Worst 2-0 team in the country?

We look very similar to alabama. Just not as deep. We don't have the depth, but we look very similar.

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Say what you want to, this is not fun football to watch....even when it's working this offensive style SUCKS and is not meant for big boy SEC Football.

This is the day I am jump off the fence and land on the side of Butch is not our guy. He has been an excellent spokesman and rebuilder and left it a hell of a lot better than Dooley but it's time to bring in our Saban, Meyer, or Harbaugh

It is funny you mention Meyer... Our offense runs a lot of the same scheme that Meyer runs... The same offense he ran at UF, which last I checked was a "big boy SEC football team."

But don't let details derail your little rant hoss.

Edit: BTW, That post is less about defending our coaches and more about pointing out an inconsistent statement. We have real issues on the field, both players and coaches.
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Don't make me do the work for you.

That set up to malone when you least expected it is classic alabama. They have the same problems with Oline we do, we both come out making mistakes and finish strong. we have similar Lines (ours is less deep). We have similar corners. Hurts is exactly a young Dobbs. Both teams try to take the emotion out of it and play with consistency. Both teams make plays when it counts. Both teams are trying to peak at the right time. I would go on but if you don't see it by now it's because you don't want to.

How aren't we alike? no never mind... it will be pointless.

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