.8%
  • I like to attack/defend my party.

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • I learn about events of the world here.

    Votes: 31 27.7%
  • I come here to hone my debate or logic skills.

    Votes: 16 14.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • This is the worst poll ever in the history of VN; even worse than you last poll which held the recor

    Votes: 31 27.7%

  • Total voters
I like watching defenders of the two party system argue about how their side is “better” than the other. It’s sad, pathetic and often funny to watch their verbal gymnastics as they apologize for their side’s issues while criticizing the other for those same issues.
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Reactions: AM64 and McDad
I am usually here because I like calling people on their bad arguments. I dont care as much about what they are arguing as much as I care how they are arguing it.

America is pretty lacking in its ability to engage in this manner. I can talk/argue with some good friends like i do here, but cant get that interaction from family or coworkers or strangers for that matter without stretching acceptable societal standards.

I know i wont convince someone that X is wrong or that they shouldnt believe X. Instead i try to get people to see that their own reasoning behind X is not as solid as they might think. A lot of that is picked up thru social osmosis, where people mostly regurgitate what they hear without knowing the reasons behind it. Both parties are built on that single fact. So I dont try to get them to defend their stance, which just makes them defensive, I try to get them to explain it, and hopefully let them see the holes in their knowledge. The hope being that once they see the flaws, they do their own research on the why behind their stance. That way they can either change their own mind if they actually look up the reasoning, most dont even bother to look it up, or they can come back with the same stance but have the real arguments behind it

At which point it is a much more worthwhile discussion. However, I have found that the PF acts as a collective. If I am arguing with one righty/leftist and call out their bad argument that often another righy/leftist will step in to fill the void in the first's argument.

While that speeds up the argument process, it defeats the purpose of my arguing to let others self educate. Once someone else steps in to help, the first person rarely takes it as a moment to learn.
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Reactions: Septic and McDad
Additional choice: to add facts to the discussion and educate others. I think the best thing sites like this can do is educate people on the facts so they can make up their own minds. Doing this w/o facts is counterproductive
I am curious about the motivation/intent behind why you (like me) contribute to the PF. Votes are anonymous. Vote for all that apply.
I voted “other” because I am still undecided. The comedy at times, can be pure PF gold. If someone disagrees with my takes, well too fkn bad.
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Reactions: AM64 and McDad
I am usually here because I like calling people on their bad arguments. I dont care as much about what they are arguing as much as I care how they are arguing it.

America is pretty lacking in its ability to engage in this manner. I can talk/argue with some good friends like i do here, but cant get that interaction from family or coworkers or strangers for that matter without stretching acceptable societal standards.

I know i wont convince someone that X is wrong or that they shouldnt believe X. Instead i try to get people to see that their own reasoning behind X is not as solid as they might think. A lot of that is picked up thru social osmosis, where people mostly regurgitate what they hear without knowing the reasons behind it. Both parties are built on that single fact. So I dont try to get them to defend their stance, which just makes them defensive, I try to get them to explain it, and hopefully let them see the holes in their knowledge. The hope being that once they see the flaws, they do their own research on the why behind their stance. That way they can either change their own mind if they actually look up the reasoning, most dont even bother to look it up, or they can come back with the same stance but have the real arguments behind it

At which point it is a much more worthwhile discussion. However, I have found that the PF acts as a collective. If I am arguing with one righty/leftist and call out their bad argument that often another righy/leftist will step in to fill the void in the first's argument.

While that speeds up the argument process, it defeats the purpose of my arguing to let others self educate. Once someone else steps in to help, the first person rarely takes it as a moment to learn.

Well, we certainly know you aren't here for the brevity...

Or @marcusluvsvols
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Reactions: AM64 and ajvol01

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