What we do know is that the death rate js exponentially lower than the numbers indicate.
Take NY for example. They did antibody tests that showed 12.3 percent of NY's population has had Covid-19. Thats 2.3+ million. If 12.3 percent of America's population has had it like NY, then 40,590,000 thousand people in the US has had it. 65 thousand people have supposedly died from it. That would put the death rate at .161 percent.
Now thats not totally accurate, but if NY wasn't the only place that conducted tests like this. They do them in Italy, Sweden, LA, Delaware, Germany and more. They've all discovered similar instances, that the way more people have gotten it than the CDC thinks. While that isn't totally conclusive, you know what else isn't?
The way in which they record Covid-19 deaths and cases. Hospitals have had to furlough doctors and have seen a significant decrease in patients across the board. Most hospitals are only functioning at 50 percent. Some places 30. Patients are afraid to come in now, they aren't paying the hospitals. Its harder for the hospitals to pay their doctors. Every doctor I know has at least had to take a pay cut. You know how they pay them? Through diagnosing Covid-19 as a cause of death or putting someone on a ventilator. Hospitals get 8,000 dollars to attribute someone's cause of death as covid. 39,000 if they put someone on a venitlator. Hospitals practically have no choice but to inflate the numbers for their ability to pay their bills. It says on the CDC website that you don't even have to test positive for you to be diagnosed with Covid, you just need to display symptoms. Symptoms that are almost identical to the flu or pneumonia. You can get hit by a bus and die, but if you test positive for covid-19 then the cause of death will be complications from coronavirus. This is a ridiculous reality. Also, let's not forget that the vast majority of people dying are really old and have underlying health problems. In the past if those people got pneumonia or the flu and died would they attribute the death to the virus? Or would it be because they got sick and died because they have a compromised immune system. Its the latter.
40 to 60 percent of all victims are from nursing homes.
How many perfectly healthy people are dying from this? NONE.
The only logical answer to this is to protect our vulnerable and let open uo everything. Make like Sweden and get a herd immunity. At worst it will cost us the lives of more people in nursing homes than usual. Sorry, but that's a better alternative than losing more people to alcoholism, suicide, and losing our economy to another great depression. All for a virus that kills way less than 1 percent of the population.
Its maddening.