Wonder why America is laughing stock of the world

Never seen anything like it. Most folks here absolutely HATED Barrys policies and called him the worst president in history....unless a liberal is stupid enough to bring him up, you never see comments about him. Never think about him...never crosses peoples minds. Just in this forum there are at least 3 people who will bring up Trump several times a DAY....EACH of them....just in the short time they are in this forum. He absolutely owns their thoughts...alters their perspective about most things...and in the case of LG and Loother, has altered their mindset to the point that the thought of Trump completely divorces their minds from logic, reason, and sensibility. Loother will argue until he is purple in the face that his voting AGAINST Trump rather than voting FOR the candidate which would be best for the country was wise...not backward and completely illogical...and that he would do it again...while admitting that Biden has literally fecked up every single thing he has touched and completely wrecked many aspects of American life.

It is as if Trump actually sexually abused them as children or something. They are both 100% little effeminate wusses in real life...I would bet 3 fingers on it from either hand...but their absolute obsession with Trump is hard to even comprehend without Trump having seriously caused them actual personal injury to themselves and their families.

I am dead serious. I have never hated anyone in my life the way these clowns hate Trump. Do his mean tweets and brash personality remind them of the masculine guys who used to embarrass them im gym class/give them wedgies and wet willies/ show them that they were "lesser" than the manly guys? Did somebody just like trump touch them "where their bathing suit covers"? Do they need to show us on the doll where the bad man touched them? If this were the case i would actually have pity for them. The fact in the matter is Trump nor his administration caused anyone in this forum any actual loss or injury. He did a pretty good job as steward of this country and the people, as well as the economy. He reversed some decade old policies that were not good for Americans and tried his damnedest to return us to "American Exceptionalism". Made the average citizen richer...ESPECIALLY minorities which had record employment rates, wages, and therefore was voted for by more black folks both as a % and quantitity than any Republican president in history.

Dude received the NAACP award for a lifetime of helping black people and minorities....Al, Jesse, Ali, and all the most influential black leaders in this country were there to thank him and pat him on the back....more black people love this man than any white politician in history.......

But Loother and LGs chalky white azzes will scream from the rooftops and argue until dawn that Trump is a damn racist that hates black people.

This is the kind of power he has over them. It is so weird. Good grief Charlie Brown.

We have people that are lawless and hate America in its current form. About as succinct and macro as I can post my feelings in which a War and Peace could be written.
But we know we fight against not blood and flesh.
One day in the near future they’ll be hosting Pedo parades and the leftist filth will be perfectly fine with it. Truth be told there is already a significant portion of the alphabet community preying on and grooming children.

My daughter is 14yo... the only social media we allow her to use is instagram and it is closely monitored. There is 1 picture on her page that shows only her face. The rest of what she posts, which isnt much, is her artwork like paintings and charcoal drawings...scripture or activitues from her youthgroup...a tribute to my FIL who died from a covid kidnapping etc...

Between 2or3 to sometimes a half dozen times EVERY SINGLE DAY grown men in their 20s thru even 50s and 60s send her direct messages trying to start up 1 on 1 chats and a relationship with her. She has braces and still looks very much her age....not like a full growm woman yet in her face picture. I am absolutely SICKENED by how many disgusting, perverted, fecking degenerate wannabe baby rapers there are in this country.

Make no mistake: if you are a grown azz man...30s 40s 50s etc...and you are still attracted to HS cheerleaders (even college including UT in my opinion) you are a sick bastard and need help.

Just because that 17yo cheerleader is someone elses kid....and not your own....does not make you ANY less sick than a man who has sex with his own teenaged daughter or stepdaughter etc...there is no difference. A kid is a kid. They cannot even purchase alcohol for petes sake or have credit cards...because they are kids. I see men who have kids or even grandkids that age arrested for child pornography....like our Pedo in Chief AND his son...to look at kids in a lustful manner is sick, and from what i have read and seen there is no cure for this disease. I know God is able, but He helps those who diligently seek Him and that doesnt seem to happen much here. Sadly, a very respected member of our church...1 of those guys who volunteered for nearly every mission work, church project, study group, you name it....was charged and convicted with molesting his own grandson. Kid was headed to kindergarten i believe.

Social media in many of its forms is a cancer on humanity...I believe it has brought about far far more evil, sin, vice, sickness etc than it has ever done good . These sick bastards who used to just have deviant thoughts and thought they were sick or crazy now find out there are thousands or millions of other degenerates just like them...willing to share in their evil and conspire with them. It also puts sick bastards in touch with thousands of people which before the web, they would have never crossed paths with or even known these folks existed . Like fish in a barrel for the worst people in the world.

* i am aware that VN is social media. I do not think that this site is used a means of communication or finding victims by the lowest rung of humans. I think Freak runs a clean site...and if he saw anyone trying to groom a kid etc he would report their IP addresses to authorities. Freak is a family man with kids of his own and while i certainly do not know him well, if i believed this site wasnt decent then I would not want to be here.

Edit: to clarify...i do not believe there is anything wrong with looking at UTs cheerleading squad and thinking or saying " man, we have some pretty girls this year etc" that is not lust. As grown men, i assume yall know what lust is without me straining to describe it without sounding gross. The Bible says that when a man looks upon a woman with a lustful eye, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart. So a married man staring at another womans body parts and thinking about sexual things is clearly a sin. How much more so when that man has kids or grandkids the same age? It is degenerate, reprobate minds doing this. We all sin in different ways, and God can and will forgive us. He makes that clear. Those several men who post here about the building pressure to normalize pedophilia along with all these other mental illnesses are absolutely correct IMO...it is coming. Decent men need to take a stand against it.
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One day in the near future they’ll be hosting Pedo parades and the leftist filth will be perfectly fine with it. Truth be told there is already a significant portion of the alphabet community preying on and grooming children.
Maybe we should stop worrying about how to force victims of rape to keep their resulting unwanted offspring and start worrying about how to teach young men to be respectful. Too many mindless straight men walking around that treat women like sh*t and feel entitled to sex… and yes, it is a conservative problem as much as it is anyone else’s. Dear leader is a perfect example.
Maybe we should stop worrying about how to force victims of rape to keep their resulting unwanted offspring and start worrying about how to teach young men to be respectful. Too many mindless straight men walking around that treat women like sh*t and feel entitled to sex… and yes, it is a conservative problem as much as it is anyone else’s. Dear leader is a perfect example.

Sounds racist.
Never seen anything like it. Most folks here absolutely HATED Barrys policies and called him the worst president in history....unless a liberal is stupid enough to bring him up, you never see comments about him. Never think about him...never crosses peoples minds. Just in this forum there are at least 3 people who will bring up Trump several times a DAY....EACH of them....just in the short time they are in this forum. He absolutely owns their thoughts...alters their perspective about most things...and in the case of LG and Loother, has altered their mindset to the point that the thought of Trump completely divorces their minds from logic, reason, and sensibility. Loother will argue until he is purple in the face that his voting AGAINST Trump rather than voting FOR the candidate which would be best for the country was wise...not backward and completely illogical...and that he would do it again...while admitting that Biden has literally fecked up every single thing he has touched and completely wrecked many aspects of American life.

It is as if Trump actually sexually abused them as children or something. They are both 100% little effeminate wusses in real life...I would bet 3 fingers on it from either hand...but their absolute obsession with Trump is hard to even comprehend without Trump having seriously caused them actual personal injury to themselves and their families.

I am dead serious. I have never hated anyone in my life the way these clowns hate Trump. Do his mean tweets and brash personality remind them of the masculine guys who used to embarrass them im gym class/give them wedgies and wet willies/ show them that they were "lesser" than the manly guys? Did somebody just like trump touch them "where their bathing suit covers"? Do they need to show us on the doll where the bad man touched them? If this were the case i would actually have pity for them. The fact in the matter is Trump nor his administration caused anyone in this forum any actual loss or injury. He did a pretty good job as steward of this country and the people, as well as the economy. He reversed some decade old policies that were not good for Americans and tried his damnedest to return us to "American Exceptionalism". Made the average citizen richer...ESPECIALLY minorities which had record employment rates, wages, and therefore was voted for by more black folks both as a % and quantitity than any Republican president in history.

Dude received the NAACP award for a lifetime of helping black people and minorities....Al, Jesse, Ali, and all the most influential black leaders in this country were there to thank him and pat him on the back....more black people love this man than any white politician in history.......

But Loother and LGs chalky white azzes will scream from the rooftops and argue until dawn that Trump is a damn racist that hates black people.

This is the kind of power he has over them. It is so weird. Good grief Charlie Brown.

Well, first, within a term or two people tend not to talk much about former presidents other than a singular event or two because so much occurred in between that they are more or less out of sight out of mind. Of the living presidents, you hear next to nothing about Bush, other than 9/11 really. Obama the same, except maybe for bin Laden and for econ junkies the bailouts done over the bridge of those two administrations.

Neither of those had big moments of controversy, really.

Trump, however, is so far beyond the pale, so obnoxiously abhorrent, and such a conniving crook, that he will live in infamy as by far the most atrocious conman to occupy the WH. He deserves his absolutely classless, rotten-to-the-core, place in history.
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Well, first, within a term or two people tend not to talk much about former presidents other than a singular event or two because so much occurred in between that they are more or less out of sight out of mind. Of the living presidents, you hear next to nothing about Bush, other than 9/11 really. Obama the same, except maybe for bin Laden and for econ junkies the bailouts done over the bridge of those two administrations.

Neither of those had big moments of controversy, really.

Trump, however, is so far beyond the pale, so obnoxiously abhorrent, and such a conniving crook, that he will live in infamy as by far the most atrocious conman to occupy the WH. He deserves his absolutely classless, rotten-to-the-core, place in history.
At least he wasn't known as the "big guy" by a drug addict son like our current president. You have some nerve indicting Trump when the current president is a clearly compromised and crooked SOB.
Well, first, within a term or two people tend not to talk much about former presidents other than a singular event or two because so much occurred in between that they are more or less out of sight out of mind. Of the living presidents, you hear next to nothing about Bush, other than 9/11 really. Obama the same, except maybe for bin Laden and for econ junkies the bailouts done over the bridge of those two administrations.

Neither of those had big moments of controversy, really.

Trump, however, is so far beyond the pale, so obnoxiously abhorrent, and such a conniving crook, that he will live in infamy as by far the most atrocious conman to occupy the WH. He deserves his absolutely classless, rotten-to-the-core, place in history.

Lol, he's still more of an American than Obama or Biden put together. That Muslim killed our military and our country.
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Never seen anything like it. Most folks here absolutely HATED Barrys policies and called him the worst president in history....unless a liberal is stupid enough to bring him up, you never see comments about him. Never think about him...never crosses peoples minds. Just in this forum there are at least 3 people who will bring up Trump several times a DAY....EACH of them....just in the short time they are in this forum. He absolutely owns their thoughts...alters their perspective about most things...and in the case of LG and Loother, has altered their mindset to the point that the thought of Trump completely divorces their minds from logic, reason, and sensibility. Loother will argue until he is purple in the face that his voting AGAINST Trump rather than voting FOR the candidate which would be best for the country was wise...not backward and completely illogical...and that he would do it again...while admitting that Biden has literally fecked up every single thing he has touched and completely wrecked many aspects of American life.

It is as if Trump actually sexually abused them as children or something. They are both 100% little effeminate wusses in real life...I would bet 3 fingers on it from either hand...but their absolute obsession with Trump is hard to even comprehend without Trump having seriously caused them actual personal injury to themselves and their families.

I am dead serious. I have never hated anyone in my life the way these clowns hate Trump. Do his mean tweets and brash personality remind them of the masculine guys who used to embarrass them im gym class/give them wedgies and wet willies/ show them that they were "lesser" than the manly guys? Did somebody just like trump touch them "where their bathing suit covers"? Do they need to show us on the doll where the bad man touched them? If this were the case i would actually have pity for them. The fact in the matter is Trump nor his administration caused anyone in this forum any actual loss or injury. He did a pretty good job as steward of this country and the people, as well as the economy. He reversed some decade old policies that were not good for Americans and tried his damnedest to return us to "American Exceptionalism". Made the average citizen richer...ESPECIALLY minorities which had record employment rates, wages, and therefore was voted for by more black folks both as a % and quantitity than any Republican president in history.

Dude received the NAACP award for a lifetime of helping black people and minorities....Al, Jesse, Ali, and all the most influential black leaders in this country were there to thank him and pat him on the back....more black people love this man than any white politician in history.......

But Loother and LGs chalky white azzes will scream from the rooftops and argue until dawn that Trump is a damn racist that hates black people.

This is the kind of power he has over them. It is so weird. Good grief Charlie Brown.
Probably want to make it your pinkie, ring, and middle fingers on your non-dominate hand.
Trump and Trumpism are simply a poison to this country. The fact that so many cannot process and comprehend that truth is what makes it even more dangerous. I've reluctantly accepted the fact that some are just unable to see the truth.
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Maybe we should stop worrying about how to force victims of rape to keep their resulting unwanted offspring and start worrying about how to teach young men to be respectful. Too many mindless straight men walking around that treat women like sh*t and feel entitled to sex… and yes, it is a conservative problem as much as it is anyone else’s. Dear leader is a perfect example.

Agreed and go back to teaching young women to keep their legs close instead of on apps looking for a hook up . I’m with you brother when do we start ?
Probably want to make it your pinkie, ring, and middle on your non-dominate hand.
Trump and Trumpism are simply a poison to this country. The fact that so many cannot process and comprehend that truth is what makes it even more dangerous. I've reluctantly accepted the fact that some are just unable to see the truth.

The fact that sooo many can’t see how progressive liberal ideology is just as poisonous to this country as anything Trump said or did is mind blowing to the ones that can .
Maybe we should stop worrying about how to force victims of rape to keep their resulting unwanted offspring and start worrying about how to teach young men to be respectful. Too many mindless straight men walking around that treat women like sh*t and feel entitled to sex… and yes, it is a conservative problem as much as it is anyone else’s. Dear leader is a perfect example.
WOW... "rent free" and an abortion rant in a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with either topic.

That is an amazing series of dots you tried to connect.
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The fact that sooo many can’t see how progressive liberal ideology is just as poisonous to this country as anything Trump said or did is mind blowing to the ones that can .
Seems like time to start compromising once again.
Agreed and go back to teaching young women to keep their legs close instead of on apps looking for a hook up . I’m with you brother when do we start ?
For those women rapists/harassers out there, sure… whatever percentage that is.
WOW... "rent free" and an abortion rant in a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with either topic.

That is an amazing series of dots you tried to connect.
Just proportionate hyperbole to @TNVOLNAVY ’s “the gays are grooming children” nonsense… but you weren’t going to “call out” his veering off course, were you?
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For those women rapists/harassers out there, sure… whatever percentage that is.

Ok I see we aren’t interested in root cause problem solving for less abortions , just high profile political buzz words . What % of states aren’t allowing an abortion for women who have been raped ?
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Drag shows or not, the US would still whip the sh!t out of China and especially Russia.

Your left wing libtards aren't out there doing the fighting. If they need a safe drag show space on base who gives a f##k.
Ok I see we aren’t interested in root cause problem solving for less abortions , just high profile political buzz words . What % of states aren’t allowing an abortion for women who have been raped ?
I don’t really care about less abortions, not really high on my priority list… and you have it high on yours amidst 2022 food shortages, overcrowding, energy grid capacity problems, oil prices, fresh water shortages… then I’d say we aren’t on the same wavelength to talk about “root cause.” I’m pretty sure we won’t even agree on what the real problems are.

What % of rapes are committed by women anyway, I didn’t look it up.

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