WKU is gonna be a easy win.

The students here at WKU feel they have a really, really good chance of winning this game Saturday. All of this based off beating the cellar dweller of the SEC.

Your right they probably do....as a previous student I can say that we always thought we had a chance against florida.

You just want to believe.
here are two other facts:

1) the recruiting rank for 2014 is about as meaningful to this game as the price of tea in China.

2) if you factored in how many of those kids from the 09-11 classes are actually still here, you might not like the relative talent argument as much.

I think we win going away, but I fully expect Petrino to expose our DBs at times.

yep. Much truth in this post.
Talk is cheap isn't it....there will be no easy wins, we will have to fight for every W and savor every last one
If you consider the "points against, and points for" math it looks good for UT.
Just factoring in our 1st half 42 points for and 0 against.
Using wky whole game stats 35 for and 26 against, it looks good.
I am thinking 32 UT, 18 wky.
I look for Neil, and Croom both to have 100+ game.
I am not worried about Worley, he did great.
Over 80% completion, over 220 QB rating, 0 int, and 0 sacks.
The only thing that wories me is the lack of hustle from our D. I know they held them to a shutout.
They should have been up in the APQB's koolaid all night.
That kid should be wakening up in cold sweats, feet churning trying to get away from the UT D.
I do not see that happening, that is what is worrying me.
There was no pursuit, little pressure, we did contain them well.
My hope is that was practice for wky, they like to hit the ends and we protected them well. Over all, I think we will try to break their backs on the edges, seal em in the pocket and force some sacks. At least that is my hope.
UT wins this game 99 times out of 100.
A Game is never easy, if its easy, your not playing right.
I do hope they make it look easy though.
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You guys are hilariously narcissistic. Have you even touched a football. Have you even worn a jockstrap? This is why Tard is in my vocabulary. If your coach says don't take this team lightly some in the fanbase may want to listen to the person that actually has to gameplan against the team. I suppose Jones is now an idiot because you guys obviously have it figured out. Tell the team to take the week off because some morons on VolNation say we can pretty much just show up. #tarded

I have yet to see a coach that has not said that about every team that he plays every week.
Cool logical rebuttals to everything I said, bro! Coaches tell their players to take EVERY game seriously, that's famously referred to as "coach speak" and it exists for a reason... I get based on your overall response that you probably aren't to keen on a lot of things like that, but you should look it up...

I never said Jones is an idiot, so thanks for putting those words in my mouth... I mean, I'll go back and read it closely, but I don't think anything even remotely similar to that is going to be in my post anywhere... The exact reason I think WKU is going to be roflstomped is because Jones isn't an idiot...

Again, I'll look closely to see where I said the team should "take the week off", but I just don't remember saying it... But I promise I will read closely... What I do believe is that given a solid week of practice (like the team should put in every week) coupled with a solid gameplan (see last sentence of prvious paragraph) as well as the talent disparity (see Rivals rankings for the past 3-4 years), Tennessee will cover the spread...

Based on my first post, and your response, one of us definitely is a "tard", I just hope you're able to figure it out sooner than later...

I just posted the same thing prior to seeing your post but you are 100 percent accurate
The students here at WKU feel they have a really, really good chance of winning this game Saturday. All of this based off beating the cellar dweller of the SEC.

Tell them they're gonna wake up & smell the shiz very soon cuz come Saturday they're gonna step in a huge pile of it!
For the first time in 4 or more years we are deep in the trenches on both sides...Our o line is one of the best in the country an our d line aint to shabby either...Justin worley is gona throw 200 + yards witha couple tds...we will end up with 200 + rushing also....I dont understand why everyone is so worried abt this game we are gonna win handily by 3 tds book it!!

I concur, good sir.
I just don't see how they are going to be to handle our O-Line, if you cant get off the blocks on Defense that'll make them pretty vulnerable to the big play. Anything could happen, but games are won and lost with line play.
IF this isn't a relatively easy win for the Vols, it will be a long season.

BUT....I think it will be.

WKY may hit us for a couple of big plays, but I think our size and talent up front will take its toll. The stadium won't empty nearly as early, but we should win by 2 TDs or more.
Our first and second teams are gonna see playing time in to the 3rd quarter and this game is gonna get out of hand quickly. WKU will be fighting for pride points in the 4th, I don't see what the hell everyone is worried about.

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