Would our government experiment on a group of its citizens even if it meant killing alll number of them?

I wouldn't put it past them,HIV-AIDS may have started to spread because of a lab mistake.
If the article is correct this wasn't a mistake. This was targeted.

Good point. Radio Moscow in the 1980s said HIV-AIDS was created as a biological weapon. I've read things that said it was created as a Biological Weapon but was abandoned because it killed too slowly.
I thought it came about from the nazis who wanted to drop ticks invested with the disease

The Japanese handed out candy to the Chinese with plague germs and the British gave the Indians in Connecticut and Massachusetts blankets with Smallpox germs in them to kill off the Indians. It's happened quite a few times in the past
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While doing research on the possibility that Lyme disease is a bio weapon that was accidental released ( Red has Lyme and is very sick) I descovered this.

The Gay Experiment That Started AIDS In America


On the LD topic - what symptoms? Been waiting for bloodwork to come back on what I think is LD as well. Dr. insists it can't be. Just wondering other people's experiences.
I got laughed at for saying that we have people in our govt that would be willing to take a chance on winning a first strike nuclear war. If they are capable of releasing a bio-weapon on us, they would certainly try to hunker down while the rest of humanity has to deal with a nuclear war.
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The wife, former VN regular poster and woman in the pick on my profile

Are her nails falling off?

Can she walk?

I had some sort of god-forsaken illness a few years ago. I think it was Rocky Mountain, but I'm not sure. My hands and feet burned like hell and had red spots on them. My nails were falling off, and I was running a bad fever. To top it off, damned if I couldn't walk because my balls felt like someone was constantly kicking them. (Hopefully your wife doesn't have that particular problem, but, if so, to each their own.)

Luckily, the doc at the Urgent Care Clinic (went on a Sunday after a weekend of agony) mistakenly thought it was hand, foot, and mouth, and wouldn't you know it: just happens to have the same cure. So I was okay. Other than that whole potentially dying soon without treatment thing.

That is, without question, the most pain I've experienced in my entire life.
The US government dropped mosquitoes on a town in Georgia to test a bio weapon with an insect vector.
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