Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Buttigieg joined the U.S. Navy Reserve through the direct commission officer (DCO) program and was sworn in as an ensign in naval intelligence in September 2009.[

What special skills did Pete have?

Civilians who have special skills that are critical to sustaining military operations, supporting troops, health and scientific study may receive a direct commission upon entering service. These officers usually occupy leadership positions in the following areas: law, science, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nurse corps, intelligence, supply-logistics-transportation, engineering, public affairs, chaplain corps, oceanography, merchant marine affairs, and others.

The U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Coast Guard have more extensive active and reserve component DCO programs than the other three U.S. armed services.

The U.S. Marine Corps does not offer a DCO program anymore; Navy officers provide medical, legal and chaplain services, and chief warrant officers (CWO) and limited duty officers (LDO) serve as occupational field experts.

The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps exclusively use a DCO program to commission their officers.

Depending on the specialization and duty-status of the officer, "DCOs" as they're called, will attend either Officer Indoctrination School (OIS), Officer Development School (ODS), or Direct Commission Officer School (DCO School) which vary from two weeks duration for certain Reserve DCOs to five weeks duration for Active Duty DCOs.
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What special skills did Pete have?
He went to a Catholic high school (valedictorian), then Harvard (magna cum laude), then was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford in which he finished with first class honors. His "special skills" might have a bit to do with that.
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He went to a Catholic high school (valedictorian), then Harvard (magna cum laude), then was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford in which he finished with first class honors. His "special skills" might have a bit to do with that.

being smart and educated? a dying "skill."

Today its all about just showing conviction in your beliefs (dumb or otherwise), sad...
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He went to a Catholic high school (valedictorian), then Harvard (magna cum laude), then was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford in which he finished with first class honors. His "special skills" might have a bit to do with that.
A CDL would qualify him better for what he did than just his schooling does.
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He went to a Catholic high school (valedictorian), then Harvard (magna cum laude), then was awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford in which he finished with first class honors. His "special skills" might have a bit to do with that.

Did you read your link? It didn’t mention “highly educated” it said special skills like doctor, lawyer etc.

What are Pete’s degrees in?
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Did you read your link? It didn’t mention “highly educated” it said special skills like doctor, lawyer etc.

What are Pete’s degrees in?
History, literature, philosophy, politics, and economics.
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Did you read your link? It didn’t mention “highly educated” it said special skills like doctor, lawyer etc.

What are Pete’s degrees in?
I believe it was economics. Funny since he still can't figure out who pays corp taxes or who would be the hardest hit with a mileage tax
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I believe it was economics. Funny since he still can't figure out who pays corp taxes or who would be the hardest hit with a mileage tax
Why do you keep lying about a mileage tax? We already have one mind you, in the form of a gas tax. Guess what?? Biden nor Pete want to institute a mileage tax. Both explicitly said that there will not be a mileage tax. Multiple times.
Why do you keep lying about a mileage tax? We already have one mind you, in the form of a gas tax. Guess what?? Biden nor Pete want to institute a mileage tax. Both explicitly said that there will not be a mileage tax. Multiple times.
He's never said it was a bad idea just that it's not part of this bill. When implemented it will hurt which group the most?
From his campaign? I'll have to dig in my stuff for specifics. But he's DOT Secretary now, so that isn't really his area.
Neither is climate change or social justice but that’s not stopping him from pandering to those special interests.
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He's never said it was a bad idea just that it's not part of this bill. When implemented it will hurt which group the most?
THERE IS NO VMT IN THIS BILL. As far as campaign Pete goes, remove the gas tax and implement VMT based on income. Been Pete's position for years, he nor I are hiding anything.
The Nimitz class doesnt displace nearly as much water as you carry for Pete.
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You have to admit your "gaydar" is pretty sensitive. It's like there is a hidden @ whenever Pete gets mentioned that brings you in like the worst helicoptering mom.
I've always lurked more than post in threads. But I ain't about to let folks trash my boi.
THERE IS NO VMT IN THIS BILL. As far as campaign Pete goes, remove the gas tax and implement VMT based on income. Been Pete's position for years, he nor I are hiding anything.
My post literally said it's not part of this bill. Check his comments after it was removed
THERE IS NO VMT IN THIS BILL. As far as campaign Pete goes, remove the gas tax and implement VMT based on income. Been Pete's position for years, he nor I are hiding anything.

Why would you base a mileage tax on income? Doesn’t that defeat purpose? Also dims aren’t going to eliminate any tax.
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