Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I’m going to spend time on the gun thing. But let’s be honest, Trump has stomped on the 2a too. And every one on here knows I have weapons. I’m a gun guy.
But other than guns what are your objections?
The big thing is she would sign off on anything the Communist Congress and Senate would pass if they were in control. She would never buck her own party.

I'll have to research more but is she pro abortion?

My guess is she's for higher taxes and free health care?

The only thing Trump did was the bump stocks and while that wasn't great, I didn't really care and thought it was insignificant.
Her plan is actually like the English plan that expands government healthcare but allows for private insurance with a tax break for those buying private health care.

I’ll see if I can find the link again.

So I would have to pay into the mandatory system but could also purchase private insurance. How magnanimous.

Issue: Healthcare for all
The big thing is she would sign off on anything the Communist Congress and Senate would pass if they were in control. She would never buck her own party.

I'll have to research more but is she pro abortion?

My guess is she's for higher taxes and free health care?

The only thing Trump did was the bump stocks and while that wasn't great, I didn't really care and thought it was insignificant.

The big thing is she would sign off on anything the Communist Congress and Senate would pass if they were in control. She would never buck her own party.

I'll have to research more but is she pro abortion?

My guess is she's for higher taxes and free health care?

The only thing Trump did was the bump stocks and while that wasn't great, I didn't really care and thought it was insignificant.
I just looked.
She’s opposed to the bump stocks and other things the speed up rates of fire.
The bills she proposed are all background checks. And one actually speaks up the process.
I just looked.
She’s opposed to the bump stocks and other things the speed up rates of fire.
The bills she proposed are all background checks. And one actually speaks up the process.
She's for an "assault weapons" ban.
I asked that and that’s an area I have to look at but “Greg” says she understands the 2a but also understands the need for common sense gun laws. The difference between her and others proposing gun laws is she’s held a gun and actually knows about them.

Research coming
Her website was pretty anti gun back when I first looked.

Iirc she also had her own version of medicare for all.

I like her foreign policy outlook. And that she actually mentioned raising taxes on everyone to pay for programs instead of the usual bs. I dont think she pushed the balanced budget bs or that cutting the billions from the military will fund the trillions of welfare.

Of all of them she seems to have the most "real world" experience of any of them. Or at least didnt come across as a store bought politician does. Only watched a couple vids though.
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