Would our government experiment on a group of its citizens even if it meant killing alll number of them?

Slip Kid Vol is a member of the CCP


I have very little doubt that currently there are elements in the government that have contingency plans for thinning the population if necessary. Nobody is going to write memos outlining an actual purpose, but they can "study" diseases and substances with the stated purpose of combating outbreaks (while quietly collecting the knowledge on how to deploy these things).

I think that it's possible in the past, during widely accepted segregation, that specific groups of people had been considered potential targets. In the present it's very possible that the secretive agencies have plans on how to stop a population explosion in case the planet were to no longer have the resources to sustain human life (100 billion people? a trillion people?).

Remember the anthrax attacks? The prime suspects were government workers that had access in the labs that they worked in.

A better question might be... what is the Chinese government up to? What are their strategies for thinning the herd?
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I have very little doubt that currently there are elements in the government that have contingency plans for thinning the population if necessary. Nobody is going to write memos outlining an actual purpose, but they can "study" diseases and substances with the stated purpose of combating outbreaks (while quietly collecting the knowledge on how to deploy these things).

I think that it's possible in the past, during widely accepted segregation, that specific groups of people had been considered potential targets. In the present it's very possible that the secretive agencies have plans on how to stop a population explosion in case the planet were to no longer have the resources to sustain human life (100 billion people? a trillion people?).

Remember the anthrax attacks? The prime suspects were government workers that had access in the labs that they worked in.

A better question might be... what is the Chinese government up to? What are their strategies for thinning the herd?
Cheap auto parts to make mechanics commit suicide because they can't find quality parts..
There are many myths about Lyme Disease. The medical community is split on this infection. Where can you get it? How to treat it?

1. Lyme is only in the northeast USA. Wrong! Lyme is all over this world. Southern US, west, Australia, Ireland and even Japan although the CDC denies this.
2. You will get a bullseye rash. The CDC states 80%. New studies from doctors treating Lyme, Dr Richard Horowitz, states 50% will get a rash and only half of those get a bullseye. This leaves 75% with either no rash or some other rash.
3. The lab testing is accurate. Very very wrong. The lab tests for the body's immune response to infection. What if the timing of this test is wrong and the immune system has not responded? Also, this bacteria hides and can remain undetected. So how can this be accurate? Any other blood infection will require blood cultures.
4. 30 days of antibiotics is sufficient to treat Lyme. Any residual symptoms are referred to by the CDC as Post Lyme disease treatment syndrome. So how can I have post treatment syndrome for something I had 4 years before treatment??

In 2010 I was a normal, working, active adult. I was on a walk and discovered a blackberry patch. I picked berries, made jelly and two weeks later was in so much pain and fatigue I couldn't function. I had flu symptoms and a spotty rash on my neck. I had severe brain fog and dizziness. Couldn't drive, read, and could barely walk. I never saw a tick on me which is very common.

My doctor told me "Lyme Disease does not exist in this area". He assumed because I am a women I was depressed and got a prescription for Prozac.
I went back over and over and over so sick. Like full blown flu nonstop for 3 months. I have a sister with MS and felt like I should see a neurologist. I had numbness and burning in my left arm and leg. By this point my left side of my face was numb and still is today.
I saw a neurologist who also said "Lyme disease does not exist in this area" and she gave me a paper on why I shouldn't take Excedrine. I was having blinding migraine headaches.
I needed up in the ER. They suspected Lyme but my lab was negative. I was sent to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with Lupus. I started on Plaquenil and I went back to the ER in Rigors. My PCP told the er I had mental issues. I was then required to have an emergency evaluation at a mental institution.
I fired that Dr, who lives in my neighborhood, and began seeing another. She felt like it was Fibromyalgia. She also sent me to Mayo Clinic. They said an autoimmune arthritis.
Sent to another rheumatologist and was treated for psoriatic arthritis for 3 years.
I was able to function for a couple years but fell back into the pit again.
My Rheumatologist sent me to an Alternative Medicine/ internal medicine.
This man has changed my world. He diagnosed the Lyme after 4 years of being volleyed around.

This disease needs some attention. I cannot tell you how many of my Lyme friends on forums have been treated exactly this way.
It is a great imitator and mimics multiple issues. The symptom list is very long.

Please look up Dr Richard Horowitz. He has a method of detecting Lyme.
Anyone who has or fears Lyme's disease in the Chattanooga area, I have an alternative doctor I can put you in contact with.
I'm 57. Many regrets, no excuses, and a low tolerance for BS at this point. Knock me out with Ebola, Lyme, or whatever. I know where I'm going, so how I get there is no worry of mine. I'm wise enough to know I won't get a fair fight, even from our own government. I say this a lot: it is what it is.

OTOH, pose a threat to my family...my animals...come for my guns...or act to suppress my faith...and now Houston, we have a problem. If I consider you to be a threat, and I see you coming or have time to react, one of us had best have their affairs in order.

That being said, I would never, ever, offer resistance to a duly-sworn officer executing the oath of their office.

So stay true to your oath, and we won't have an issue. Protect and Serve. The rest is window dressing.
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While doing research on the possibility that Lyme disease is a bio weapon that was accidental released ( Red has Lyme and is very sick) I descovered this.

The Gay Experiment That Started AIDS In America

Maybe. Seems far fetched that a gay disease could be engineered and then spread, primarily, through anal sex.

I have a fried who is pretty high up in the CDC and has worked extensively on AIDS and Ebola. I’ll forward to him.
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Maybe. Seems far fetched that a gay disease could be engineered and then spread, primarily, through anal sex.

I have a fried who is pretty high up in the CDC and has worked extensively on AIDS and Ebola. I’ll forward to him.
Would be very interested to know his thoughts.
Maybe. Seems far fetched that a gay disease could be engineered and then spread, primarily, through anal sex.

I have a fried who is pretty high up in the CDC and has worked extensively on AIDS and Ebola. I’ll forward to him.

I concede that exterminate is not the proper wording. Or at least I think I did early on, “experiment on a group” is probably more accurate
The United States government is made up of people who would kill you and your family and not bat an eye.

I wonder if the poor guy was curious why everyone was wearing a (1945 equivalent) hazmat suit when they came around him. Of course it's likely the nurses and other hospital personnel probably weren't told and were exposed also.
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I wonder if the poor guy was curious why everyone was wearing a (1945 equivalent) hazmat suit when they came around him. Of course it's likely the nurses and other hospital personnel probably weren't told and were exposed also.
Most likely. Sad to think about.
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