Would our government experiment on a group of its citizens even if it meant killing alll number of them?

I'm. Not laughing. Our gov is complicit in so many black ops and bioengineered warfare it's not even deniable anymore. The only reason the cdc is so concerned about Ebola entering the country is that it can't be controlled.
We did use our own people to test nuclear weapons, neurological agents and skin agents. Then the gov 40 years later finally fessed up. My microbiology teacher once made a comment, he worked for the cdc before, " you'd never believe the things they're capable of" yes actually, yes i would.
Dripping with clairvoyance...
This ish has gone on for decades, regardless of who is in office. Can it be reigned in? Should it be reigned in? Are we so deep in the rabbit hole we just have to keep eating the mushrooms until we come out the other side?
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This ish has gone on for decades, regardless of who is in office. Can it be reigned in? Should it be reigned in? Are we so deep in the rabbit hole we just have to keep eating the mushrooms until we come out the other side?
You can't be serious asking this.
I have very little doubt that currently there are elements in the government that have contingency plans for thinning the population if necessary. Nobody is going to write memos outlining an actual purpose, but they can "study" diseases and substances with the stated purpose of combating outbreaks (while quietly collecting the knowledge on how to deploy these things).

I think that it's possible in the past, during widely accepted segregation, that specific groups of people had been considered potential targets. In the present it's very possible that the secretive agencies have plans on how to stop a population explosion in case the planet were to no longer have the resources to sustain human life (100 billion people? a trillion people?).

Remember the anthrax attacks? The prime suspects were government workers that had access in the labs that they worked in.

A better question might be... what is the Chinese government up to? What are their strategies for thinning the herd?
You didnt say the last part. But you definitely said the first.

What I said was that there is a high likelihood that those involved have more information than we do. That is a far cry from saying they know better than us.

I'm sure we'd all reassess our stances if we had full access to all threat vectors and other associated information.
What I said was that there is a high likelihood that those involved have more information than we do. That is a far cry from saying they know better than us.

I'm sure we'd all reassess our stances if we had full access to all threat vectors and other associated information.
So they do know better/more than us, and we should trust their assessments and decision making based on knowledge we dont have.
So they do know better/more than us, and we should trust their assessments and decision making based on knowledge we dont have.

Knowing more does not mean knowing better, and I'm unsure why you continue to connect those two words.
Knowing more does not mean knowing better, and I'm unsure why you continue to connect those two words.
Except for the extreme of knowing "everything" and not being able to process it, I dont see how knowing more wouldnt be better.

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