Would our government experiment on a group of its citizens even if it meant killing alll number of them?

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I got laughed at for saying that we have people in our govt that would be willing to take a chance on winning a first strike nuclear war. If they are capable of releasing a bio-weapon on us, they would certainly try to hunker down while the rest of humanity has to deal with a nuclear war.

Missiles On The Doorstep And Impending Nuclear Winter | ZeroHedge

Nobody in their right mind would advocate what is called ‘first use’ of nuclear weapons.

So step forward U.S. legislator, Senator Roger Wicker, who was reported as declaring that if there were conflict between Russia and Ukraine then the U.S. would have to be involved to the extent that this “could mean American troops on the ground.” And taking a massive leap backwards for mankind the senator declared on Fox News on December 8 that in the event of engagement against Russia “we don’t rule out first use nuclear action.”
Governments Admit Using 'Mass Formation Psychosis' As Tool of Population Control | ZeroHedge

Malone’s summary of how health authorities seized on the unifying threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and exaggerated its thread to create mass hysteria is backed up by leaked details of how the UK government manipulated its population during the early days of the pandemic.

As first revealed by author and journalist Laura Dodsworth, scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behaviour during the pandemic.

“Canadian military leaders saw the pandemic as a unique opportunity to test out propaganda techniques on an unsuspecting public,” reported the Ottawa Citizen.


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