Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I didn't like a lot of her policy positions but man it was hard to find a democrat more honest and true to herself than Gabbard. You ask her a question and you'll get a real answer. You have to respect people like that who carries themselves well.
Oh ********. She's got folks thinking she is anything but a populist BERNIE supporter. Gah.
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Again, Tulsi supports almost everything Bernie supports. She is a Bernie Democrat. Keep it up I guess, but TULSI IS A POPULIST LEFTIST DSA type. It is right there in her ********* profile; I will never understand why folks on here fall over themselves for her.

Great points but she's clearly not with that crew.
Again, Tulsi supports almost everything Bernie supports. She is a Bernie Democrat. Keep it up I guess, but TULSI IS A POPULIST LEFTIST DSA type. It is right there in her ********* profile; I will never understand why folks on here fall over themselves for her.
I bet if she were Sec Trans she wouldn’t be trying to get social justice BS included with an infrastructure bill.
Great points but she's clearly not with that crew.

Yes, it appears she is, whether Green New Deal, universal Medi, $15 Medi, supporting Sanders candidacy, and has a lengthy history of support from and association with socialist people and groups.

It is what it is.
Yes, it appears she is, whether Green New Deal, universal Medi, $15 Medi, supporting Sanders candidacy, but has a lengthy history of support from and association with socialist people and groups.

It is what it is.

Dang you and Zep are killing me. I surrender.

I guess I like that she calls out democrats, big tech, etc. We know she calls out Republicans. It would be interesting to hear her take on the violence in the streets. I could see her condemning it. That alone would make her different.
Again, Tulsi supports almost everything Bernie supports. She is a Bernie Democrat. Keep it up I guess, but TULSI IS A POPULIST LEFTIST DSA type. It is right there in her ********* profile; I will never understand why folks on here fall over themselves for her.

Because she's hot?
She would probably be trying to do more, since SHE IS A DSA Bernie Democrat.
She’s a veteran (I know Pete is, too), but unlike Pete, she’s intelligent, pragmatic, and she understands her role and wouldn’t try to act outside of her purview.
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Dang you and Zep are killing me. I surrender.

I guess I like that she calls out democrats, big tech, etc. We know she calls out Republicans. It would be interesting to hear her take on the violence in the streets. I could see her condemning it. That alone would make her different.

Not trying to gang-up; I don't think Zep and I agree on much.

I'd like to see someone interview her about this background. If she doesn't believe in the racialized, violent Marxism in vogue, I want to hear how she compartmentalizes the inherent evil of socialism and reconciles that with what she espouses publicly.
Not trying to gang-up; I don't think Zep and I agree on much.

I'd like to see someone interview her about this background. If she doesn't believe in the racialized, violent Marxism in vogue, I want to hear how she compartmentalizes the inherent evil of socialism and reconciles that with what she espouses publicly.

I have a feeling that Tulsi's political philosophy comes more from her heritage as a Pacific Islander than from educational socialist indoctrination. She doesn't come off as a rabid socialist - more one with beliefs stemming from how she grew up in a different culture. The major difference is that she seems open to actually listening and to compromise rather than someone who graduated from a reeducation camp like Warren or Sanders. You can work with someone who is honest even though with a different political philosophy but not with a radical political hack unwilling to even listen.
I have a feeling that Tulsi's political philosophy comes more from her heritage as a Pacific Islander than from educational socialist indoctrination. She doesn't come off as a rabid socialist - more one with beliefs stemming from how she grew up in a different culture. The major difference is that she seems open to actually listening and to compromise rather than someone who graduated from a reeducation camp like Warren or Sanders. You can work with someone who is honest even though with a different political philosophy but not with a radical political hack unwilling to even listen.

A compansionate honest socialist. Hard pass.
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But you’d vote for someone pretending to be conservative?

Trump for example.

Slice..at this point he was just a Dem from 30 years ago. To deny Trump was not conservative in other than fiscal policy is fallacy. We are witnessing it now and He had a 90% R approval.
Standards have been lowered, but speaking one's mind honestly is a true valuable attribute. I even admire Sanders for it the last few years, although 20 years ago he even denied being "socialist". If she supports Sanders, I will hard pass no matter how honest.
Slice..at this point he was just a Dem from 30 years ago. To deny Trump was not conservative in other than fiscal policy is fallacy. We are witnessing it now and He had a 90% R approval.
Standards have been lowered, but speaking one's mind honestly is a true valuable attribute. I even admire Sanders for it the last few years, although 20 years ago he even denied being "socialist". If she supports Sanders, I will hard pass no matter how honest with horrible policy
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Again, Tulsi supports almost everything Bernie supports. She is a Bernie Democrat. Keep it up I guess, but TULSI IS A POPULIST LEFTIST DSA type. It is right there in her ********* profile; I will never understand why folks on here fall over themselves for her.
They want to bang her. It's that simple.
I liked both post to help your like count

I am with you brother. I just dont think we can turn this ship around on a dime, and voting for less of evil is best at this point. The whole dang system is broken with a voting citizenry. We cannot even agree on our value as an independent nation or economy. Heck it is going hell bent. Look at the border policy. It was working well the past couple of years. Now bazaaam.
Same with all the other policies while the progs have their foot to the floor.
Not trying to gang-up; I don't think Zep and I agree on much.

I'd like to see someone interview her about this background. If she doesn't believe in the racialized, violent Marxism in vogue, I want to hear how she compartmentalizes the inherent evil of socialism and reconciles that with what she espouses publicly.

It's probably what makes her a democrat. Tucker has had her on but doesn't ask her hard hitting questions about it. It's normally about big tech or foreign policy.
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I have a feeling that Tulsi's political philosophy comes more from her heritage as a Pacific Islander than from educational socialist indoctrination. She doesn't come off as a rabid socialist - more one with beliefs stemming from how she grew up in a different culture. The major difference is that she seems open to actually listening and to compromise rather than someone who graduated from a reeducation camp like Warren or Sanders. You can work with someone who is honest even though with a different political philosophy but not with a radical political hack unwilling to even listen.
Her parents are entirely American born, lived in various states, and moved to Hawaii from A. Samoa’s when Tulsi was two. But let’s say the culture in HI is that different but also point out just what socialism is.

We aren’t talking philosophical differences in taxation levels or types, local vs state vs federal control, etc.; Marxism is an economic system first, from which the societal model follows It is the literal destruction of the market economy and constitutional republic. It is the sole raison d’etre for socialism, a transitory phase from capitalism to communism.

I take an absolutist hard-line on this. Only ignorant or evil people advocate socialism and she’s too politically savvy to be ignorant of what socialism is. Hell, numerous people on this board and in this country think socialism is just social spending. It isn’t.

Putting socialists into different categories because we’ve an inclination to like some of them, doesn’t change the fact they’re espousing an distinctly anti-American, anti-western philosophy. Socialists have always hidden who they are in order to gradually attain a measure of public prominence. I think accommodating such people, whether they appear rabid or not, is exactly why we have quite a large contingent of them in Congress, in education, state gov. and media. They require and depend upon our good will.

We need to wake TFU. A love of socialism and America cannot occupy the same heart.
But you’d vote for someone pretending to be conservative?

Trump for example.
Someone was going to be elected president; of the nominees Trump was the most conservative choice.
2016 was the last time I voted Libertarian and likely for the last time. It’s an indulgence the nation cannot afford.
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Someone was going to be elected president; of the nominees Trump was the most conservative choice.
2016 was the last time I voted Libertarian and likely for the last time. It’s an indulgence the nation cannot afford.

There are still a few conservatives holding on to the I don't like Trump because he wasn't fiscally conservative, he is unpresidential, yada yada ya. Though it is honorable, there are many democrats that knew Jo and Kamala were as bad as it gets from among many bad options but could not see Trump get elected and voted for Jo Kamala anyway.

Whoever the Republican nominee is, it will be critical to follow the democrats lead in voting for a suck candidate regardless. I'm I don't think you'll see a bad candidate on the Republican side. There are no good options on the democrat side. Jo is the best they had and he is horrible.

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