Wonder why America is laughing stock of the world

Just proportionate hyperbole to @TNVOLNAVY ’s “the gays are grooming children” nonsense… but you weren’t going to “call out” his veering off course, were you?
His grooming comment fell in line with the topic of this LGBTQ show. I'm not sure how you created a Venn diagram connecting grooming, Trump and abortion, however.
His grooming comment fell in line with the topic of this LGBTQ show. I'm not sure how you created a Venn diagram connecting grooming, Trump and abortion, however.
Lol, only bigoted idiots think that the gay community and grooming are directly related.
Lol, he's still more of an American than Obama or Biden put together. That Muslim killed our military and our country.


Like the Saudis Trump has at his golf course, just 50 miles from 9/11 ground zero?

Oopsie by you. Major oopsie.
I don’t really care about less abortions, not really high on my priority list… and you have it high on yours amidst 2022 food shortages, overcrowding, energy grid capacity problems, oil prices, fresh water shortages… then I’d say we aren’t on the same wavelength to talk about “root cause.” I’m pretty sure we won’t even agree on what the real problems are.

What % of rapes are committed by women anyway, I didn’t look it up.

That’s an interesting stance to take , “not really caring about less killings ( abortions ) “ while I see you in the gun thread spiting emotional buzz words when talking about my clearly defined 2a right . I have high diesel prices , which directly effect every single product in this country and you can find my post on the issues all over this forum . If you are concerned about overcrowding, look or go west young man , tell your friends and neighbors that there is more land out there but you have to give up your city life convinces ( personal 1st world choices ) . Our power grid is overloaded to the point of rolling brown and black outs , and your party is trying its best to collapse the damn thing with all electric vehicles without a way to replace the raw materials it takes to create the electricity.. I know you saw my post on the newest nuclear program in the thread that you said was just too costly . Did I miss anything?
Glad to see 10 or so folks agree with what i said about protecting our young folks from these predators. Lot of good men here who still know right from wrong...and arent afraid to call a spade...a spade.

This fictional sexes, making up pronouns, encouraging kids to take hormones and puberty blockers...even without parental consent in some locales, drag queen story hour and books placed in elementary school libraries about "touching yourself " and having 2 mommys or 2 daddys....whether you are a religious person or not, a SANE human being knows that this bullcrap should not be ANYWHERE near impressionable innocent children. We have to fight this crap tooth and nail if necessary. My kids are teens and young adults now....but other folks kids are not. Many people cannot afford Christian or private school and their kids are getting exposed to this BS in public schools right now.

We have to put a stop to this BS. As i have said a hundred times now...I do not care what 2 consenting adults do in their PRIVATE bedroom. They need to keep that bullcrap private though...regardless of whether it is traditional or this weirdo crap. There is nothing normal about deviant behaviors nor mental illness. Nothing.
Lol. Who cares

You should. It says a lot about this administration. Besides the head in the sand media in the US our reputation has taken a major hit since Jan 21 2021 or whichever day this administration was sworn in. You might be able to hide it from democrats in the US, but you can't hide the lameness from the world.
Trump and Trumpism are simply a poison to this country. The fact that so many cannot process and comprehend that truth is what makes it even more dangerous. I've reluctantly accepted the fact that some are just unable to see the truth.

So Hillary and the Leftist media are correct? Trump hired Russian hookers to pee on him?
You should. It says a lot about this administration. Besides the head in the sand media in the US our reputation has taken a major hit since Jan 21 2021 or whichever day this administration was sworn in. You might be able to hide it from democrats in the US, but you can't hide the lameness from the world.
Lol shut up. This has been going on since the late 1800s.

GIs as Dolls: Uncovering the Hidden Histories of Drag Entertainment During Wartime | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
The only "shows" on military bases should be USO or such things. And the only celebrations should be Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day (military are "workers" too) and Veterans Day.

This is how you destroy a military.

Back in the day it wasn't unheard of to have strippers come to the NCO or enlisted clubs every so often. They had to wear pasties but still.

And no even those days shouldn't be mandatory celebrations, it sucked being on a color guard on Memorial Day while most everyone else was off.
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Well, first, within a term or two people tend not to talk much about former presidents other than a singular event or two because so much occurred in between that they are more or less out of sight out of mind. Of the living presidents, you hear next to nothing about Bush, other than 9/11 really. Obama the same, except maybe for bin Laden and for econ junkies the bailouts done over the bridge of those two administrations.

Neither of those had big moments of controversy, really.

Trump, however, is so far beyond the pale, so obnoxiously abhorrent, and such a conniving crook, that he will live in infamy as by far the most atrocious conman to occupy the WH. He deserves his absolutely classless, rotten-to-the-core, place in history.

Except I don't recall any real moments of scandal during his presidency.
Never seen anything like it. Most folks here absolutely HATED Barrys policies and called him the worst president in history....unless a liberal is stupid enough to bring him up, you never see comments about him. Never think about him...never crosses peoples minds. Just in this forum there are at least 3 people who will bring up Trump several times a DAY....EACH of them....just in the short time they are in this forum. He absolutely owns their thoughts...alters their perspective about most things...and in the case of LG and Loother, has altered their mindset to the point that the thought of Trump completely divorces their minds from logic, reason, and sensibility. Loother will argue until he is purple in the face that his voting AGAINST Trump rather than voting FOR the candidate which would be best for the country was wise...not backward and completely illogical...and that he would do it again...while admitting that Biden has literally fecked up every single thing he has touched and completely wrecked many aspects of American life.

It is as if Trump actually sexually abused them as children or something. They are both 100% little effeminate wusses in real life...I would bet 3 fingers on it from either hand...but their absolute obsession with Trump is hard to even comprehend without Trump having seriously caused them actual personal injury to themselves and their families.

I am dead serious. I have never hated anyone in my life the way these clowns hate Trump. Do his mean tweets and brash personality remind them of the masculine guys who used to embarrass them im gym class/give them wedgies and wet willies/ show them that they were "lesser" than the manly guys? Did somebody just like trump touch them "where their bathing suit covers"? Do they need to show us on the doll where the bad man touched them? If this were the case i would actually have pity for them. The fact in the matter is Trump nor his administration caused anyone in this forum any actual loss or injury. He did a pretty good job as steward of this country and the people, as well as the economy. He reversed some decade old policies that were not good for Americans and tried his damnedest to return us to "American Exceptionalism". Made the average citizen richer...ESPECIALLY minorities which had record employment rates, wages, and therefore was voted for by more black folks both as a % and quantitity than any Republican president in history.

Dude received the NAACP award for a lifetime of helping black people and minorities....Al, Jesse, Ali, and all the most influential black leaders in this country were there to thank him and pat him on the back....more black people love this man than any white politician in history.......

But Loother and LGs chalky white azzes will scream from the rooftops and argue until dawn that Trump is a damn racist that hates black people.

This is the kind of power he has over them. It is so weird. Good grief Charlie Brown.

Great post, and I too have never seen anything like it. The funny thing is that everyone liked Trump before he decided to run for president. Even democrats.

I just really think that their feelz are still hurt. They ran into someone who actually has testicular fortitude. The left really hates to be stood up to, to be confronted, to have some one that will straight up clap back and clap back loudly. Trump gives zero sh!ts about hurting someone's feelings and publicly humiliating them if they come at him or get in his way. Man, that just runs all over the lefties feelz. They use their feelings and emotions in everything they do in life, and Trump has emotionally scarred them. They may never recover.
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Drag shows or not, the US would still whip the sh!t out of China and especially Russia.

Your left wing libtards aren't out there doing the fighting. If they need a safe drag show space on base who gives a f##k.

I'm not so sure about that, we didn't do it in Korea when they were still a primitive army.
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Back in the day it wasn't unheard of to have strippers come to the NCO or enlisted clubs every so often. They had to wear pasties but still.

And no even those days shouldn't be mandatory celebrations, it sucked being on a color guard on Memorial Day while most everyone else was off.

The First Sergeant hated you...
Maybe we should stop worrying about how to force victims of rape to keep their resulting unwanted offspring and start worrying about how to teach young men to be respectful. Too many mindless straight men walking around that treat women like sh*t and feel entitled to sex… and yes, it is a conservative problem as much as it is anyone else’s. Dear leader is a perfect example.
BLM, amiright?
Meanwhile, the Russian military guys are watching this in St Petersburg:

And Chinese military are watching:
From China's national pole dancing team

Seems our so called military leaders are doing their best to get real men out of the military. Is there any wonder why there is a recruiting problem?

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