Why not Tulsi Gabbard

I posted this in Gramps and I’m too lazy to do it again.

so Republicans.....tell me what you don’t like about TG.
The Democrats can play too as we don’t seem to like her either.
I thought from the very beginning she was clearly the best candidate in the Democratic field. But since that was the case, they had to call her a Russian apparatchik.
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She’s a congressman from Hawaii. She wasn’t going to be a factor.
She sure got Hillary's attention. She was definitely someone the DNC couldn't afford to have getting any traction.

Our last president was Hawaiian, btw.
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Tulsi is a bit too liberal for my tastes. The only area I really agree is her foreign policy and on the war on drugs. Definitely don't agree with her stance on healthcare.

Personally, I'll be pulling for Nikki Haley come 2024.
Crazy Nikki Haley? You just said you agreed with Tulsi on here foreign policy, yet you think a wild card like Haley is the answer?
That's hardly noteworthy. The majority of the country supports that.

We keep hearing about this Majority of the country wants this or that but it doesn’t work out that way . You can do or change anything in politics with a majority vote ( literally anything ) . We still have the EC and will still have what the left calls “ assault weapons “ . Either the majority doesn’t actually want it like you claim , or this grand majority I keep hearing about is a bunch of lazy ass voters that only care about taking surveys and polls .

I remember when some people I know kept saying the Republican Party was dead. It would never recover. That they had no ideas and all they could run was the same old out of touch white guys. now look at who we’re running against trump.
This will swing back just as soon as the Democrats get past our insanity phase. Maybe this landslide defeat we have coming will wake up the moderate Democrats and we’ll push the vocal nut job minority back into the corner.
I posted this in Gramps and I’m too lazy to do it again.

so Republicans.....tell me what you don’t like about TG.
The Democrats can play too as we don’t seem to like her either.
I don't like that she looks better after a few beers and in dim lighting.
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Tulsi represents at least some respectability from a main party candidate. The rest were loony, inexperienced and/or really bad at simple math. There are no good choices. Unlikely I would ever vote for her but I could respect the choice if the dems nominated her
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I would have actually considered voting this year if she was on the ballot. Of course there are some things I disagree with her on, but to steal Luther's thunder, on the continuum, she is acceptable enough to get my support. The rest? Not close. Pete was probably the closest after her, and even then I imagine I would likely not have mustered the will to vote for him.
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