Why did Hannity and Ingraham urge that Trump step in to calm the rioters, but now minimize it?



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
This is really hard to fathom.

“Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol,” Hannity texted Meadows, according to the phone records obtained by the committee.

“Mark, president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy,” Ingraham texted Meadows, the phone record show.

Hannity on Monday night made no reference to the text messages he sent Meadows on Jan. 6.

Ingraham also did not acknowledge the text messages she sent to Meadows during her show that immediately follows Hannity's.

Kilmeade also texted Meadows on Jan. 6, pleading with the chief of staff, “Please get him on TV," referring to Trump. "Destroying everything you have accomplished.”

Clearly, they were trying to appeal to Trump's ego to get him to step in by saying it was hurting his mage. But the fact that they now minimize what went on is just appalling. And they don't even acknowledge their texts or try to explain the inconsistency between their attitude then versus now?

Nothing will happen to them and they didn't do anything wrong at the time. But the insistence of Fox in general and those two in particular in downplaying it now is just ridiculous at every level. 'fess up, it was a big frickin deal, it was bad, really bad, and everyone knows it.
This is really hard to fathom.

Clearly, they were trying to appeal to Trump's ego to get him to step in by saying it was hurting his mage. But the fact that they now minimize what went on is just appalling. And they don't even acknowledge their texts or try to explain the inconsistency between their attitude then versus now?

Nothing will happen to them and they didn't do anything wrong at the time. But the insistence of Fox in general and those two in particular in downplaying it now is just ridiculous at every level. 'fess up, it was a big frickin deal, it was bad, really bad, and everyone knows it.

There is already a thread for this, insufferable one
“Mark, president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy,” Ingraham texted Meadows,

Isn’t this basically what CNN just canned one of their pundits for?
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Wait, I thought it was trafficking minors. It’s hard to keep up with at present.

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This is really hard to fathom.

Clearly, they were trying to appeal to Trump's ego to get him to step in by saying it was hurting his mage. But the fact that they now minimize what went on is just appalling. And they don't even acknowledge their texts or try to explain the inconsistency between their attitude then versus now?

Nothing will happen to them and they didn't do anything wrong at the time. But the insistence of Fox in general and those two in particular in downplaying it now is just ridiculous at every level. 'fess up, it was a big frickin deal, it was bad, really bad, and everyone knows it.

Appalling? Ridiculous? Should Sean and Laura be fired by FOX?
Appalling? Ridiculous? Should Sean and Laura be fired by FOX?

They ought to admit that the insurrection was a disaster for the country and for Trump and that Trump should not have promoted it and sgpuld have acted quickly once ot was clear what was happening to stop it.

They should acknowledge their own messages at the time of the subject.
I'm struggling to see how it's bad for them? Seems to me that they had a back channel and were trying to use it to appeal to the administration to do the right thing.
It makes them appear disingenuous. Those text messages are not consistent with what they have been saying on the air. Both Hannity and Ingraham have downplayed the damage caused by the rioters. They have blamed the mainstream media for supposedly blowing the Capitol incursion out of proportion. However, those texts make it clear that they were both well aware of the violence and vandalism that was taking place at the Capitol, and they felt a sense of urgency was needed in order to stop it.
They ought to admit that the insurrection was a disaster for the country and for Trump and that Trump should not have promoted it and sgpuld have acted quickly once ot was clear what was happening to stop it.

They should acknowledge their own messages at the time of the subject.

They don't need to "admit" anything. They weren't involved.
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I thought it was sexual harassment.

Or was that someone else at CNN? There's so many firings over there as of late, it's hard to keep track of who did what.
Could be any of those things. I haven’t ever gotten the point of following the rankings and internal drama at cable news channels like they’re sports teams. Seems like a symptom of a hollow existence.

I thought his brother was the governor who was sexually harassing people and he was offering him advice on how to shape the media narrative. That seems pretty similar to this.
Could be any of those things. I haven’t ever gotten the point of following the rankings and internal drama at cable news channels like they’re sports teams.

I thought his brother was the governor who was sexually harassing people and he was offering him advice on how to shape the media narrative. That seems pretty similar to this.

I think a key distinction was Cuomo was beating the bushes with other media people to get a heads up of new allegations coming so he could feed them to his brother AND was doing oppo research on the accusers to discredit them.
They ought to admit that the insurrection was a disaster for the country and for Trump and that Trump should not have promoted it and sgpuld have acted quickly once ot was clear what was happening to stop it.

They should acknowledge their own messages at the time of the subject.

How about all the "journalists" that pushed the Russiagate farce?
They ought to admit that the insurrection was a disaster for the country and for Trump and that Trump should not have promoted it and sgpuld have acted quickly once ot was clear what was happening to stop it.

They should acknowledge their own messages at the time of the subject.
It makes them appear disingenuous. Those text messages are not consistent with what they have been saying on the air. Both Hannity and Ingraham have downplayed the damage caused by the rioters. They have blamed the mainstream media for supposedly blowing the Capitol incursion out of proportion. However, those texts make it clear that they were both well aware of the violence and vandalism that was taking place at the Capitol, and they felt a sense of urgency was needed in order to stop it.
They don't need to "admit" anything. They weren't involved.
On the subject of the January 6th Capitol incursion, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham have displayed a flippant tone, while being dismissive of the entire event. They have insisted that it was mostly just a harmless and peaceful protest. Their tone and tenor was much different in those texts to Mark Meadows.
It makes them appear disingenuous. Those text messages are not consistent with what they have been saying on the air. Both Hannity and Ingraham have downplayed the damage caused by the rioters. They have blamed the mainstream media for supposedly blowing the Capitol incursion out of proportion. However, those texts make it clear that they were both well aware of the violence and vandalism that was taking place at the Capitol, and they felt a sense of urgency was needed in order to stop it.
I'll depend on your interpretation because I wouldn't watch either one of them if my life depended on it lol. Can't they have it both ways though; in the moment encouraging the President to calm a situation they didn't quite understand before it possibly got out of control while in hindsight saying that it wasn't some coordinated attack on democracy?
It makes them appear disingenuous. Those text messages are not consistent with what they have been saying on the air. Both Hannity and Ingraham have downplayed the damage caused by the rioters. They have blamed the mainstream media for supposedly blowing the Capitol incursion out of proportion. However, those texts make it clear that they were both well aware of the violence and vandalism that was taking place at the Capitol, and they felt a sense of urgency was needed in order to stop it.

They are disingenuous just like 99% of their peers at Fox and all of the other networks.
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I'll depend on your interpretation because I wouldn't watch either one of them if my life depended on it lol. Can't they have it both ways though; encouraging the President to calm a situation they didn't quite understand before it got out of control while in hindsight saying that it wasn't some coordinated attack on democracy?

being flippant is in comparison to acting as if this was a serious attempt to overthrow the government and the worst attack against democracy since...yada, yada, yada

almost every media take on the event has been an exercise in extremes.

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