Wish is granted

Granted, but it gets so hot california is lost to the ocean

i wish the hat that i won last night in dirty santa didnt have a crooked bill so i didnt have to go out of town to return it
Granted, and I get to eat mama's Christmas dinner :yahoo:

I wish we could get all of the extended family Christmas over with on Christmas Eve so we could stay home on Christmas Day.
Granted, but santa didnt get the memo

i wish i knew what kind of cat that was i ate at the chinese place so i dont eat it again cause i think its makin me sick
Granted, but it was actually a dog.

I wish it was warm enough to slip over to the lake in the ol' bass boat.
granted, but its in a dream and you wake up after you where racin in a nice car an beat danica and she was bout to REWARD YOU if ya know what im sayin

i wish my car would get fixed
Granted, but the guys in her pit crew hand out all the rewards, and they use their jack and drill to do it.

I wish there were no speed limits.
granted butsome granny in a 77 Ford grenada blows you off the road forever scarring your ego.

I wish aliens would land and turn out to be benevolent and help us out with technology wiping out famine, disease, and war.
Granted, but then they eat us all because they were just getting us fat and happy.

I wish I was snow skiing.
Granted, but you are the guy who almost out-skied the avalanche....almost

I wish a sweet job offer would land in my lap.
Granted, but you spend it in jail with danicas pit crew and they didnt confiscate there equipment

I wish i could shoot 1 under next time im on the golf course
Granted, but it was because a fire and you no longer have a job

the moral of this story is be careful what you wish for j/j

i wish i didnt have to wait till christmas for Need for Speed Most Wanted
Granted, it is playing prison girl with your cellmate.

I wish I had a good milkshake right now.

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