Why count our losses beforehand/Believe! (Merged)

Considering that those seven games included a game against the eventual National Champion and three more against teams that finished the year in the top 10, those stats are pretty impressive IMO. I swear people's expectations are so unrealistic sometimes.

If you dont expect better numbers from our QB you might want to start liking 6 or 7 win seasons. I swear some peoples expectations are way too low sometimes. Youre acting like the man hung the moon and all im saying is, his attitude didnt help his team win ball games. He was a good QB, just a poor excuse for a leader IMO.
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If you dont expect better numbers from our QB you might want to start liking 6 or 7 win seasons. I swear some peoples expectations are way too low sometimes. Youre acting like the man hung the moon and all im saying is, his attitude didnt help his team win ball games. He was a good QB, just a poor excuse for a leader IMO.

Considering the example his coach set, what could we really expect? It's kind of unfair to expect great leadership from an 18-20 year old when the fully grown man coaching him is an utter imbecile who passed the blame at every opportunity.
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Wait a minute. You're mad at folks for basing opinions on last year's team but then say, "...I'm cautiously optimistic about this season....we were in a lot of games we lost"

Aren't you basing your opinion on the fact that we played people close, ahem, LAST YEAR?
The point is that BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS....not mine....of judging by past performances, how can you call it a loss when those teams barely got away with a win over a team that had the worst defense in UT history?

That defense was not because of a lack of talent. Most of the players from the 2011 team returned, and again, they had much better statistics than Sunseri's defense. Some of you claim that the defense was slow....uh, yeah? When you are not clear on your assignment and confused, you are most definitely going to look slow.

Have you ever heard coaches say "We want our players to not have to think so much and just go out and play fast?" Dooley bringing in a career position coach and switching to a 3-4 scheme was an unmitigated disaster. THAT is why we were 5-7. Not because we had no talent. Not because our players are slow.

Knowing that both of those jokers are gone, why can't you give your team the benefit of the doubt?
I got a novel idea. How about instead of making a prediction...you instead say that you don't know? Hmmm? Which do you think is more realistic? That you DO NOT know (cause you actually don't)? Or that you're just predicting a pattern under a different coach?

Everybody on here posts that they have no idea how the season unfolds, what they think, and no predictions.
Yeah, that would make for some exciting reading. Eighty % of the fun of reading this board is the outlandish, unpredictable, unqualified, best guess, rumor mongering posts our fans write. The other 20% is reading Deer Parks facts.
Considering the example his coach set, what could we really expect? It's kind of unfair to expect great leadership from an 18-20 year old when the fully grown man coaching him is an utter imbecile who passed the blame at every opportunity.

We agree!

He still had a poor attitude though. :p
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The point is that BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS....not mine....of judging by past performances, how can you call it a loss when those teams barely got away with a win over a team that had the worst defense in UT history?

That defense was not because of a lack of talent. Most of the players from the 2011 team returned, and again, they had much better statistics than Sunseri's defense. Some of you claim that the defense was slow....uh, yeah? When you are not clear on your assignment and confused, you are most definitely going to look slow.

Have you ever heard coaches say "We want our players to not have to think so much and just go out and play fast?" Dooley bringing in a career position coach and switching to a 3-4 scheme was an unmitigated disaster. THAT is why we were 5-7. Not because we had no talent. Not because our players are slow.Knowing that both of those jokers are gone, why can't you give your team the benefit of the doubt?

You must have been watching another team. Ive agreed with you for the most part, but come on man, we've had some slow mofo's in our secondary for sure.
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We agree!

He still had a poor attitude though. :p

At times yes, but unlike some on this site (not necessarily you) I'm not going to hold that too much against a guy who was barely 20 years old, got dealt a pretty crappy hand here and had coaches with no idea of what real leadership was.
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At times yes, but unlike some on this site (not necessarily you) I'm not going to hold that too much against a guy who was barely 20 years old, got dealt a pretty crappy hand here and had coaches with no idea of what real leadership was.

I knew eventually we would see eye to eye. No doubt the cards were stacked against him. Like I said, thought he was a good QB with a whole lot of "dont give a crap" attitude. I agree he got it honest.
I predict a NegaVol versus Sunshine pumper fight.

Also Vols go 8-4 or 9-3

Spot on! I agree with your prediction as well.:rock:
"Fan" is short for "fanatic".
Fanatics think you CAN ALWAYS WIN.
Fanatics don't give a fat rats azz about reality.(they're fanatics!!).
Therefore if you give a fat rats azz about reality you are not a "fan".
If you want to be a realist (and impress with your superior intellect and powers of deduction) rather than a fan, I feel sorry for you.
If you're a pseudo intellectual;who I feel sorry for, you are most likely a closet Vandy fan and should reevaluate your entire life.
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The point is that BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS....not mine....of judging by past performances, how can you call it a loss when those teams barely got away with a win over a team that had the worst defense in UT history?

That defense was not because of a lack of talent. Most of the players from the 2011 team returned, and again, they had much better statistics than Sunseri's defense. Some of you claim that the defense was slow....uh, yeah? When you are not clear on your assignment and confused, you are most definitely going to look slow.

Have you ever heard coaches say "We want our players to not have to think so much and just go out and play fast?" Dooley bringing in a career position coach and switching to a 3-4 scheme was an unmitigated disaster. THAT is why we were 5-7. Not because we had no talent. Not because our players are slow.

Knowing that both of those jokers are gone, why can't you give your team the benefit of the doubt?

I've made no predictions...but if I were going to...and I'm not...It would have a lot more basis in the offense than the defense. We have a great O-line. We might have a good D-line. Pretty much everything else is up in the air. We don't know who the QB will be. We don't know if the RB's will be better than they have been in the past. We don't know if we can cover anybody in the back half. We don't know who will be starting at WR or how the TE position will look.

If someone predicts a 5 or 6 win season, based on our schedule, you don't have to like it, but it certainly isn't impossible. Like wise if someone wants to go 8-9 wins, fine by me, could happen I s'pose. How about 10-12 wins, hey I appreciate the optimism. I'm certainly not gonna pull anybodys "Fan Card" over message board predictions. Good grief!

I did all of that without once mentioning last season. Go back two seasons, fine by me. That D didn't give up points, but they weren't getting sacks, or turnovers either.

The only prediction I'll make is I doubt we'll have 14 players on the field with the game on the line.
The point is that BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS....not mine....of judging by past performances, how can you call it a loss when those teams barely got away with a win over a team that had the worst defense in UT history?

That defense was not because of a lack of talent. Most of the players from the 2011 team returned, and again, they had much better statistics than Sunseri's defense. Some of you claim that the defense was slow....uh, yeah? When you are not clear on your assignment and confused, you are most definitely going to look slow.

Have you ever heard coaches say "We want our players to not have to think so much and just go out and play fast?" Dooley bringing in a career position coach and switching to a 3-4 scheme was an unmitigated disaster. THAT is why we were 5-7. Not because we had no talent. Not because our players are slow.

Knowing that both of those jokers are gone, why can't you give your team the benefit of the doubt?

The man does make some good points, I like his attitude and the way he deals with all the negavols out there! Nobody thought Bruce would do what he did, especially in the early years, with little talent. Bottom line, BUTCH GETS IT, players have bought into the system, and most fans are more excited about Tennessee football than I have seen in years! Come on guys, enjoy the ride and support the team whether we go 12-0, 0-12, or something in between. The coaches and the players have EARNED nothing less ... Let's go smoke some gator meat!!! GBO!!!!!!!! :rock::rock::rock:
At times yes, but unlike some on this site (not necessarily you) I'm not going to hold that too much against a guy who was barely 20 years old, got dealt a pretty crappy hand here and had coaches with no idea of what real leadership was.

No real offense meant but you are really lacking in football knowledge and have an extremely pessimistic attitude. I would say I just defined a NEGAVOL! Thank you for your fine example.
What we've seen so far is that Butch Jones "gets it" and has been able to sell UT football to some talented HS athletes, at least in terms of verbal commits.

So one of the more fascinating aspects of the coming season is this. Can CBJ fire up the current players as he has the fan base and the HS prospects? Can he inspire them to give 110%, as the old cliche goes? Over the past 3 years, it became obvious that the more time players spent around Derek Dooley, the less they wanted to play football for him. Can Jones, by dint of will power, personality, and self-confidence, mold a team whose players will go through a wall for him?

As others have pointed out on this thread, we'll be lucky to win half our games, considering how much we lost on offense and how little team speed we have. So the question becomes, if our new coach can change UT's mental attitude, instill confidence and the expectation to win, into how many wins does it translate? 3-4? 1-2? None?
Chickens come before eggs! I'll just count our wins, oh we haven't won any yet. There you go, we have no wins nor any loses! Not a bad season so far.
No real offense meant but you are really lacking in football knowledge and have an extremely pessimistic attitude. I would say I just defined a NEGAVOL! Thank you for your fine example.

Explain how exactly it's being negative to point out the fact that Dooley was an idiotic douche who was completely devoid of any leadership abilities and that I'm not going to hold a lack of leadership against Bray given the pathetic excuse of an example his head coach set.
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Explain how exactly it's being negative to point out the fact that Dooley was an idiotic douche who was completely devoid of any leadership abilities and that I'm not going to hold a lack of leadership against Bray given the pathetic excuse of an example his head coach set.

Not that I disagree with you but that sounds pretty negative lol. Certianly not positive.
Not that I disagree with you but that sounds pretty negative lol. Certianly not positive.

If there were even so much as one positive thing to say about Dooley's coaching tenure, I would say it. Sadly for all of us, that simply isn't the case. All I'm saying is that I'm not going to rip a 20 year old kid to shreds over his lack of leadership, which some on here have, when basically all he was exposed to on a daily basis within the UT football program was a complete jackass essentially writing the book on how not to lead and pass blame off to anyone and everyone around him, all while basically robbing the University of Tennessee of $11M.
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If there were even so much as one positive thing to say about Dooley's coaching tenure, I would say it. Sadly for all of us, that simply isn't the case. All I'm saying is that I'm not going to rip a 20 year old kid to shreds over his lack of leadership, which some on here have, when basically all he was exposed to on a daily basis within the UT football program was a complete jackass essentially writing the book on how not to lead and pass blame off to anyone and everyone around him, all while basically robbing the University of Tennessee of $11M.

I'm with you :good!:
Trying to figure out which games on the schedule we might lose is a huge step up from last year, when we were counting on one hand the number of games we might win.

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