Why is the GOP so afraid?

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The GOP voter is afraid of being wrong so it is second nature for them to reject facts. They are afraid of things they don't understand and do not attempt to gain insight because it is easier to find comfort in "alternative facts" used to scare them and instill fear of the unknown.

You're correct, a GOP voter is afraid of being wrong while a Democratic voter is used to it.
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The underlying theme of the present day GOP is cowardice. They're afraid of "the blacks," "the gays," "the Muslims," "the illegal immigrants," "men dressed as women" (i.e. transgender), and "women who want jobs intended for men."

I'd put money on it that the current leadership comes home, buries their face into pillow, crying and screaming, because it's not fair "they're ruining everything."

To your point:



Yet, I'm a snowflake because I don't think it's cool to call Mexicans "rapists".
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The GOP voter is afraid of being wrong so it is second nature for them to reject facts. They are afraid of things they don't understand and do not attempt to gain insight because it is easier to find comfort in "alternative facts" used to scare them and instill fear of the unknown.
That explains why I'm afraid of your stupid post. It makes no sense.
I can't wait for the baby boomers to die out.

The baby boomers are so afraid of everything and they are desperately trying to control the world they will soon leave...they're afraid we will be over-run by immigrants, that we'll get destroyed by terrorism if we don't spend trillions now, etc....why don't they just leave it up to us Gen Xers and Millennials?
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I hate when GOP voters burn down their universities in order to keep an alternate viewpoint from exercising their free speech.

Boo... Hissss...... Closed minded GOP scaredy-pants!

Remember that time the GOP needed trauma counseling because someone wrote Hillary '16 in chalk around the campuses?

Yah... That was lame.

How about the skinhead that shot up a mosque in Canada or the kid that killed a group in a black church.
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The GOP voter is afraid of being wrong so it is second nature for them to reject facts. They are afraid of things they don't understand and do not attempt to gain insight because it is easier to find comfort in "alternative facts" used to scare them and instill fear of the unknown.

the trolls are out in full force today
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How about the skinhead that shot up a mosque in Canada or the kid that killed a group in a black church.

How about that Muslim dude who killed all those gay people in Orlando?

How about that Muslim couple that killed those people in San Bernardino?

Every ideology/religion has dumbasses.
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The baby boomers are so afraid of everything and they are desperately trying to control the world they will soon leave...they're afraid we will be over-run by immigrants, that we'll get destroyed by terrorism if we don't spend trillions now, etc....why don't they just leave it up to us Gen Xers and Millennials?

Spot on
The full quote where someone said (all?) Mexicans are rapists. Who said that? It's a horribly bigoted statement.

You know what he said. I didn't say "all". He didn't say all. He said "When Mexico sends its people...they're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

It is a horribly bigoted statement, even after you go through mental gymnastics to try to validate it. No he doesn't think all Mexican immigrants are rapists, but at best you can argue that's not what he meant to imply.
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How about that Muslim dude who killed all those gay people in Orlando?

How about that Muslim couple that killed those people in San Bernardino?

Every ideology/religion has dumbasses.

To quote fallguy, what does this have to do with American politics?
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