Witness Will Identify Two Seth Rich Killers

Where you there from 98-06?
Back in the plant designing those sensors or down there with you working on flight tests or installs.

I’m still in the plant... for 4.5 years. And I send the kids on as many of the flight tests now that I can I only do ones they force me to do. I’m getting too old for this ****.

Were you gov or contractor or both?
Are you the black lady from Lowes who processed my sprinkler head return? One thank you is enough sister.

No, lol I manage a sales team for a company that manufactures production line equipment for chemical and pharmaceutical plants.

You just seemed like you were on the hunt for affirmations. I'm not good at handing those out arbitrarily.
No, lol I manage a sales team for a company that manufactures production line equipment for chemical and pharmaceutical plants.

You just seemed like you were on the hunt for affirmations. I'm not good at handing those out arbitrarily.

That actually sounds very interesting. I enjoy watching "how its made" but always wondered about the people who actually make the stuff that lets other people make stuff.

I dont need any affirmation man. I'm just busting your chops.
Back in the plant designing those sensors or down there with you working on flight tests or installs.

I’m still in the plant... for 4.5 years. And I send the kids on as many of the flight tests now that I can I only do ones they force me to do. I’m getting too old for this ****.

Were you gov or contractor or both?
I was AD at the 16th CRS. My job got contracted out right after 9/11 by Northrup Grumman I believe.
Alert: next meeting moved to Chuckee Cheese storage room. Bobby has to take his kids this weekend.
Nah. I dont remember anything besides a few of the chicks from back then.
Lol. Fair enough. Those were our field service guys stationed at Herbie. Figured if you were in the 16th you crossed paths with them regularly. Our shop is closed down now.
That actually sounds very interesting. I enjoy watching "how its made" but always wondered about the people who actually make the stuff that lets other people make stuff.

I dont need any affirmation man. I'm just busting your chops.

Yeah, I remember being surprised that companies like mine needed sales reps, then an engineer farted in a conference room full of customers...and I felt like my job made more sense.

Still enjoy plant walkthroughs.
Yeah, I remember being surprised that companies like mine needed sales reps, then an engineer farted in a conference room full of customers...and I felt like my job made more sense.

Still enjoy plant walkthroughs.
Farting in a meeting..while hilarious....a big no no.
Lol. Fair enough. Those were our field service guys stationed at Herbie. Figured if you were in the 16th you crossed paths with them regularly. Our shop is closed down now.
Never worked with a contractor until 2003 in Iceland on MH-60's.
And yet the FBI still never examined the DNC servers that were “hacked.”

I'm probably wasting my time here, but . . .

I heard Trump say this exact thing recently, while standing next to Putin ironically, and as an IT professional I had to LOL.


1) The FBI would simply image everything completely, so they have a byte for byte copy of a time-point after the intrusion. They do this in part because the standards for the drives, security and encryption of evidence will be higher by necessity than the hardware the compromise occurred on.

2) A lot of the DNC data would be from cloud-based infrastructures that every company scales onto now. We don't need to take down the Amazon WS server farm which was hosting the data, as all evidence of the intrusion would be apparent in the data itself.

3) The idea that if you don't have the specific hard drives the data lived on at every point along its journey toward the moment of crime is ridiculous. Those drives are as irrelevant to this crime as the cubits of air a murder victim had in their hotel room three weeks before they were murdered.

Not to put too fine a point on this, but In this case it is as though the FBI has the body of the victim, the weapon used, and bloody footprints leading back to the murderer who is standing over a confession signed in the victim's blood. Then Trump, stands next to guy who ordered the murder and says, "Hey, why didn't the FBI seize the car she rented for three days two months before the murder? Maybe this sweet guy is innocent " Pretty laughable.

Also: I pray that both Seth Rich's murderers and those who used this tragedy to forward their own agendas are someday held to account.
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