Said it played a sad song that made him cry went out to the truck and and grabbed a 45 Yea bubba shot the juke box last night.
Mark Chestnut I think.
Well, the sheriff arrived with his bathrobe on
The confrontation was a tense one
Shook his head said, "Bubba Boy,
"You was always a dense one.
"Reckless discharge of a gun
"That's what the officers are claiming"
Bubba hollered, "Reckless! Hell!
"I shot just where I was aiming."
I loved Mark Chesnutt! "Goin Through the Big D, and Don't Mean Dallas"
This stuff was great for making the unruly middle school carpool settle down. All I had to do was roll down the windows and turn up the radio as we pulled into Webb. They'd do anything to keep me from embarrassing them with that. Then country got hot at Webb, and I switched to Puccini arias.
Ah well.