Would Butch Leave UT For Michigan State If Offered The Head Coaching Job?



Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?
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Oh, to answer OP: Butch is going to leave for the first HC offer he gets. He just likes moving around. Even if it's for less money. I've heard he really wants to get into the Sun Belt Conference.
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He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

Negative...Tell the Meatchicken state alum he has no clue what he is talking about.
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He still has family up there and several of his assistants are from that area also. I work with a Mich State alum & he says it would be a done deal. Is Butch really a VFL?

I'm mean. Could have been worse.

Deleted my comment. Don't want anyone to cry.

Just know. Dumb question. Stop.
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I'm sorry, there was so much fail in OP, I had to take a second swing.

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The real question is how did you manage to make a new thread?


Yes, yes, yes ^^^

I don't post too often bc I leave it to the pros and I just read, but you ought to know better than this!

I've never heard a question that was so full of blatant ignorance.

Michigan State?! Hahahaha!!!
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