Why not Tulsi Gabbard

She’s in a pretty bad spot.

The regime change conflicts stuff should have gotten more traction, but then she voted “present” on articles of impeachment that were supported by like 85% of democrats, according to polls. Then she had to drop out of her house race because she was losing in a primary. Then ended up not gaining enough traction in the presidential primary to get invited to the endorsement party. Consistently polled below 8%.

There’s something to be said for trying to move the parties back towards the middle, but her messaging/rationale isn’t really getting through on that.

I think she did okay in VA and American Samoa, but I’m not sure how she legitimately could fund another run in 2024 unless she’s got some of her own money to toss in.
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I dropped my membership, and am not too fond of what they have become either, but if a politician earns an "F' rating from them, it's not a positive in my book.

You have to remember the main function of all those big groups like the NRA, VFW, AARP, etc is to sell insurance. Once you get that figured out, the politics is pretty simple ... carve out a popular segment and keep them happy enough to sell insurance, advertising, and maybe some credit cards on the side.
She’s in a pretty bad spot.

The regime change conflicts stuff should have gotten more traction, but then she voted “present” on articles of impeachment that were supported by like 85% of democrats, according to polls. Then she had to drop out of her house race because she was losing in a primary. Then ended up not gaining enough traction in the presidential primary to get invited to the endorsement party. Consistently polled below 8%.

There’s something to be said for trying to move the parties back towards the middle, but her messaging/rationale isn’t really getting through on that.

I think she did okay in VA and American Samoa, but I’m not sure how she legitimately could fund another run in 2024 unless she’s got some of her own money to toss in.

Whether or not it was for the right reason, Tulsi was by far the most honorable dem with her "present" vote. That gained a lot of credit with me despite her politics ... maybe enough for her sense of ethics to outweigh her politics. It's unconscionable for a candidate to vote in an impeachment process against the opponent when the impeachment was supposedly all about one presumed candidate using his position to the detriment of a potential candidate. Mind boggling how it's a proposed penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct in one case and not the other.
Whether or not it was for the right reason, Tulsi was by far the most honorable dem with her "present" vote. That gained a lot of credit with me despite her politics ... maybe enough for her sense of ethics to outweigh her politics. It's unconscionable for a candidate to vote in an impeachment process against the opponent when the impeachment was supposedly all about one presumed candidate using his position to the detriment of a potential candidate. Mind boggling how it's a proposed penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct in one case and not the other.
Just saying it seems unlikely that she will get enough credit from people to the right of her to make up for the people to the left of her that it alienated.
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probably no surprise to you but my answer to "why not Tulsi" is: There is nothing in her which says she will slow down/reverse the spending trend in DC. But in her defense, nobody else will either.
Money is just printed anyway. With the way interest rates are headed, the government will be getting paid to borrow with negative rates, they can borrow forever and ever.
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Just saying it seems unlikely that she will get enough credit from people to the right of her to make up for the people to the left of her that it alienated.

I agree; I've thought exactly the same. My thing about Tulsi is that it's always seemed that ethical character traits are either something you have or you don't - a part of your makeup ... and in very short supply around DC. Politics can both be part of someone's inherent makeup or picked up like merit badges and shed or gained as expedient. I like her because of the ethical component; the political side can be shaped, and we lived through a guy with some of the same politics ... just without the ethics part. But politics being politics and highly polarized right now, you are exactly right; she's not left enough or whatever enough for democrats, and too left for republicans who aren't going to look past the politics ... she's just not that appealing to either side.
I remember when some people I know kept saying the Republican Party was dead. It would never recover. That they had no ideas and all they could run was the same old out of touch white guys. now look at who we’re running against trump.
This will swing back just as soon as the Democrats get past our insanity phase. Maybe this landslide defeat we have coming will wake up the moderate Democrats and we’ll push the vocal nut job minority back into the corner.
Why are you a Democrat? You have always seemed pretty conservative to me.
Why are you a Democrat? You have always seemed pretty conservative to me.
I guess the best answer is that I’m not much of a Democrat by today’s standard. I’m still registered as one but I’m clearly more of an independent. I think I can point to the loss of the “blue dogs” as the point in time when people like me lost the party to .......what we have now.
I guess the best answer is that I’m not much of a Democrat by today’s standard. I’m still registered as one but I’m clearly more of an independent. I think I can point to the loss of the “blue dogs” as the point in time when people like me lost the party to .......what we have now.
I mean Democrats 20-30 years ago would be considered conservative by today's standards.
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I asked that and that’s an area I have to look at but “Greg” says she understands the 2a but also understands the need for common sense gun laws. The difference between her and others proposing gun laws is she’s held a gun and actually knows about them.

Research coming

Fed gov and common sense is not possible
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Tulsi is now supporting a temporary universal income to all Americans.

“....we must act swiftly to provide a temporary universal basic payment of $1,000 per month to every American adult to help them weather the storm created by this crisis. Taking care of all Americans will stimulate our economy during this downturn."
Tulsi is now supporting a temporary universal income to all Americans.

“....we must act swiftly to provide a temporary universal basic payment of $1,000 per month to every American adult to help them weather the storm created by this crisis. Taking care of all Americans will stimulate our economy during this downturn."

We should halt payroll taxes and forgive all debt too.
She would never buck her own party.

I'm curious, are you aware of the differences between Trump's tax proposals and the bill produced by the Republican-dominated Congress which he signed into law? Trump folded like a cheap lawn chair on that one.

Unlike you, I see TG bucking her own party's position. However, were she ever to be POTUS, I expect that she would pick her fights with Congress judiciously, as have many Presidents.
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I'm curious, are you aware of the differences between Trump's tax proposals and the bill produced by the Republican-dominated Congress which he signed into law? Trump folded like a cheap lawn chair on that one.

Unlike you, I see TG bucking her own party's position. However, were she ever to be POTUS, I expect that she would pick her fights with Congress judiciously, as have many Presidents.
They're all too left for my liking especially when it comes to fiscal responsibility. TG would be further left than trump or any of the republicans. I don't see her standing up against her party with much or any frequency.
They're all too left for my liking especially when it comes to fiscal responsibility. TG would be further left than trump or any of the republicans. I don't see her standing up against her party with much or any frequency.

For the past forty years, there hasn't been a shred of fiscal responsibility exhibited by Republican Presidents or members of congress. You post like a Republican party man, I'll grant you, but pointing the fiscal responsibility finger at Democrats is a pure canard.
For the past forty years, there hasn't been a shred of fiscal responsibility exhibited by Republican Presidents or members of congress. You post like a Republican party man, I'll grant you, but pointing the fiscal responsibility finger at Democrats is a pure canard.
Did I not say they were all to left from a fiscal responsibility standpoint? May go back and read it again.
I’m 50 years old and my beliefs have changed very little. The party on the other hand has all but left me.

I'm 64 and my family voted Democratic seemingly forever. But as I have grown older some of my political beliefs have changed, but not as much as the change in the Democratic party. They have moved a lot farther left than I have moved to the right.
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