WWE Thread II

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He's a great worker but he oversells IMO and he's about as interesting on the mic as a bingo caller.

Flops around like a fish out of water. Not to mention he has a reputation of being injury prone, whether fair or not.

Swagger's contract is up soon also, and apparently he's said the same thing as Ziggler.

I won't miss either of them.
Who's better on the mic, Ziggler or RR?

Neither are that great on the mic. Ziggler can cut a good promo as a heel, but as baby face he really can't. As for overselling, I disagree. I think he's an amazing seller. Doing it amazingly isn't overselling.
The hate for Ziggler saddens me. One of the better wrestlers the WWE has right now.

Not a fan of his 80's glam rocker gimmick they're giving him right now, but it doesn't change the fact he has been looked over after not being injured for a while now (unlike say, Orton's drug failures or Swagger's everything.)

I want to see him get a push just to see how he handles it honestly.
I mark out a little when I hear Brock's music hit. Maybe a lot. I hate a part time champion, but they've played it very well.
I haven't seen an episode of Raw in 2 years, does John Cena have an illness? His eyes are all sunk in like that Duddits guy in Dreamcatcher.
Am I the only person who thought of a Shield reunion when they heard HHH say "They helped you get where you are, you betrayed them, they can protect you, they are your family. Apologize and you can handle Lesnar."
I haven't watched an episode in months but there is rumors going around about something big happening tonight on a Live IMPACT!

Some are speculating that TNA may have been bought out or merged with GFW with Jarrett & GFW folks taking control.
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