Wonder why America is laughing stock of the world

I never said gas was cheaper now than it was 2 years ago. But it is much cheaper than it was 2 months ago. I paid $3.39 today.
You said life was better. This is part of that better that you claim.

It should have never gotten to be where your atta boying cheaper than two months ago but still up $1.50.
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And it was $1.58 on election day 2020.
So? Gas fluctuates. There were/are multiple variables that impacted the low prices then and the higher prices now that have nothing to do with who happens to be president.
You said life was better. This is part of that better that you claim.

It should have never gotten to be where your atta boying cheaper than two months ago but still up $1.50.
Life is better because Biden won.
It literally is much better off than it would have been had Trump won re-election.
There is nothing going on in this country & the world to back that up!

If Trump was reelected gas would still be $2.00 there would be food & baby formula on store shelves, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine and China wouldn't be flexing. And not that I care but Griner would have been released by now as well.
There is nothing going on in this country & the world to back that up!

If Trump was reelected gas would still be $2.00 there would be food & baby formula on store shelves, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine and China wouldn't be flexing. And not that I care but Griner would have been released by now as well.
His feelings
What way is life better under Biden?
Had Trump won:
Gas would be $5 a gallon.
We would be shut down because of the 4th and most severe wave of COVID.
There would be nightly riots in cities and towns across the nation.
Putin would have nuked Ukraine.
Had Trump won:
Gas would be $5 a gallon.
We would be shut down because of the 4th and most severe wave of COVID.
There would be nightly riots in cities and towns across the nation.
Putin would have nuked Ukraine.
Should have stuck with your basic “Not Trump” stance instead of trying with this.
Luther, have you heard about the Georgia state employee pension reduction act? Apparently, the state legislature is proposing that no state employee can receive more than 30% of their final yearly salary in pension funds, and they are going to cap annual cola increases at 2%.
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You said life was better. This is part of that better that you claim.

It should have never gotten to be where your atta boying cheaper than two months ago but still up $1.50.

Yeah, poor luther will carry water for kamala regime. If feel bad for the guy.
Had Trump won:
Gas would be $5 a gallon.
We would be shut down because of the 4th and most severe wave of COVID.
There would be nightly riots in cities and towns across the nation.
Putin would have nuked Ukraine.

That sounds like one of your wet dreams. Pathetic dude
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Don’t get me wrong, Biden is unimpressive, way too old, and a career politician. As I’ve said before, I’m not a Biden apologist. He was by far the worst candidate on the democrat ticket. How embarrassing are these candidates?
America took a chance on Trump as an unknown politically entity. Hindsight is 20/20 and it was a terrible idea but Biden was a known commodity and everything people hated about Trump minus the social media idiocy. I just don't understand why they voted for a demonstrated bigot, do nothing politician.

Either the American public is too far gone to Idiocracy or the system is rigged. I personally think it's both.
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Right. Since Trump came in office the fed gov spied on his campaign, had false reports creatwd on him and the new kgb investigating him from day one. The blm riots were encouraged pushed by many in the gov and the media so Trump would get the blame, then a "disease" was released on America which gave the neo-communist party a way to cheat..
Sounds like something Alex Jones would say.
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I believe that the country is better off now than it would have been had Trump won re-election; so I'm not sure what I would be apologizing for. I did not support Biden in the primaries. The people most to blame are the people who supported Trump in the republican primary. Had they nominated anyone other than Trump, that person would now be president instead of Biden.
blah blah blah

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