Would our government experiment on a group of its citizens even if it meant killing alll number of them?

I will have Red check in later to answer questions about Lyme. She is all about raising awareness
Of course they would. However I have a hard time believing they would use something like aids to get it done. It just doesn't have the speed and effectiveness to get anything done
according to some the government created HIV/AIDS "to keep the black man down" too.

Maybe they did? I have no idea. It is hard to believe that it spread like it did during the 80's when we know that it comes from monkeys in Africa. There seems to have been some help to help spread it around in such a rapid manner.
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Maybe they did? I have no idea. It is hard to believe that it spread like it did during the 80's when we know that it comes from monkeys in Africa. There seems to have been some help to help spread it around in such a rapid manner.

dudes with aids having sex with multiple other dude can make it spread pretty quick. one thing about the gay community, they have no problems satisfying their lust.

it wouldn't take long.
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dudes with aids having sex with multiple other dude can make it spread pretty quick. one thing about the gay community, they have no problems satisfying their lust.

it wouldn't take long.

You sound like you have first hand experience. It's OK though - we're not here to judge you.
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nope, sorry to let you down septic (tank). i don't do those sick actions.

Oh, you're not letting me down. I've noticed however that those who express their wanton disgust with homosexuality with as much passion as you, usually are overcompensating for latent desires.

Just an observation.
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dudes with aids having sex with multiple other dude can make it spread pretty quick. one thing about the gay community, they have no problems satisfying their lust.

it wouldn't take long.

It spread way too quickly for that to be the sole cause. It certainly played a role in it, but again it had help along the way.
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On the LD topic - what symptoms? Been waiting for bloodwork to come back on what I think is LD as well. Dr. insists it can't be. Just wondering other people's experiences.

There are many myths about Lyme Disease. The medical community is split on this infection. Where can you get it? How to treat it?

1. Lyme is only in the northeast USA. Wrong! Lyme is all over this world. Southern US, west, Australia, Ireland and even Japan although the CDC denies this.
2. You will get a bullseye rash. The CDC states 80%. New studies from doctors treating Lyme, Dr Richard Horowitz, states 50% will get a rash and only half of those get a bullseye. This leaves 75% with either no rash or some other rash.
3. The lab testing is accurate. Very very wrong. The lab tests for the body's immune response to infection. What if the timing of this test is wrong and the immune system has not responded? Also, this bacteria hides and can remain undetected. So how can this be accurate? Any other blood infection will require blood cultures.
4. 30 days of antibiotics is sufficient to treat Lyme. Any residual symptoms are referred to by the CDC as Post Lyme disease treatment syndrome. So how can I have post treatment syndrome for something I had 4 years before treatment??

In 2010 I was a normal, working, active adult. I was on a walk and discovered a blackberry patch. I picked berries, made jelly and two weeks later was in so much pain and fatigue I couldn't function. I had flu symptoms and a spotty rash on my neck. I had severe brain fog and dizziness. Couldn't drive, read, and could barely walk. I never saw a tick on me which is very common.

My doctor told me "Lyme Disease does not exist in this area". He assumed because I am a women I was depressed and got a prescription for Prozac.
I went back over and over and over so sick. Like full blown flu nonstop for 3 months. I have a sister with MS and felt like I should see a neurologist. I had numbness and burning in my left arm and leg. By this point my left side of my face was numb and still is today.
I saw a neurologist who also said "Lyme disease does not exist in this area" and she gave me a paper on why I shouldn't take Excedrine. I was having blinding migraine headaches.
I needed up in the ER. They suspected Lyme but my lab was negative. I was sent to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with Lupus. I started on Plaquenil and I went back to the ER in Rigors. My PCP told the er I had mental issues. I was then required to have an emergency evaluation at a mental institution.
I fired that Dr, who lives in my neighborhood, and began seeing another. She felt like it was Fibromyalgia. She also sent me to Mayo Clinic. They said an autoimmune arthritis.
Sent to another rheumatologist and was treated for psoriatic arthritis for 3 years.
I was able to function for a couple years but fell back into the pit again.
My Rheumatologist sent me to an Alternative Medicine/ internal medicine.
This man has changed my world. He diagnosed the Lyme after 4 years of being volleyed around.

This disease needs some attention. I cannot tell you how many of my Lyme friends on forums have been treated exactly this way.
It is a great imitator and mimics multiple issues. The symptom list is very long.

Please look up Dr Richard Horowitz. He has a method of detecting Lyme.
I can't speak to when, where, or why they would do such a thing but… If the question is do I think our government would be capable and/or willing to exterminate its own citizens?

Then the answer is… Absolutely.
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We know HIV/AIDS was in Africa in the early 1900's. So this talk of it being a bioweapon is paranoia and propaganda. BBC News - Aids: Origin of pandemic 'was 1920s Kinshasa'
http://evolve.zoo.ox.ac.uk/Evolve/Oliver_Pybus_files/Faria et al (2014) Science.pdf

Archaeological evidence shows Lyme Disease in humans is at least thousands of years old and the disease itself is millions, so we know it wasn't engineered either:

Lyme Disease Bacteria Found In Tick Fossils Dating Back 15 Million Years
Iceman Mummy May Hold Earliest Evidence of Lyme Disease

I know these answers aren't as exciting as Nazi scientists and covert government operations. Sorry.
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I know these answers aren't as exciting as Nazi scientists and covert government operations. Sorry.

this won't go over well with some people.

1. because it is the government and they must be evil
2. they won't believe your links
3. they will state that they were still 'weaponised' without backing it up with anything more than opinion pieces
4. they will say something like 'do you believe everything you are told'
That's quite an ordeal, Red13.

I've been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, so I can relate to some of what you talk about. I don't have a reason to think that it's not PsA (other than the fact that it's not responding well to treatment), but the saga has taught me that there are conditions that doctors don't understand well at all.

Hope you're getting better.

This disease needs some attention. I cannot tell you how many of my Lyme friends on forums have been treated exactly this way.
It is a great imitator and mimics multiple issues. The symptom list is very long.

Please look up Dr Richard Horowitz. He has a method of detecting Lyme.

Thanks for the info. About 2.5 months ago I felt like the flu was coming on. Friday I was fine. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I slept almost solidly - brief bathroom breaks and some food. I woke up and could not walk. I felt like all my joints were fused. Joint and muscle pain was bad. I had bad headaches. I felt lightheaded and dizzy. A coworker asked me by chance if I had been bitten by a tick recently. I had been about a week and a half before these symptoms kicked in. I went to the doctor and got the same response - probably a virus. He put me on Doxy and some anti-inflammatory pills. Nothing helped. Memory and focus became a problem. Never had the rash. The only difference between my symptoms and yours is not quite the excruciating pain. Mine's really bad but I've been told I should be doing some serious screaming. I'd like to think the pain I'm dealing with is actually bad because it is. But I've had two people tell me unless I am writhing in pain screaming that I probably don't have LD.

I'm waiting on bloodwork to come back - they tested for Lupus, RA, and numerous other things including Lyme. Being laid up in bed all the time in pain and not being able to fully focus has been a problem. Hopefully the bloodwork will determine what I have if LD and even make sure to narrow others out. I will check into this doctor you mention as well. Thanks for this info.
dudes with aids having sex with multiple other dude can make it spread pretty quick. one thing about the gay community, they have no problems satisfying their lust.

it wouldn't take long.

heterosexuals definitely have problems satisfying their lust:crazy:
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That's quite an ordeal, Red13.

I've been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, so I can relate to some of what you talk about. I don't have a reason to think that it's not PsA (other than the fact that it's not responding well to treatment), but the saga has taught me that there are conditions that doctors don't understand well at all.
Hope you're getting better.

Psa is one of the misdiagnosis we went through

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