Wish is granted

Gratned but the jackass that is supposed to cook it turns it into a piece of charcoal

I wish I had a 46" LCD HDTV wiht HD service and it works with all that channels and speaks only english
granted but the lake has dryed up because of a massive drout where you live

i wish school would get out for christmas fast
granted but you only get 1 day off before you have to go back

I wish it was Spring already.
Granted but it is a cold harsh Spring with record lows and snowfall

Granted - but you don't make it back down - turning into a human popsicle - only to appear to the rest of the world when jeep makes a new commercial

I wish someone would pimp my ride.
Granted but you are a pro curler, and weigh 400 lbs, have heart disease and only mak 12K a year

I wish I could invent the next great product
granted, but you make a diet product that gives curlers heart disease and the curler kills you for it.

I wish I was the richest person on earth.
Granted - but you live in society where rich means that you have a lot of gay friends

I wish I was a comic book artist
Granted, but I'm not sure you'd want to ball with the brothers when you can't ball with a whitey.

I wish I could do an under-the-leg lay up adequately.

Granted, but you're an Arab.

I wish that there wasn't a speed limit...

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