Why did Hannity and Ingraham urge that Trump step in to calm the rioters, but now minimize it?

Could be any of those things. I haven’t ever gotten the point of following the rankings and internal drama at cable news channels like they’re sports teams. Seems like a symptom of a hollow existence.

I thought his brother was the governor who was sexually harassing people and he was offering him advice on how to shape the media narrative. That seems pretty similar to this.

You and LG are the attorneys here , is it the same ? Is it really the same as using your media connections to help your Governor brother intimidate a sexual harassment victim ? Smh
being flippant is in comparison to acting as if this was a serious attempt to overthrow the government and the worst attack against democracy since...yada, yada, yada

almost every media take on the event has been an exercise in extremes.
Exactly. Didn't most of us at the time think "Wow . . . this might get ugly" then after the fact roll our eyes at the narrative that this was a coordinated coup attempt?

Let's be honest, the Trump administration wasn't organized enough at the end to coordinate jack. Then Trump saw a friendly crowd and his ego kept him from calming the situation.
You and LG are the attorneys here , is it the same ? Is it really the same as using your media connections to help your Governor brother intimidate a sexual harassment victim ? Smh

I'll summarize his forthcoming word-salad.

"Yes by gosh it is the same"
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On the subject of the January 6th Capitol incursion, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham have displayed a flippant tone, while being dismissive of the entire event. They have insisted that it was mostly just a harmless and peaceful protest. Their tone and tenor was much different in those texts to Mark Meadows.

It was one of many protests back then. The violent ones were idiots and deserve prosecution. Trump probably should have said something sooner that night but that doesn't involve me. A year later I no longer care. I'm moving on. Haters want to ruin his legacy. I don't care about his legacy
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726 people have been charged with a crime for their participation in the January 6th Capitol incursion. It's quite a list.

Capitol Violence | Federal Bureau of Investigation
726 people have been charged with a crime for their participation in the January 6th Capitol incursion. It's quite a list.

Capitol Violence | Federal Bureau of Investigation

Yeah, here's the list of the "charges." Many, dare say the majority of them are complete ********.

Capitol Breach Cases
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Odd only 113 caught charges for the Minnesota riots..604 arrested...

Strange more were charged in DC with large difference in deaths, beatings and property damage....

Because those in power don't like it when the serfs push back.
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I think a key distinction was Cuomo was beating the bushes with other media people to get a heads up of new allegations coming so he could feed them to his brother AND was doing oppo research on the accusers to discredit them.

Ok. So fired for bad behavior, not some sort of corporate standard of detachment. That’s a fair distinction.
oh i am SURE no liberal pundits or Biden advisers (but I repeat myself) frantically texted Biden during the Afghan DEBACLE imploring him to leave adequate troops on the ground until we got our people out but now turn around and happily say that Biden did the withdrawal well. Are you REALLY so naive to understand that what an adviser tells a politician in private is usually diametrically opposed to what they say in public statements? You think anyone on Fox, CNN, or anywhere else is going to go on air and say “My guy really screwed THAT ONE up didn’t he? I guarantee you hundreds of people at the Pentagon, State Department, Congress, and in the White House staff were BEGGING Biden to do something about Afghanistan but are unwilling to come clean with that fact now. Would you????
oh i am SURE no liberal pundits or Biden advisers (but I repeat myself) frantically texted Biden during the Afghan DEBACLE imploring him to leave adequate troops on the ground until we got our people out but now turn around and happily say that Biden did the withdrawal well. Are you REALLY so naive to understand that what an adviser tells a politician in private is usually diametrically opposed to what they say in public statements? You think anyone on Fox, CNN, or anywhere else is going to go on air and say “My guy really screwed THAT ONE up didn’t he? I guarantee you hundreds of people at the Pentagon, State Department, Congress, and in the White House staff were BEGGING Biden to do something about Afghanistan but are unwilling to come clean with that fact now. Would you????

Biden got universally roasted in the media for Afghanistan and people at the Pentagon have literally gone on record saying that they didn’t agree with him on various aspects of the withdrawal. Maybe you meant to pick a different story?
I too think it’s strange that people who are too stupid to cover their faces; commit their crimes on camera, in broad daylight, in front of/against police; and then brag about them on social media, get arrested at a higher rate than criminals who don’t do any of those things.

Must be a conspiracy.
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Biden got universally roasted in the media for Afghanistan and people at the Pentagon have literally gone on record saying that they didn’t agree with him on various aspects of the withdrawal. Maybe you meant to pick a different story?
Nope, CNN and MSNBC had a few semi critical stories right at the time, but they quickly disappeared. As for the Pentagon, I Remember them discharging and court martialing a Colonel who actually criticized the withdrawal and called for someone to take responsibility. I haven’t even HEARD the word Afghanistan on a news broadcast in probably three months now. Down the memory hole, forgotten by everyone except for the poor Us Citizens and the Afghans who assisted us and left to rot in the bottom circle of Hell while Biden eats his ice cream and tells fake stories about Amtrak and driving 18 Wheelers
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Nope, CNN and MSNBC had a few semi critical stories right at the time, but they quickly disappeared. As for the Pentagon, I Remember them discharging and court martialing a Colonel who actually criticized the withdrawal and called for someone to take responsibility. I haven’t even HEARD the word Afghanistan on a news broadcast in probably three months now. Down the memory hole, forgotten by everyone except for the poor Us Citizens and the Afghans who assisted us and left to rot in the bottom circle of Hell while Biden eats his ice cream and tells fake stories about Amtrak and driving 18 Wheelers

They have medications now that are supposed to help with psychotic breaks from reality. I suggest you consult your physician.
Exactly. Didn't most of us at the time think "Wow . . . this might get ugly" then after the fact roll our eyes at the narrative that this was a coordinated coup attempt?

Let's be honest, the Trump administration wasn't organized enough at the end to coordinate jack. Then Trump saw a friendly crowd and his ego kept him from calming the situation.

Actually, Trump saw a friendly crowd and then got breathless reports from media (or intelligence or most of anyone there) whom he no longer trusts because he suspects they are simply trying to once again set him up - and so he doesnt react. Had he gone out there and said something, you can be sure that they would have used that to destroy him with his base. Again, the more info that comes out, the more that the entire affair seems like just one last attempt by the deep state to delegitimize Trump. People act like the massive crowds were the ones at the capitol - they were not. The real crowds were the ones where Trump was speaking. Most of the ones who did get to the capitol seemed like spillover from the other event. And then of course there were those people who were there and seemed out of place, which is why so many think this was a false flag event.

The same intelligence community ran an operation to get rid of Trump before he got into office and the same media has told us it never happened. So none of them have any credibility when it comes to anything Trump. And they are terrified, TERRIFIED that he might come back because Trump 2.0 is likely to fire every bureaucrat he can find, especially if GOP has congress as well.
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