Worley Haters and Hood Ahead of Mo Couch Complainers

I'm a coach....I get it!

I struggle to believe you are a "good" coach at any level above Pop Warner based on your posts. Your evaluation in the OP was based on the notion that you were bored rather than excited. NO good football coach would be "bored" watching a run game reel off six straight scoring drives like that. That was thoroughly enjoyable and "exciting".
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I love Butch and love my VOLS...but I'm really worried about our offense in general. I mean I was honestly bored mid-way through the 2nd qtr, needless to say the second half was even worse. I really hope that there's a lot more electricity than what was shown Saturday. If not, we'll be lucky to win 6 games...seriously. This may be where we are right now simply based on talent.

Not a word here that suggests your point was to wish for them to work on the passing game more.

you complained about a lack of "electricity". A power run game apparently "bores" you.
Wondering if The DL Coach is going to post about how the coaches are wrong about Couch that he should clearly get the start.
Not a word here that suggests your point was to wish for them to work on the passing game more.

you complained about a lack of "electricity". A power run game apparently "bores" you.

It's ok...just eat your popcorn and enjoy the game!
Big talker....on the "web" aren't you! What instrument did you play in the band?

nah, not really. I just thought it was a good time to bring up the Alabama high school coach that wore a butt whoopin twice last Friday.

your entitled to your opinion, we just don't have to like it.

btw I did ROTC and 4H. Band was for losers. :)
If Worley plays at that level throughout the season, we're looking at 4-8 or thereabouts. Off target passes with no zip like he was throwing Saturday night will spell disaster against good SEC defenses.

Step away from the ledge...things are not as bad as you think.
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I'm not worried about Worley's passing. I'm worried how he is gonna run against the big boys because he is not a good runner, and Butch obviously wants his qb running.

When we start playing the big boys is when we will start getting our azz kicked,the PEAYS and Hillbillys and bulls of the world you can get by with a d rated QB, but when you bring the elite you better have plan b, because the way Worley runs he will get his head tore off.:eek:hmy:
When you recognize what a well balanced and explosive offense looks like you'll understand. Until then....just eat your popcorn.

LOL@U. Is it "electric"? Does it make you tingle all over?

Eat your own popcorn... I'm with the guy who wants to establish a dominant, if boring, run game.
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When we start playing the big boys is when we will start getting our azz kicked,the PEAYS and Hillbillys and bulls of the world you can get by with a d rated QB, but when you bring the elite you better have plan b, because the way Worley runs he will get his head tore off.:eek:hmy:

You don't think Jones is a very good coach, do you?

If you do... then you might want to take a look at some of the rosters of the "big boys". They aren't quite as scary is you seem to think.
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LOL@U. Is it "electric"? Does it make you tingle all over?

Eat your own popcorn... I'm with the guy who wants to establish a dominant, if boring, run game.

Well I tell u what big guy....if you think we can beat Georgia,FL,SC,Bama,etc. with what you saw Saturday, then well...you're just clueless. The whole point of my posts is to point out that we've got to have an effective passing game to compete with the big boys. You seem to think we've "arrived" because we have a good O-line and "average" backs. I'm fine with running it 95 percent of the time if we had Bama's line and TB's...but guess what?? We don't! Teams will simply put 9 in the box and say bring it! Many SEC teams can take that away from us....or do you not understand how D coordinators work? Just wondering!
Some of you people tend to amaze me. It was the first game of the season and you guys are already freaking out over everything. Yes there is some things this team needs to work on but that's what Butch Jones is for. He knows his players have a long way to go and he knows he has a challenging schedule but you have to let the man do his job and help these kids learn the fundamentals of the game. That's the only way this team can get better and better each game.
Well I tell u what big guy....if you think we can beat Georgia,FL,SC,Bama,etc. with what you saw Saturday, then well...you're just clueless.
Oh no. Not at all. I won't believe their good enough for that until you feel they are "electric". By no stretch am I predicting Bama's level of success for this team but their formula since Saban arrived was a "boring" power run game with a great D and QB who was far more of a game manager than great passer.

I guess Saban is "clueless" too?
The whole point of my posts is to point out that we've got to have an effective passing game to compete with the big boys. You seem to think we've "arrived" because we have a good O-line and "average" backs.
You haven't read my other posts where folks are taking shots at me because they think I'm too negative, have you? I don't think they have arrived. I think your comment the way you wrote it was shallow and dumb. You didn't feel the O was "electric". That's what you said... not me. That SCREAMS clueless if you don't find a run game that reels off 5+ yard plays on every carry "electric".

I'm fine with running it 95 percent of the time if we had Bama's line and TB's...but guess what?? We don't!
According to Jones... and pretty much every other coach at any level who has a good run game... it is about attitude and execution. Neal and Lane are both very good runners with talent. Who does have Bama's RB's except maybe UGa? These guys are plenty good enough to have a dominant run game. Teams with less talent at RB have done it.

The most critical factor in the run game is run blocking execution by EVERYONE.

Teams will simply put 9 in the box and say bring it!
Um, no they won't. Even the limitied passing game they showed last week won't allow 9 in the box.
Many SEC teams can take that away from us....or do you not understand how D coordinators work? Just wondering!
Yeah "coach"... I pretty much do.

Reminder: I have not predicted a 10 win season or SEC championship. But I HAVE listened to what Jones says he wants to do. He says he wants to establish an identity that includes a tough power run game. He has not said nor have I that you can do it without throwing the ball... that's a strawman you constructed desperately trying to make a point when you have none.
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Oh no. Not at all. I won't believe their good enough for that until you feel they are "electric". By no stretch am I predicting Bama's level of success for this team but their formula since Saban arrived was a "boring" power run game with a great D and QB who was far more of a game manager than great passer.

I guess Saban is "clueless" too? You haven't read my other posts where folks are taking shots at me because they think I'm too negative, have you? I don't think they have arrived. I think your comment the way you wrote it was shallow and dumb. You didn't feel the O was "electric". That's what you said... not me. That SCREAMS clueless if you don't find a run game that reels off 5+ yard plays on every carry "electric".

According to Jones... and pretty much every other coach at any level who has a good run game... it is about attitude and execution. Neal and Lane are both very good runners with talent. Who does have Bama's RB's except maybe UGa? These guys are plenty good enough to have a dominant run game. Teams with less talent at RB have done it.

The most critical factor in the run game is run blocking execution by EVERYONE.

Um, no they won't. Even the limitied passing game they showed last week won't allow 9 in the box. Yeah "coach"... I pretty much do.

Reminder: I have not predicted a 10 win season or SEC championship. But I HAVE listened to what Jones says he wants to do. He says he wants to establish an identity that includes a tough power run game. He has not said nor have I that you can do it without throwing the ball... that's a strawman you constructed desperately trying to make a point when you have none.

Seems we have lots to talk about! We should meet and debate!
Oh no. Not at all. I won't believe their good enough for that until you feel they are "electric". By no stretch am I predicting Bama's level of success for this team but their formula since Saban arrived was a "boring" power run game with a great D and QB who was far more of a game manager than great passer.

I guess Saban is "clueless" too? You haven't read my other posts where folks are taking shots at me because they think I'm too negative, have you? I don't think they have arrived. I think your comment the way you wrote it was shallow and dumb. You didn't feel the O was "electric". That's what you said... not me. That SCREAMS clueless if you don't find a run game that reels off 5+ yard plays on every carry "electric".

According to Jones... and pretty much every other coach at any level who has a good run game... it is about attitude and execution. Neal and Lane are both very good runners with talent. Who does have Bama's RB's except maybe UGa? These guys are plenty good enough to have a dominant run game. Teams with less talent at RB have done it.

The most critical factor in the run game is run blocking execution by EVERYONE.

Um, no they won't. Even the limitied passing game they showed last week won't allow 9 in the box. Yeah "coach"... I pretty much do.

Reminder: I have not predicted a 10 win season or SEC championship. But I HAVE listened to what Jones says he wants to do. He says he wants to establish an identity that includes a tough power run game. He has not said nor have I that you can do it without throwing the ball... that's a strawman you constructed desperately trying to make a point when you have none.
You obviously have not read Butch's remarks stating that this offense must generate more "electric/explosive" plays...especially in the passing game. How funny...I guess "coaches" usually speak the same language! Oh and one more thing speaking of Bama's boring offense and game managing QB....does the last name Cooper mean anything to you? I promising you those two players keep opposing D coordinators awake at night!
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Worley needs to be shown the QB slide, or a FL, GA, SC or Bama LB or S will come up and knock the soup out of him. Based on how our 2nd team QB looked, we really need Worley to stay healthy.

I think Worley knows how to slide unlike Bray last year in which he sprained his knee ATTEMPTING a slide against uGA. Worley will be fine.
You obviously have not read Butch's remarks stating that this offense must generate more "electric/explosive" plays...especially in the passing game.
Sure I have. And at no point have I said they didn't. But it has nothing to do with you feeling "electricity" or getting "bored".

How funny...I guess "coaches" usually speak the same language! Oh and one more thing speaking of Bama's boring offense and game managing QB....does the last name Cooper mean anything to you? I promising you those two players keep opposing D coordinators awake at night!

Their O is different this year. We'll see how it works out. Their VT game was incredible IMO because of the lack of a run game by them. A 2nd RB didn't show up in that game and Yeldon won't be able to carry the load that two have carried in the past. It would be interesting to know when the last time Bama avg'd under 3 ypc was.

They've had nightmare WR's in the past... and still chose to pound the run game.
Listened to the Monday press conference again last night. Jones only said this about one player that I heard: "He played winning football for us".

Wanna guess which player he was referring to?
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Sure I have. And at no point have I said they didn't. But it has nothing to do with you feeling "electricity" or getting "bored".

Their O is different this year. We'll see how it works out. Their VT game was incredible IMO because of the lack of a run game by them. A 2nd RB didn't show up in that game and Yeldon won't be able to carry the load that two have carried in the past. It would be interesting to know when the last time Bama avg'd under 3 ypc was.

They've had nightmare WR's in the past... and still chose to pound the run game.

Uh...yes it has everything to do with me not feeling "electricity" because our passing game was not very electric. Butch agrees! The game that was called was simply pretty boring offensively. I mean they SHOULD be able to run wild on that defense. It was like playing a high school team....which is why I was hoping they'd use that game to grow in the passing game. You obviously don't comprehend my initial concerns in this whole thread.

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