WWE Thread II

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Here's one that I found:

“I guess we’re all a little racist.”

“She is making some real bad decisions now. My daughter Brooke jumped sides on me. I spent $2-3 million on her music career, I’ve done everything like a jackass for her.”

“The one option Brooke had, Brooke’s career besides me, is [to] sell beach records.”

“I don’t know if Brooke was *****ing the black guy’s son.”

“I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, *****ing n***ers. But then when it comes to nice people and sh*t, and whatever.”

“I mean, I’d rather if she was going to ***** some n***er, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n***er worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player! I guess we’re all a little racist. f–king n***er.”

Yeah you can't say the last thing.

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My friend just called me and with no idea what has happened today and asked me if I wanted a Hulkamania shirt today because they are on sale

Are there anymore of my childhood idols that want to completely shatter my rose colored thoughts of them? Is Mark Hamill going to be discovered to be a serial killer for the past 30 years?
Are there anymore of my childhood idols that want to completely shatter my rose colored thoughts of them? Is Mark Hamill going to be discovered to be a serial killer for the past 30 years?

Heh. ....the only pure things left from my childhood are pizza and bigfoot the monster truck.
We need Bobby Heenan to tell us he's known about Hogan for years.

"What did I tell you Monsoon! I knew he was a racist bastard!!! You've been in the dark the whole time but I could tell from day one!"

"Oh will you just stop it Heenan."
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I'm not condone this stuff, I'm tired of people using this language, rather hatefully or "endearing" but two things:

1. Booker T used the "N word" on air, directly towards someone, how does that work?

2. Should I record every conversation I have with anyone who has decent money in case I need a bankroll boost sometime in the next.....decade?
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Or Vince himself on live television.

*which TMZ is calling him out on this as well.

Hogan was always a little slimy outside the ring, but losing your job and status with your life's work / company, eight years after the incident, is absurd...for speech, albeit terrible speech.
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I'm not condone this stuff, I'm tired of people using this language, rather hatefully or "endearing" but two things:

1. Booker T used the "N word" on air, directly towards someone, how does that work?

2. Should I record every conversation I have with anyone who has decent money in case I need a bankroll boost sometime in the next.....decade?


It really just boils down to what is going on at the time. Right now, WWE is a PR machine. Stephanie's quote about philanthropy being the new frontier of marketing is all you need to know about their philosophy now.

This happened 8 years ago while Hogan was going thru a particularly rough time in his life. I'm not saying he isn't a scumbag, cause he is. Professionaly, he's held people down way more than Cena could ever dream of doing. On purpose. In his personal life, he's made disgusting comments about a guy that his son turned into a vegetable thru pure recklesness.

Not excusing it, but all of us say things behind closed doors that we wouldn't want anybody else to know. Not even racial things. I mean let's face it. All of us post stuff on the internet that we wouldn't say to a person's face.

If we were to meet John Cena, we wouldn't be telling him how much he sucked. We wouldn't be telling Vince McMahon that he is a senile, out of touch, old bastard. Even if he is.

Hogan is no worse than a plethora of guys in the Hall of Fame, like Tyson, Austin, Abdulah the Butcher, Colon, Warrior, or Snuka. Even look at Trump, who made the controversial comments about Mexicans.

Let's not forget that WWE has a history of internal racism, right down to Michael Hayes, and then the Alberto Del Rio/HHH incident.

But because this happened recently, and is in the public eye and they are a PR machine, they think they have to make an example of him.

Anyways, I think it will blow over eventually, when people put it in the back of their head, and they will welcome him back just like they always do.
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Stephanie's words about philanthropy not long after the award was given to Connor almost had me physically sick.

Good points for sure.
It wasn't recently. It was probably during the lowest point of Hogan's life and he thought it was private. Not many people out there would survive if their entire life was on public display.

Was it bad? Yes
Is it something that will linger? Yes
Has WWE overreacted? Yes.

Kamala Harris came out in defense of Hogan, as did Virgil. I think that speaks volumes about the real Hogan.
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It wasn't recently. It was probably during the lowest point of Hogan's life and he thought it was private. Not many people out there would survive if their entire life was on public display.

Was it bad? Yes
Is it something that will linger? Yes
Has WWE overreacted? Yes.

Kamala Harris came out in defense of Hogan, as did Virgil. I think that speaks volumes about the real Hogan.

The bolded has yet to be seen. There's rumors that more stuff could be coming out soon on Hogan, and it could be worse than what's already out there. If nothing else comes out, then I agree that it was an overreaction.
it also turns out that Vince used the word in a backstage segment with John Cena in front of Booker T.
it also turns out that Vince used the word in a backstage segment with John Cena in front of Booker T.

1. From what i read, it was him playing his character at the time, and he had informed the others in the segment beforehand that he would say that word.

2. How he used the word while acting wasn't nearly as bad as how Hogan used it in reality.
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1. From what i read, it was him playing his character at the time, and he had informed the others in the segment beforehand that he would say that word.

2. How he used the word while acting wasn't nearly as bad as how Hogan used it in reality.

It was clearly scripted, but it was still uncalled for. Unless the rumored stuff surfaces, Hogan's use of it was unfortunate, but not as bad as described.
Kamala Harris came out in defense of Hogan, as did Virgil. I think that speaks volumes about the real Hogan.

As has George Foreman. Everybody that has been around him has said they've never noticed any kind of racist tendencies. Obviously he's got something inside him that is not right, but he's also done good for a lot of people.
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