I get this too, but there has only been 1 QB that didnt practice well but balled out in games and thats Josh Dobbs. Is it uncommon for a QB to play worse than he practices? no its not. But are you prepared to send Nico out there? Are you 100% positive hes better than Joe? Noone has seen him. I trust this coaching staff. If they say he isnt ready, then hes not ready. Its that simple. Is it frustrating to watch? ABSOLUTELY. But im not prepared to send my 8 million dollar QB out to the wolves and possibly get him hurt and put a long hault on his college career. PLUS you have WRs who are running the wrong routes, Who are not running through the catch, who are not catching the easy passes. The only thing that is working right now is our running game. Trust the staff. Just know its not only on Joe. Him being blind to cover 3 is on Joe. but these darn WRs that were Hyped up all off season need to step the hell up.