Dad is from Cookeville. He is a TTU, UT, UGA alumni. Mom is from Knoxville, and my grandparents live there.
I did college in TN. Raised/Live in GA. Never was a die hard fan of anyone growing up, except maybe the Dawgs since dad got tickets through the Univ. and we'd go infrequently. We had alot of people at Church growing up that moved in/out from Cookeville, and I remember as a youngster seeing UT in the Bluebonnet bowl, etc. We didn't have cable for years, so the coverage wasn't there like it is now. My granddad always saved articles and stuff for me in the Knox paper about Vol football. He always just gave me updates and what was happening and who did what. That was the perrenial 7-4 pre-Gault years. Plus, we had a lot of kids recruited to UT out of my HS over the years, so I just started that way. I just kind of slid into the addiction as a normal course of life. There really is something different about following UT. It's totally different than any other team. And that's if you have'nt been to Neylad on game day. I've been to 5 games, and been locked up inside an empty Neyland, so I am detox addicted.