I was initially against it because I like what we have with Hyatt, Holiday, Calloway, Merrill, and McCoy. But the reality is despite my thoughts - the staff clearly doesn’t feel the same way.
I mean, I was thinking how VQ had been praising Hyatt, Holiday and Calloway this spring. I was anchored in belief that they’re ready to step up. Somewhat unknowns - but so was Tillman, Velus, and Payton going into last year.
Then I remembered that VQ and other media outlets were hyping up Andison Colby last spring. I believe VQ even said we were lucky that Tee brought him in before leaving. We all saw what came from that.
So whatever nuanced skill sets the staff is seeking, they don’t seem to be finding them in our in house receivers. None of which are guys this staff recruited.
That, coupled with how void of notable talent the portal is and how he have spots to use, I warmed towards taking another receiver.