Worley Haters and Hood Ahead of Mo Couch Complainers

But did they make the idol of the Jr High Cheer Squad feel bored or electric? That's the real question.

It's ok man...don't be butt hurt because I've got a higher football IQ than you. I mean you can probably play the flute a lot better than me..but I'm not going to get pissed about it!
It's ok man...don't be butt hurt because I've got a higher football IQ than you. I mean you can probably play the flute a lot better than me..but I'm not going to get pissed about it!

Now... you are really tearing me up. You're just so funny.:lolabove:

You have really said nothing here that suggests you have a higher football IQ than anyone. If you coach your players by telling them they "bore" you or aren't "electric" enough... I'm sure you're doing a great job though.:birgits_giggle:

Never played flute... saw plenty of coaches whose egos were stoked by adoring teenage girls though. I was too slow to play past HS but did play for a very good HS program a few years back. I played on the first of several state championship teams they've had. Doesn't make me anything other than a guy with an opinion... but I didn't play a "flute" for sure.
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Originally Posted by 1truevol:
Well I tell u what big guy....if you think we can beat Georgia,FL,SC,Bama,etc. with what you saw Saturday, then well...you're just clueless. The whole point of my posts is to point out that we've got to have an effective passing game to compete with the big boys. You seem to think we've "arrived" because we have a good O-line and "average" backs. I'm fine with running it 95 percent of the time if we had Bama's line and TB's...but guess what?? We don't! Teams will simply put 9 in the box and say bring it! Many uSEC teams can take that away from us....or do you not understand how D coordinators work? Just wondering!

The Experts on ESPN said that Alabama's OL didn't look very good against VT. 3 new linemen replacing 3 NFL draft picks. Didn't watch much of the game, but I know they didn't run it very successfully. They were very down on their offensive performance. Just Saying!
Now... you are really tearing me up. You're just so funny.:lolabove:

You have really said nothing here that suggests you have a higher football IQ than anyone. If you coach your players by telling them they "bore" you or aren't "electric" enough... I'm sure you're doing a great job though.:birgits_giggle:

Never played flute... saw plenty of coaches whose egos were stoked by adoring teenage girls though. I was too slow to play past HS but did play for a very good HS program a few years back. I played on the first of several state championship teams they've had. Doesn't make me anything other than a guy with an opinion... but I didn't play a "flute" for sure.
Cool...then let's just agree to disagree and move on. At the end of the day I love my VOLS win or lose...boring or electric! I just hope we have more ups than downs this year and take at least a step in getting this program back to where it was for so long. GO VOLS
I'm hoping North is a fast learner and becomes one solid playmaker this weekend. I'm hoping Worley is solid. Going to be tested this weekend.
Originally Posted by 1truevol:
Well I tell u what big guy....if you think we can beat Georgia,FL,SC,Bama,etc. with what you saw Saturday, then well...you're just clueless. The whole point of my posts is to point out that we've got to have an effective passing game to compete with the big boys. You seem to think we've "arrived" because we have a good O-line and "average" backs. I'm fine with running it 95 percent of the time if we had Bama's line and TB's...but guess what?? We don't! Teams will simply put 9 in the box and say bring it! Many uSEC teams can take that away from us....or do you not understand how D coordinators work? Just wondering!

The Experts on ESPN said that Alabama's OL didn't look very good against VT. 3 new linemen replacing 3 NFL draft picks. Didn't watch much of the game, but I know they didn't run it very successfully. They were very down on their offensive performance. Just Saying!
We're gonna have a tough season, that said, did anyone note what McCarron's QB rating was? Here's a hint go to rated NCAA QBs last week, start at #100 and begin scrolling up, you won't have to go very far to find him.
I'm afraid you're right about Worley's running. He's slow and runs like a stork or flamingo. But on the other hand, he has guts which was shown in his willingness to block for the RBs. That scares me, I think it sets him up to be plastered , but the man has guts you got to admit.

oregonvol, I used hate because a lot of disrespect and doubt has been spewed at Worley on this board. A lot. Unfairly if you ask me.

i think he must be the best passer on the team,or one of the running QBs would be starting

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