Would you be happy with 6-6 (regular season) in 2013?


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I expect 6-6 and 3-5 in the SEC for this year ONLY. I don't expect to beat any of the team the OP mentioned - no signature wins this year. But I DO expect to tag either Mizzou or Auburn and BOTH Vandy and UK.
I expect 6-6 and 3-5 in the SEC for this year ONLY. I don't expect to beat any of the team the OP mentioned - no signature wins this year. But I DO expect to tag either Mizzou or Auburn and BOTH Vandy and UK.

No reason we don't beat auburn.
Yes! And if anybody says no they're crazy.

Well, count me crazy then! If we win all the games we should win--we are at 6-6--because we should beat Missouri...

I would be satisfied if we go 7-5...which means that we would have to beat one of the following teams:


Do I think that we have the talent to beat at least ONE of those teams?? Yes--therefore, I won't be SATISFIED unless we go 7-5....

It also depends on how COMPETITIVE we are against those last 6 teams...If we don't lose by more than 14 against Alabama or Oregon, I will be happy. Barring injuries, I think CBJ will field an extremely competitive team and will upset one of those 6 teams. GO VOLS! :salute:
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Well, count me crazy then! If we win all the games we should win--we are at 6-6--because we should beat Missouri...

I would be satisfied if we go 7-5...which means that we would have to beat one of the following teams:


Do I think that we have the talent to beat at least ONE of those teams?? Yes--therefore, I won't be SATISFIED unless we go 7-5....

It also depends on how COMPETITIVE we are against those last 6 teams...If we don't lose by more than 14 against Alabama or Oregon, I will be happy. Barring injuries, I think CBJ will field an extremely competitive team and will upset one of those 6 teams. GO VOLS! :salute:

I don't think Auburn would really be considered an upset. At least I hope not. They were 3-9 (0-8) last year. But the other teams will be tough:

Oregon-will be preseason top 3, in 2012 they beat everyone on their schedule by double digits except one OT loss to Stanford

UGA-will be preseason top 10, defending SECE champions, Aaron Murray, as much as I hate him will be good for them with 2 years of starting under his belt

Bama Defending back to back national champions, will be #1 preseason, have proven that they are the best team in the country until someone dethrones them

USCe-will be preseason top 10, returns most starters

UF-will be preseason top 10, coming off 11-2 season even though they were primed to go 7-5, have beat us 8 in a row


UT-coming off back to back 5-7 season, no bowl since 2010, no bowl win since 2007, new coaching staff (third in 5 years), lost all elite talent on offensive side of the ball (except line), statistically the worst defense in UT football history in 2013, no official starting QB, lots of young guys playing skill positions...
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You dont just get a new coach and flip a switch and win 10 games the next year, it is a process, and sometimes a long process, this one 2 to 3 years before we are ready for the big boys of the SEC.
Yes! And if anybody says no they're crazy.

NO!!!! If there were a stronger way to say NO I would use that.

Jones inherits an OL that will possibly if not likely put all five starters in the draft next spring. EVERYONE eventually replaces a QB... and many have worse options. There is talent at WR. He has to coach it up. He returns two RB's who rushed for about 5 ypc last fall in a pass oriented O.

On D he has some depth issues but enough talent at every position to at least return to the pre-Sal level of about 22 ppg if not better.

UT SHOULD beat 3 of their 4 OOC opponents, Mizzou, Vandy, and UK. I simply do not think it is asking too much to expect an "upset" vs Auburn or even one of the others.

If he does not win more than six then he's only beaten teams that he should have beaten... even if you don't include Auburn. He would have failed to even match Dooley's first year result. Remember DD was blown out by a BETTER Oregon team. He then lost to a beatable UF team. This year's Auburn team is similar to that year's Ole Miss team and Mizzou is nowhere close to '10 LSU.

He would have accomplished this with considerably more talent and experience than Dooley inherited.
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Looks like about a quarter of our fan base is delusional.

So it is now "delusional" to think if Jones is a coach with any hope of resurrecting UT's football program that he should beat: Austin Peay, WKU, S Alabama, Vandy, UK, Mizzou, and Auburn? Interesting description of "delusional".
So it is now "delusional" to think if Jones is a coach with any hope of resurrecting UT's football program that he should beat: Austin Peay, WKU, S Alabama, Vandy, UK, Mizzou, and Auburn? Interesting description of "delusional".

What's delusional is expecting a win over one of the Big five that we play this year. Do I want one? Yes. Will I be cheering for the Vols in the weeks leading up to each game and every Saturday? Yes. Will I be fully expecting us to compete and give 100% in each of these games? Yes. Do I think we have a chance to beat every team on our schedule? Yes. Do I expect it to happen? No.
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It would have to be regular season because it's impossible to do 6-6 after making the post-season.
NO!!!! If there were a stronger way to say NO I would use that.

Jones inherits an OL that will possibly if not likely put all five starters in the draft next spring. EVERYONE eventually replaces a QB... and many have worse options. There is talent at WR. He has to coach it up. He returns two RB's who rushed for about 5 ypc last fall in a pass oriented O.

On D he has some depth issues but enough talent at every position to at least return to the pre-Sal level of about 22 ppg if not better.

UT SHOULD beat 3 of their 4 OOC opponents, Mizzou, Vandy, and UK. I simply do not think it is asking too much to expect an "upset" vs Auburn or even one of the others.

If he does not win more than six then he's only beaten teams that he should have beaten... even if you don't include Auburn. He would have failed to even match Dooley's first year result. Remember DD was blown out by a BETTER Oregon team. He then lost to a beatable UF team. This year's Auburn team is similar to that year's Ole Miss team and Mizzou is nowhere close to '10 LSU.

He would have accomplished this with considerably more talent and experience than Dooley inherited.

Our QB and WR's will be at best..unproven and based on what we saw in spring, it doesn't look that great. We don't know if Marlin Lane will be back or not. Maggit is still injured and I don't know if he'll even be ready at the beginning of the season. Our kicking game is still a huge question mark. We are razor thin at TE. We lack overall team speed on defense.

There's just as many reasons to expect 6-6 as there are to expect 8-4.
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I want 6-6 and a bowl win! Anything less than this and I will consider it a disappointing season. We have missed the bowl season 2 straight years and we have not had a bowl victory since 2007! IMO, getting to bowl and WINNING it is crucial in order to continue to build on the momentum that CBJ has created.
Bravely said. Complete tosh but bravely stated. :jpshakehead:
Our QB and WR's will be at best..unproven and based on what we saw in spring, it doesn't look that great. We don't know if Marlin Lane will be back or not. Maggit is still injured and I don't know if he'll even be ready at the beginning of the season. Our kicking game is still a huge question mark. We are razor thin at TE. We lack overall team speed on defense.

Don't stop there, you just began to load the Mother Lode of problems. :good!:

There's just as many reasons to expect 6-6 as there are to expect 8-4.

BOING!!!!! :yikes:
So it is now "delusional" to think if Jones is a coach with any hope of resurrecting UT's football program that he should beat: Austin Peay, WKU, S Alabama, Vandy, UK, Mizzou, and Auburn? Interesting description of "delusional".

Not sure why everyone is expecting a win over Auburn. They've had Top 10 Recruiting Classes for the past few years. IMO Gus will get them immediately competitive in the Conference.

6-6 is a very realistic outcome to the 2013 season. Do I hope we pull out a win against Oregon, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, or Auburn? Of course I do. But to EXPECT it? That is delusional with the team we have currently have. And in case you need a refresher on the term:

"A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary."
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Sure..why the **** even demand better?..this fan base is getting happy with either no or third level bowls anyway
No! People, the answer is "No." Why would Tennessee ever be happy about going 6-6? I sure as heck hope our coaches and players don't feel that way.
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I know this fanbase would not be happy if we were 13-0..so what a stupid question to ask of this fan base...for me personally, 6-6 would be a decent start, with a bowl win, maybe 70% of the fan base will be happy...but if we win it all next year, 10% will say something stupid like: "Well it was Dooleys team"...
Knowing what we have for talent currently...yes, I guess I would be happy with 6-6. I can admitt that in the many years of following the Vols, this may indeed be the first time that 6-6 would be acceptable. I never thought I'd see good Ol UT fall to the depths that they have fallen.
I sure miss the good ol days of Tennessee Football with John Ward/Bill Anderson and electricity in the air on those wonderful fall days and evenings....Man O Man!
I hope someday we'll have the same excitement and hope for Tennessee Football.
Go Vols
I think that you can only count 1 FCS team to qualify for bowl and we play 2. I think we need to go 7-5 to make bowl. That being said I would be a little disappointed if we was 6-6 but would feel better that we was heading in right direction.

Kentucky's not an FCS team anymore...oh, you meant South Alabama. Sun Belt is FBS, so Austin Peay and South Alabama both count.
I'll judge the team based on how it plays. A 5-7 team that plays hard, never gives up, and wants to do everything to improve is better than a 7-5 team that quits during adversity.

I've mentioned this before but Jim Harbaugh's first couple of years at Stanford, he didn't put up a bunch of wins. Yet, if you watched his teams play, you could tell he was building something special. It took some time and more talent before Harbaugh's formula translated to big success, but it was easy to see in the early years how hard his players played for him, and how much they wanted to win every game.

Dooley has always been the anti-Harbaugh to me. Record-wise, Dooley was better than Harbaugh through two seasons, but if you watched the games, you could sense that Harbaugh was building something special, while Dooley's teams weren't going anywhere. I could've lived with Dooley's 11-14 record after the first two seasons, if it wasn't for the fact that our players simply gave up in almost all of the losses.

I don't expect Butch Jones to win 9 games his first season. We'd be really lucky if he goes 7-5. But if UT is 6-6, plays hard, and makes it difficult on teams that are better than them ... then I could be satisfied. That would show that we're building something and that with a few more seasons, we could be competitive with the top teams in the SEC again.
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