Why is the GOP so afraid?

Bless your heart. My ex was an alcoholic. I stayed through 10 or so stints in rehab, but ultimately i couldn't trust her with our daughter. My daughter is now old enough to make that call, but wants to live with me.

Hats off to you CV. That's a tough deal right there.
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Honestly, I never believed in alcoholism until about a year into the marriage. She did a good job of hiding it.

Jesus Christ man , that sux but personally I would have abandoned ship long before that, but that's just me. Sneaky devils they be..
Again, I got no shame. Ask me a question and you'll get my honest response, but for the two that like to make the comments...put up or shut up.
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Bless your heart. My ex was an alcoholic. I stayed through 10 or so stints in rehab, but ultimately i couldn't trust her with our daughter. My daughter is now old enough to make that call, but wants to live with me.

That sucks man, addiction is a terrible disease. One of my best friends is an alcoholic and it started when he became addicted to pain killers after a bad accident. A bunch of us flew to see him and try to get him help and it made it worse.
I'll let you all get out your wallet photos to compare. You are out of your freakin' mind if you think that I would post my picture, or my wife's picture on here. I have way too much respect for her, and I don't want to be hunted down and bludgeoned by Dink or Luther. I'll let you kids play the game.

You keep forgetting that I have unexplainable respect for you. But I agree; no pictures of my family - maybe it's an over 50 thing.
You keep forgetting that I have unexplainable respect for you. But I agree; no pictures of my family - maybe it's an over 50 thing.
Thanks. Make that "bludgeoned by Dink." Of course, he would be the type to use a knife.
Edit: You don't upset me at all. If you did, you would be on ignore with Dink and 8188.
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That sucks man, addiction is a terrible disease. One of my best friends is an alcoholic and it started when he became addicted to pain killers after a bad accident. A bunch of us flew to see him and try to get him help and it made it worse.

Unfortunately, as I learned the hard way, there's nothing you can do. You can't stop them. I cut off the money and my ex would sneak out and beg for money to buy a bottle of dark eyes vodka. Everyone has their own rock bottom and all of them are different. I'm not sure my ex has found hers yet.

I was just popping in to see if anyone heard if Mexico's check came in the mail yet.

Anyone checked the box today?

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