Will McCarthy be SOH?



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Assuming the GOP does indeed get to 218 -- and it appears they will -- is McCarthy the next SOH?
I really really hope you are right. But, where are seeing they get to 218?

Early this morning, I went thru it contest by contest. I can only get the Red side to the 215 or maybe 216 number.

All the mail-ins seem to be for the numnut blue guys
He doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on the party, seems to me. And you wonder if Trump will take a scorched Earth approach to both he and McConnell if they really start to turn away from him, as seems likely.

You should write to your representative and express your concerns .
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Why would you think that the republicans are going to take control of the house? The way democratic run states seem to count votes, it never works out for the republicans the longer the vote count takes. Since we're nearly a week into counting votes, I would guess that democrats will take every election from here on out.
Why would you think that the republicans are going to take control of the house? The way democratic run states seem to count votes, it never works out for the republicans the longer the vote count takes. Since we're nearly a week into counting votes, I would guess that democrats will take every election from here on out.

The guy operating the scoreboard never loses a single game.
He doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on the party, seems to me. And you wonder if Trump will take a scorched Earth approach to both he and McConnell if they really start to turn away from him, as seems likely.
You’re lagging behind today
@utvolpj has already covered this.

If Trump loses the primary he would go scorched earth on DeSantis. He would absolutely hand the election to the dems with no hesitation

And as I said in that other thread….”^^^^this”
Why would you think that the republicans are going to take control of the house? The way democratic run states seem to count votes, it never works out for the republicans the longer the vote count takes. Since we're nearly a week into counting votes, I would guess that democrats will take every election from here on out.

When has a R won one of these drawn out mailbox elections? Maybe a few but mostly D's get the ballot dump sometime later. Tonight, R's have 212 and leading in 9, yet no calls made. They know it's coming and so does Pelosi. She hasn't said one thing about quitting or retiring. Why not? They've got a play that is working and just like in football, they will keep running it till it is stopped.
When has a R won one of these drawn out mailbox elections? Maybe a few but mostly D's get the ballot dump sometime later. Tonight, R's have 212 and leading in 9, yet no calls made. They know it's coming and so does Pelosi. She hasn't said one thing about quitting or retiring. Why not? They've got a play that is working and just like in football, they will keep running it till it is stopped.
likely so - how can it be stopped ?
"McCarthy, he said, had visited Trump at his Mar-a-Lago Florida residence shortly after the January 6 insurrection. That show of mutual support at a pivotal moment “resurrected” Trump’s relevance in politics, strengthening the right. In McCarthy making the trip, he said, Republicans went from not knowing what to do about Trump to “begrudgingly” defending him.
“Donald Trump should consider Kevin McCarthy his best friend because Donald Trump is alive today politically because of Kevin McCarthy,” Kinzinger added."

Republican says he ‘fears for the future’ if Trump is not charged over Jan 6 riot
Hate to break it to you guys, but without a consensus leader the House is going to be an even bigger $%&# show than it normally is.

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