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  • I want to learn why others think they way they do.

    Votes: 48 42.9%
  • I want to persuade others to my view.

    Votes: 13 11.6%
  • I enjoy defending my views.

    Votes: 20 17.9%
  • I enjoy arguing.

    Votes: 30 26.8%
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    Votes: 31 27.7%
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    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • This is the worst poll ever in the history of VN; even worse than you last poll which held the recor

    Votes: 31 27.7%

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DW upping their capacity to 35% in the midst of the increasing covid numbers. Yet Disneyland is still closed. Found that interesting.
Somebody has to be generating some revenue to feed Mickey and his entourage.
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Comic relief is necessary. I always get a good laugh at some of the opinions and that some people actually believe the đź’© they are spewing. Simply amazing.
Self awareness can be liberating. You might look into it sometime.
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Somebody has to be generating some revenue to feed Mickey's entourage.

Can’t wait to see The Hall of Presidents after Biden is inserted. Trump will be giving “his” monologue and Biden will pipe in, “oh shut up, man!”
What are you gonna do when Biden is president and he doesn't show his face for 2 months? Personally I'm hoping that CNN and MSNBC and NBC and CBS and ABC all go bankrupt.
Luther will follow Joe’s lead. He’ll pop in before lunch and call a lid.
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Wayne Knight and the smarmy characters he plays will be inexorably linked to how I see you in my own mind. Should we ever meet and you are not "Newman", I will be very sad.

McDad meets LG:


LG departs:

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At my age, I just hope to wake up the next morning.
Since this time change I am hitting the hay at 9pm and waking up at 4am. Bonus is I watched the first half of last weeks game when we were pounding the ball. Woke up at 4 am to well that sucked, glad I did not witness it.
I'm just looking for inside information on the Proud Boys. Don't see anything here. Bout to take a nap.
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No joke, this has become my news source.

I dont watch tv news and much of what I read online is from links I see on here.

Many of the links are alternate facts and conspiratorial in nature. The more people turn away from MSM the less informed of truth they become
No joke, this has become my news source.

I dont watch tv news and much of what I read online is from links I see on here.

Pretty much this. Tho admittedly I am a nerd at heart and read nearly anything that gets near me...lots about science and history on the daily. Will probably never help me or anyone one bit in real life....but unless you are Ken Jennings, chances are I will slay you in Jeopardy or any other game where pointless trivia results in victory. I am slam full of useless information that has absolutely nothing to do with my profession, religion, family or hobbies.

Yeah..doesn't make sense to me, either.
I come here to post drunk and wake up the next morning with trepidation wondering what did I post.

Ah...the "Ape method". Knew there was a reason I kinda liked you. I miss Ape when he isn't around....

I'm here for the nudez.

Careful. If McDiggity gets your email, well....I will just let you figure that one out on your own like everyone else. Hes not shy...
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Other. Rednecks I understand. I am interested in why intelligent people would support what we have had in the WH for 4 years and especially with his latest behavior. and there are some very smart people on here.
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