Why not Tulsi Gabbard

Her beliefs or her policies?

For example: her personal belief is that the average citizen doesn’t need an AR. Her belief is that the constitution overrules her personal beliefs. She believes that the constitution affirmed the 2a to include ARs. Her policy (votes) support the constitution over her personal views. She’s very much like Justin Amish in that they both limited themselves to stay within the law/constitution by voting against their personal beliefs to stay within the law. Both also worked extensively with the other party to find common ground. Oddly both are now out of politics
We need more of these types not less.
Hurrah for tribalism over facts
I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects
-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels
-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians
-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports)
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc.
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines
-implementation of RAISE grants
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

And this is just to date. There will be much more funding down the pike.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.


Like you, I'll reply when I get back on a computer.
She's the type of politician that should exist on both sides. She was asked to tow the line by the megaparty and said she wouldn't. No one else on the left seems to have that kind of backbone

I believe you're being intentionally obtuse given your affinity for other megaparty members who lack her fortitude
She's a throwback politician a dying breed of conversate democrat that will be the minority soon.
How many times do I have to say he had his own plan after supporting GND.

So Tulsi is bad because she supported the green new deal.

Pete is good because although he does support the green new deal, he also has a different version he’s proposed?

Surely you understand why Im not following you here right?

What makes Pete’s support “liberal” but her support of the same “leftist”
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She's a throwback politician a dying breed of conversate politician that will be the minority soon.
Fixed since it's not just dems. Stop supporting weak candidates or party hacks. Amazing how this board likes her principles but doesn't value that within their own party
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Fixed since it's not just dems. Stop supporting weak candidates or party hacks. Amazing how this board likes her principles but doesn't value that within their own party
I got no issues with those can cross the line to get things done in the name of the people they represent. I respect the politician that can stand up and say I work for the people of XYZ if they are getting things done. Again it is why I said she is a throwback politician who does not go all in on repeating the party line rehearsed answers to the media. The left would wise to go more Tusli model and less Swalwell.
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When was she considered a rising star by everyone on the left and the media? She ran for president and immediately didn’t matter.

Making a Splash: Is Tulsi Gabbard the Next Democratic Party Star?

Meet Tulsi Gabbard, The Unlikely Rising Star Of The Democratic Party

Chad Blair: Tulsi Gabbard, Superstar

Regardless of who’s telling the truth, Gabbard is winning the PR game big time, receiving gobs of sympathetic coverage in the centrist New York Times and on CNN, in the left-leaning Huffington Post and on MSNBC, and on the conservative Fox News and in Brietbart.

As soon as the Establishment saw her as a threat, it immediately (in predictable fashion) began a character and political assault on her. Guess who was leading the charge? Hillary Freaking Clinton.

Wake up.
She supports Medicare for all, free college, no nuclear power plants, extremely anti 2 A. I could go on and on. She sticks to her guns But she has ****** guns.

I have no problem admitting who I voted for. You pretend like you voted for someone you agreed with. You don't. You just didn't want to vote for Biden and trump. So now you get to wave the flag of "I didn't vote for either of them." But you don't agree with stein. So congrats.

Voting for someone doesn't mean you can't be critical. Perhaps even have regrets. I know that's hard for some to get. It's a team sport these days
Tulsi is anti-2A?

I’m surprised by that.

Making a Splash: Is Tulsi Gabbard the Next Democratic Party Star?

Meet Tulsi Gabbard, The Unlikely Rising Star Of The Democratic Party

Chad Blair: Tulsi Gabbard, Superstar

As soon as the Establishment saw her as a threat, it immediately (in predictable fashion) began a character and political assault on her. Guess who was leading the charge? Hillary Freaking Clinton.

Wake up.
They called her a Russian agent
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Making a Splash: Is Tulsi Gabbard the Next Democratic Party Star?

Meet Tulsi Gabbard, The Unlikely Rising Star Of The Democratic Party

Chad Blair: Tulsi Gabbard, Superstar

As soon as the Establishment saw her as a threat, it immediately (in predictable fashion) began a character and political assault on her. Guess who was leading the charge? Hillary Freaking Clinton.

Wake up.
A see random articles, maybe 2 from a “mainstream” site. Is there any indication anyone in the party took her seriously? Democratic voters certainly didn’t.
Tulsi is anti-2A?

I’m surprised by that.
Yikes -

Gabbard has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.[213]

Gabbard supports a common rifle weapons ban, and universal background checks on top of the checks people have to take to get their permits to begin with.
A see random articles, maybe 2 from a “mainstream” site. Is there any indication anyone in the party took her seriously? Democratic voters certainly didn’t.
There is an entire slew of fawning interviews and reports from CNN, MSNBC, etc. c. 2012-2016.

I'd be here all night if I listed every accomplishment of Pete since his tenure at DOT began, but I'll keep it to some that I can recall off the top of my head. This is a very incomplete list. I'll save BIL for last:

-reorganization and change of focus of DOT policies and priorities after the disastrous tenure of Sec. Elaine Chao
-reimplementation of a policy from the Obama years giving precedence to hiring local workers for public works projects
-enactment of the Airlines Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights
-reduction in canceled flights to pre-Covid levels
-National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce deaths and injuries to motorists and pedestrians
-supply chain issues relief, including reduction in long-term storage of goods at ports by 50% (Pete was big on getting "inland ports" up to capacity to alleviate the burden on international seaports)
-drastic drop in price to ship goods to American ports
-launch of a comprehensive website to compare airlines on hidden fees, etc.
-increase in addressing customer complaints related to airlines
-implementation of RAISE grants
-helped out in the first round of negotiations between rail unions and corporations, which resulted in no nationwide strikes or disruptions to freight or passenger rail
-so, so much more I am forgetting

Now to the elephant in the room (or donkey I guess, since Pete is an evil commie Democrat):

He helped facilitate the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower. I won't list every grant or appropriation related to that law that Pete is in charge of approving and disbursing. Let's keep it to Tennessee (I did have to look the numbers up, don't shoot me):
-$6.3 billion for roads and bridges
-$100 million for high-speed internet infrastructure
-$121 million for lead pipe and water service line replacement
-$124 million for public transit
-$13 million for fast EV charging stations (one opened in my neck of the woods last month thanks to approval of funding from Pete and DOT)
-$66 million for weatherization of structures to increase power and heat efficency
-$64 million for airport revitalization and expansion
-$15 million for port revitalization and expansion
-$22 million for infrastructure resilience related to climate change
-$8 million for Superfund site cleanup, such as the Copper Basin Superfund site

And this is just to date. There will be much more funding down the pike.

Some other little things I recall: Pete fast-tracked funding after the DeSoto bridge incident in Memphis (one of his first visits after he was confirmed by the Senate 86-13). And a $20 million program to increase truck parking outside of Nashville on I-40.

And let's not forget Pete is the best communicator the Biden Administration has at their disposal. It is the reason he is on Fox News promoting the Admin's agenda.

And even further, my post does not even begin to address the international contributions Pete has made on behalf of the US. He was recently at ICAO and agreed to reduction in airline emissions and recognition of Taiwan to have a say in that UN body, just for example. And the Ukrainian Transportation Minister specifically reached out to Pete about advice on rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure.

This is long enough, but I could go on further if you give me a couple days to research fully. This idea that "Pete has done nothing but take paternity leave hur dur" is ludicrous. Oh, and to add, his newly adopted son was hospitalized in the NICU while Pete was on leave. And he was still working while all of that was going on and he was getting ridiculed by the right. He gave an interview from a hospital bathroom.

Pete has done a phenomenal job as DOT Secretary.
Interesting. Especially since he is 99% WAC. (Without A Clue). You left out the most important. LOA during a real crisis to strap on a rubber bladder. H'es a joke and a laughing stock. Being able to say you get 10mil, and you get 5 mil, and you get 2 mil....So Easy, A Cave Man Can Do It. If he's so good why do we still have a supply chain crisis, why do we not all just own $70K EV's, etc, etc.
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