Would you be happy with 6-6 (regular season) in 2013?


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Feb 16, 2012
IMPORTANT: Assume that we beat everyone on our schedule who we are supposed to beat, and that one of our six wins comes from either Oregon, UF, Bama, UGA, or USCe.
I want 6-6 and a bowl win! Anything less than this and I will consider it a disappointing season. We have missed the bowl season 2 straight years and we have not had a bowl victory since 2007! IMO, getting to bowl and WINNING it is crucial in order to continue to build on the momentum that CBJ has created.
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I'll be pissed-off every time we lose.

But if the team gives good effort and we are competitive, even in losses, then I think I can look back on a 7-5 season as a sign of hope.

6-6? No, I won't be happy. But I am willing to be patient. It would have to be a complete train wreck for me to panic after only the first season. Butch deserves a fair chance.
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I want 6-6 and a bowl win! Anything less than this and I will consider it a disappointing season. We have missed the bowl season 2 straight years and we have not had a bowl victory since 2007! IMO, getting to bowl and WINNING it is crucial in order to continue to build on the momentum that CBJ has created.

That's an excellent point.
6-6 and be competitive with a defense that shows it's come to play! :peace2:
I think that you can only count 1 FCS team to qualify for bowl and we play 2. I think we need to go 7-5 to make bowl. That being said I would be a little disappointed if we was 6-6 but would feel better that we was heading in right direction.
My predictions are either 6-6 or 7-5 with a bowl win. A split season would be so-so with a bowl win. Vols would either get a 5th place team from Big 10, ACC, or PAC 12.
Do you think CBJ will be happy with a 6-6 season? I don't believe he would. All naivety aside, I don't expect a championship, but I will never be happy with 6-6 at Tennessee.
Yes! And if anybody says no they're crazy.

I accept the label of "crazy." The question is, would I be happy with a 6-6 season. My answer is not only NO but anyone who is happy with it, lacks Vol pride. If we have 8+ wins, I'd be satisfied if not happy. If it is 10+, then I'd be happy because it would say a lot about the progress of the program being fast tracked. Now, if the question was would I tolerate a 6-6 season, then my answer is yes. Because it would show that CBJ & Co. are unquestionably coaching up a deficient squad. A fact that won't be lost on upper tier recruits. I genuinely believe in this squad and will be truly surprised if they don't win at least 8 games this season. I also don't believe either I or the team will be "happy" with a 6-6 season so I guess the whole team along with me is crazy. :popcorn:
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