It's classic:
No incentive.
There is no incentive in a private system to keep people from getting sick nor to make them better.
This is actually true of our quasi-private system but being a Progressive you have conveniently ignored the REASONS it is true.
First, Big Labor and Big Business have contrived to promote laws that favor dependence on them. They prevent people from gathering in voluntary co-ops based on their church, community organization, extended family, etc to purchase insurance.
Second, this gov't promoted, employer based system insulates the consumer from his choices. Few make the association between their behavior and cost increases.
Third and possibly the worst, the left and gov't has done everything in their power to PREVENT individuals from bearing the consequences of their own choices. Take for instance the "pre-existing conditions" thing. A guy could smoke for years under one plan, develop health issues, then take another job and burden that company with the costs of HIS PERSONAL CHOICES. Regulations prevent companies from charging high risk people more... even if the risks are because of choices.
Last, it is YOU GUYS who force doctors to charge private carriers more to make up for price controls mandated by gov't providers. The hidden costs of gov't health care today would probably equal the official budget numbers.
Your side has done everything in your power to prevent the free market from working as it should in health care and then stand around complaining about the problems. You are PRECISELY like the employee that runs to the emergency room for Tylenol 5 times per year or refuses to use a plan doctor and then complains because the premiums go up the next year.
Meanwhile, a single-payer public system focuses on efficiency, prevention, and well-being. It urges individual responsibility and patient education.
This is perhaps the most idiotic thing I have seen in a long while. The type of single-payer system advocated by the left would ENCOURAGE irresponsible use unless some form of rather arbitrary rationing were set up. In fact, that and price limits are the ONLY ways that socialized systems survive. Because of these "efficiencies", systems of any size and complexity have waiting lines, rationing, poor quality, and little innovation.
There IS a single payer system that would work but you guys would NEVER agree to giving people this type of freedom- vouchers.
the data is comprehensive and unambiguous. Public systems pay less for better care.
Only if you spin it beyond recognition. Public systems do such a poor job that people are afraid to get sick. The public systems in western Europe were established when they could depend on us to provide most of their national defense AND because our gov't has allowed them to shift costs to use for the better part of 30 years. We pay a disproportionate portion of R&D expenses for instance.