Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I love all the Trump supporters claiming they like her. Have you looked at what she supports? It's nuts.

$15 minimum wage
Study reparations
Expand college debt relief programs
Eliminate Electoral College
Close all Nuclear power plants
Ban assault weapons

Quit falling for a pretty face who hates Hillary. Know her positions. She's garbage.
Positions aren't much different, except for wars, but she presents herself as reasonable and intelligent. That's something seriously lacking on both sides right now

What's the alternative, AOC vs MTG? I'd roll the dice with Tulsi
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Positions aren't much different, except for wars, but she presents herself as reasonable and intelligent. That's something seriously lacking on both sides right now

What's the alternative, AOC vs MTG? I'd roll the dice with Tulsi
I am not voting for anyone who is for forgiving college debt and closing plants. Too many dumb points. And no one is seriously advocating for AOC on a national level.
I am not voting for anyone who is for forgiving college debt and closing plants. Too many dumb points. And no one is seriously advocating for AOC on a national level.
Obama was a big nothing burger until he gave a speech in 2006. All AOC needs is one moment where she keeps her stupid in check and follows the script given to her.
Positions aren't much different, except for wars, but she presents herself as reasonable and intelligent. That's something seriously lacking on both sides right now

What's the alternative, AOC vs MTG? I'd roll the dice with Tulsi

Tulsi also appears to see reason and need for compromise and to understand the other point of view, but at the same time she also seems to maintain a sense of honesty and decency lacking in almost every other politician. Like you, I'd very likely roll the dice with her, too, even though I can't agree with all that she believes in.
I am not voting for anyone who is for forgiving college debt and closing plants. Too many dumb points. And no one is seriously advocating for AOC on a national level.
If it's between trillions in corp bailouts with half trillion dollar slush funds vs forgiving student debt I'll take the students. You're paying for both
If it's between trillions in corp bailouts and half trillion dollar slush funds vs forgiving student debt I'll take the students. You're paying for both
For whatever reason, whenever you mention student loan bailouts, people suddenly want the govt to be fiscally responsible.
Positions aren't much different, except for wars, but she presents herself as reasonable and intelligent. That's something seriously lacking on both sides right now

What's the alternative, AOC vs MTG? I'd roll the dice with Tulsi
Tulsi has some extreme beliefs. But she has a history of compromise and working across the isle.
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I am not voting for anyone who is for forgiving college debt and closing plants. Too many dumb points. And no one is seriously advocating for AOC on a national level.

You sorta are because she is part of the democrat agenda that includes Beijing Biden.
Not saying I'd vote for Tulsi, but the one thing she's done that no other politician has is stand up against her party. No other Democrat, and no other Republican has done that in such a way that she has. THAT I respect. She's not afraid to throw politics to the side. Most politicians have their heads so far up the party sphincter they can't/won't do that. Cowards, imo.
Tulsi has some extreme beliefs. But she has a history of compromise and working across the isle.
And that's the point. If there absolutely has to be a decision made do you want someone like Tulsi at the table or <insert any other idiot politician>?
Not saying I'd vote for Tulsi, but the one thing she's done that no other politician has is stand up against her party. No other Democrat, and no other Republican has done that in such a way that she has. THAT I respect. She's not afraid to throw politics to the side. Most politicians have their heads so far up the party sphincter they can't/won't do that. Cowards, imo.

John Kasich but you can say once it was clear to him he wasn't going to win the nomination he was bitter and it hasn't ended.

Gabbard on the other hand is measured in her responses and sticks to the issues. Some of those ideas are far fetched but her positions on foreign policy and spying/intelligence/ tech community is well reasoned.

She was ostracized now it's clear the deep state was protecting Kamala Harris after it's clear Gabbard was taking her to the woodshed.
Tulsi has some extreme beliefs. But she has a history of compromise and working across the isle.
Question for anyone:
When has there been compromise and working across isles with fiscal restraint, more individual freedom, and smaller bureaucracy as the result?
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Question for anyone:
When has there been compromise and working across isles with fiscal restraint, more individual freedom, and smaller bureaucracy as the result?

Umm, well there was, no wait.
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John Kasich but you can say once it was clear to him he wasn't going to win the nomination he was bitter and it hasn't ended.

Gabbard on the other hand is measured in her responses and sticks to the issues. Some of those ideas are far fetched but her positions on foreign policy and spying/intelligence/ tech community is well reasoned.

She was ostracized now it's clear the deep state was protecting Kamala Harris after it's clear Gabbard was taking her to the woodshed.

John Kasich really showed his true colors after 2016 and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

I have this feeling he would have been so weak he would have caved into every demand of the left.
When was this compromise you speak of?
I have not seen any in at least 2 decades
2 off top:
Iraq war
Wall street bail outs (quantitative easing)

To be fair, I don't distinguish between bipartisan support and compromise.
I love all the Trump supporters claiming they like her. Have you looked at what she supports? It's nuts.

$15 minimum wage
Study reparations
Expand college debt relief programs
Eliminate Electoral College
Close all Nuclear power plants
Ban assault weapons

Quit falling for a pretty face who hates Hillary. Know her positions. She's garbage.
You left out M4A. I have never understood the Tulsi hype on this board given the vast majority of folks on here are conservatives. She is much closer to a DSA Bernie/AOC type than a moderate Democrat and about a million miles away from the GOP on the majority of issues, but this board falls all over itself for her.
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It's interesting Brennan talks about insurgencies overseas looking like what we have here (they don't... yet)

What tends to fuel these insurgencies and why? That's what he's missing.

But regardless, if conservatives wanted to start an insurgency in this country, you'd know about it.

Bring it Cosplay Gramps. I'm tired of hearing about this secession/civil war that's immenent. Man up and rebel.
Bring it Cosplay Gramps. I'm tired of hearing about this secession/civil war that's immenent. Man up and rebel.


If you'd like to explain how you arrived at thinking I was hoping or advocating for a civil war or insurgency, please do at this time.
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If you'd like to explain how you arrived at thinking I was hoping or advocating for a civil war or insurgency, please do at this time.

I'm tired of hearing about the impending revolution. You can couch it in terms of "well, if it were to happen" or however you want, but it's all a bunch of cosplay tough talk.
You left out M4A. I have never understood the Tulsi hype on this board given the vast majority of folks on here are conservatives. She is much closer to a DSA Bernie/AOC type than a moderate Democrat and about a million miles away from the GOP on the majority of issues, but this board falls all over itself for her.
Because she's the only one on the Dem side that appears to actually have a clue and would think thru the issues. The rest are ignorant parrots
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Because she's the only one on the Dem side that appears to actually have a clue and would think thru the issues. The rest are ignorant parrots
I know horseshoe theory is a thing, but really? She is a Bernie DSA type. She aligns with Bernie Sanders more often than not. She is way further left than Biden.

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