Why do you like Tennessee

i saw my first game on espn when i was about 14. i don't know what it was that first attracted me to them. maybe it was the orange uniforms or the checkerboard endzone or just how fast those guys looked to me. anyway i have been in love with them ever since. whats funny is that i don't follow mlb,nfl,nhl or any other team anymore. the only thing i pay attention to are these 4 months.
I remember listening to John Ward tell us how Tony Robinson outran the entire Auburn defense that day in '86 on the radio in my dad's truck as we drove to my little league football game. I was 11 and asked my dad if we could go to a game in knoxville to see the Vols play in person. We lived in Nashville and didn't have much money at the time but my father pulled some strings, got someone to cover his shift at he fire station, and we went to the UT-Vandy game that year. That was the game that clinched us the SEC that year. We won 30-0. I'l never forget seeing that field for the first time. I feel so lucky to have been born and raised a Vol. To me Tennessee football is family. Me and my dad talking about the next game for 6 days and watching it together or calling each other after every score if we are not together. Some of my best memories revolve around UT football....
Born in TN, raised in KS, returned to UT for college. My first UT game was the 1982 Bama game, we finally beat Bear and he died the following spring. There were very few friends I grew up with in KS that appreciated UT football...that is until I was at UT and they decided to come down for some games. Of course, growing up in the midwest, I have had to take plenty of slack for UTs performances against Nebraska and K-State...
My family is all from Middlesborough, Kentucky so they grew up on Tennessee sports.

I was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky but my interest/love has always been with Tennessee. My first football memories are Doug Williams in the Super Bowl and Andy Kelly in those bright orange uniforms.

*I will have to admit, I love being in another person's "backyard" with their rivals colors on. Nothing like walking around Lexington in all orange!*
Dad is from Cookeville. He is a TTU, UT, UGA alumni. Mom is from Knoxville, and my grandparents live there.

I did college in TN. Raised/Live in GA. Never was a die hard fan of anyone growing up, except maybe the Dawgs since dad got tickets through the Univ. and we'd go infrequently. We had alot of people at Church growing up that moved in/out from Cookeville, and I remember as a youngster seeing UT in the Bluebonnet bowl, etc. We didn't have cable for years, so the coverage wasn't there like it is now. My granddad always saved articles and stuff for me in the Knox paper about Vol football. He always just gave me updates and what was happening and who did what. That was the perrenial 7-4 pre-Gault years. Plus, we had a lot of kids recruited to UT out of my HS over the years, so I just started that way. I just kind of slid into the addiction as a normal course of life. There really is something different about following UT. It's totally different than any other team. And that's if you have'nt been to Neylad on game day. I've been to 5 games, and been locked up inside an empty Neyland, so I am detox addicted.
My family is all from
*I will have to admit, I love being in another person's "backyard" with their rivals colors on. Nothing like walking around Lexington in all orange!*

Been there done that. In fact I got several sly glances in Kroger last Saturday.
I was raised in a Vol house. I went to school there briefly. My parents said that was the only 1 year vacation I would probably ever have, so they hoped I enjoyed it. Man I did, thanks mom and dad!!!!
It's Great to Be, A Tennessee Vol!!!!
Born and raised in Knoxville if you aren't wearing orange and cheering for the Vols by age 5 they leave you out of the house to fend for yourself.
Born with Kingsport, Tn Orange blood will die the same way!!!!!!!!
In my family you have to be a fol fan. Andy Kelly got me hooked, Cobb, Webb, and Delong fueled the fire.

As a kid the orange also made me a Tampa buc fan.
I was born in Nashville and my parents divorced when I was 2 and my mother spirited me away to Ohio. By the age of 6 or 7 I was a huge sports fan and my mother loved the Buckeyes, I liked them, but I was born a Volunteer and I couldn't wait for the halftime show to see the UT score!(this was pre_ESPN and cable) I moved back to Hendersonville in the late 70's and spent many a fall afternoon visiting friends and attending games at Neyland in the 1980's. I moved to Colorado in 1990 and have been back for just a few games through the years, but my blood will ALWAYS run orange. GO VOLS
Growing up in Tennessee = Pulling for Tennessee

My first memory is the 1996 Citrus Bowl against Ohio State. Nice first impression to make on a then 8 year old.

Man, Tiddy you are making me feel old. That was my last year of college and I went to that game.

We owned Eddie George.
Born in FL, raised and currently live in SC. Went to UT for music clinics every summer that I was in HS. Brother went to school at UT while I was a senior in HS and I spent every weekend hanging out up there and going to whatever sport was in season. The only regret I have in my life is not taking advantage of my acceptance to attend UT on a music scholarship. STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! :BANGHEAD2: :BANGHEAD2: :BANGHEAD2:

But, I may not have met/married my wife :kiss:
Man, Tiddy you are making me feel old. That was my last year of college and I went to that game.

We owned Eddie George.

I was at that one, too. However, I was 53 years old. I remember I almost drowned, it rained so hard. Did you happen to see the drunk Vol fan sacked out in the recliner outside the stadium after the game? He told me he passed out, got soaked, and missed the whole game but he had one helluva a good time, anyhow. :yahoo:
Speaking for myself I think I follow UT because they are the University of Tennessee. In other words they are the soldiers of Tennessee. They to me embody the fighting spirit of everything it is to be a hard working, honest and decent Tennessean.
WELL SAID!!!!:salute: :salute: :salute:
How about...moving to Knoxville in 1998 as a 7 year old, knowing no one...and the local team wins a NC...stuck with me since...
My parents weren't really big sports fans. They divorced when I was pretty young. I started following the Vols when Jeff Francis was QB. But I really fell in love with the big orange when Andy Kelly was QB. He's from my hometown. My wife actually went to school with him. Anyway I don't get to go to many games, but I never miss one on TV. My priorities in life are God, Family, UT Football. My father-in-law actually resembles CPF.
Born in Lewisburg but grew up in Columbia....home town of several Vols. My Uncle, God rest his soul, was a huge Bama fan. He took me to my first college football game, the 1965 Bama & Tn game in Birmingham. Vols did not win that day....game ended in a tie but I left as a Vols fan..... forever

Before you say it...yes I'm %$&#ing old!
My dad(miss you dad) was an Auburn and Bama fan. The first game I remember seeing on TV was TN/Bama. Have been a diehard Vol fan ever since. There is nothing like a crisp cool autumn Saturday afternoon with the sound of Rocky Top ringing through the air. I have two sons myself. The oldest (20) is a Texas fan while the youngest (12) went to his first TN game at Neyland this year and now bleeds orange.
Growing up in Tennessee = Pulling for Tennessee

My first memory is the 1996 Citrus Bowl against Ohio State. Nice first impression to make on a then 8 year old.

Unfortunately, my first memory of the Vols was at age 6 in 1997 Orange Bowl against Nebraska getting hammered by the Huskers. I was helping my dad take down christmas decorations (more like watching him do it) and saw the Huskers score a few times.

I remember the next day I didn't know exactly what happened (I was 6 I had a bed time), but I asked my dad, "did Tennessee win?" He said no, and I remember being very upset at the young age of 6.
I was in Ohio by then, but I have always like the fact that I am from Tennessee. I can't even remember for sure, but think I was a Vols fan watching the game as soon as I knew that they were from Tennessee.
It's a part of who I am.

I too was born in UT Medical Center in 1981, and grew up an hour away in Morristown. Vol football was a part of life. I remember going to games with my dad to games when I was young, and listening to John Ward on the radio with his legendary calls.

I was lucky enough to find my way back to UT for college and some of my best memories are from there, including meeting my wife.

It's my heart, my soul, and the UT campus will always be my second home.

This blood will ALWAYS run orange. GO VOLS!!!
Since I was born "most" of my family were HUGE Vol fans....so naturally I became one too and proud of it....UT for life!!!!:rock:

GO VOLS:rock: :rock: :rock:

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