Why do you like Tennessee



Jan 13, 2006
I was born and raised in Nashville, TN. My uncle came to visit me here in Las Vegas. He's a diehard Bama fan, but was raised and still lives in Nashville. He asked me why I like Tennessee so much. Well, I can't really explain it. One year as a kid, I saw Heath Shuler running all over the field and we were not even a legitimate powerhouse yet. I just got hooked and have been for ever since. My first and only live game was '99 home game vs. Vandy and the Vol walk almost made me cry. I'm addicted and at this time of the year, UT controls my life. So why do you like Tennessee?
Speaking for myself I think I follow UT because they are the University of Tennessee. In other words they are the soldiers of Tennessee. They to me embody the fighting spirit of everything it is to be a hard working, honest and decent Tennessean.
Born and raised in an orange-blooded family. My dad took me to my first game in '87 when I was only 5, and it's been a part of who I am ever since. Heh I used to wear one of those little uniform costumes to every game, helmet included. Man that jersey was itchy. The Vols are like a family member to me, and football Saturdays in Neyland are like the best family reunion ever.
When I was 12 I was turning the TV and I saw UT playing. I ended up watching the whole game and I was HOOKED.

There is something about the team running through the T and Rocky Top playing when we score that gives me chills.

i was born in UT Hospital in December 1980. with the exception of a breif, booze filled stint at ETSU (18-19) i have lived in Knoxville my whole life.

nuff said.
Born into it. When my family gets together for Christmas all the women wear there festive red and green gear. All the men display there most recent Tennessee clothing purchase. Sad, maybe, but God I love it.
Went to HS w/ Ainge. I had a bunch of teams I followed (Oregon State, Texas, Ohio State, Purdue) but none that I was a true fan of. So I just kinda latched on to Tennessee after I saw Ainge's first game against UNLV.
wow. 14,614 posts in a little over two years?

i don't ever seem to see you post. i have another board i read and post on a lot, and in thinking about it, i don't have that many in over 4 years.
i guess i like to read more than i write. i still have light school schedule, easy/bouncing around job deal too. i guess i spend more time reading other school's boards than i do posting on my 2.
I post here, PostJunkies, read SEC Fanatics pretty regularly, and parooze most other major boards on a regular basis.
Speaking for myself I think I follow UT because they are the University of Tennessee. In other words they are the soldiers of Tennessee. They to me embody the fighting spirit of everything it is to be a hard working, honest and decent Tennessean.

thats what i'm talking about!!!!!!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Born in FLA, raised in GA. Brainwashed as a Vol!!! Both my parents went to college there. My Mom's from Oakridge, my Dad's from Henderson. It's a family thing =)
Because I despise Vandy, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Vandy. Did I mention that I hate Vandy?
Good topic...my dad is from Huntland, TN (Johnny Majors' hometown), he took me to my first game in 1978 when I was 6, I have a picture of me when I was two holding on to an orange nerf ball. I was born and raised in Tenn. I am also a UT grad.

I don't LIKE Tennessee, Tennessee is a part of my being, as I take a break from typing this sentence.....I drink from a coffee mug that has Tennessee Vols on it. I am wearing an orange shirt right now, my homepage is Volnation.com, I have 20 orange shakers in my trunk right now

I refer to the Vols as we, us, our etc...

When I read this thread and see how guys like Milo have gotten hooked on Tennessee in such a short time, my response is not one of surprise as much as it is understanding.

I am less a fan of Tennessee and more of a Tennessee Volunteer.
When I read this thread and see how guys like Milo have gotten hooked on Tennessee in such a short time, my response is not one of surprise as much as it is understanding.
When it's all common, bro... :toast:

The orange and white has me in for the long haul.
I was born in Winchester, TN. All of my family (with the exception of one aunt who USED to be a Bama fan) are UT fans.

When I moved to Alabama, I started pulling for Auburn for a brief period (when you live here, they try to pin you down to one of these teams).

My grandmother in Winchester passed away in May of '03, and I immediately changed back to pulling for UT. Somehow it felt comforting.

I will NEVER leave them again!
They won the NC'ship my freshman year at UT. After that, you sorta get addicted to the shade of orange that (non-vol) sec fans will call ugly.

To me, it's the most beautiful color of all.
My cousin Phil Pierce played at UT, didn't get to play much (injuries), but his claim to fame was, he was the last starting qb to beat Fla at the swamp before Clausen finally did it!

other reasons I like em: Haskell Stanback, Condridge Holloway, Larry Seivers, Stanley Morgan, Rickey Townsend, Andy Spiva, Ron McCartney, Eddie Brown and BY GOD BILL BATTLE and those tear away jerseys!
Born and raised in Florida and cant stand the gators or semiholes My dad is a Tennessean and we have always been a Vol ...All I can say is there is Nothing better then Football time in Tennessee I went to my first game last year and have been to 2 this year Ive traveled about 2850 miles this year for the Cal game and UF game and plan on making it to one more the LSU game....If youve never been to a game You have no idea what your missing I crave Tennessee Football like a crack head craves crack .....And theres no Color as beautiful as Orange

Love the VOl NATION GO VOLS!!!!:number1:
Born in FLA, raised in GA. Brainwashed as a Vol!!! Both my parents went to college there. My Mom's from Oakridge, my Dad's from Henderson. It's a family thing =)

My parents live in Henderson right now. My mom grew up there. I have spents countless days there with my grandparents. Man, I miss Tennessee:cray:

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