WWE Thread II

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How much do you spend on a wrestling a month? How many shirts, action figures, video games, etc do you own?

I spend 9.99 a month. Ha. No figures. One wrestling shirt. Daniel Bryan's Yes movement shirt. Several games though

Edit: I have a Bad News Barett shirt too. I forgot about it. Lol
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I spend 9.99 a month. Ha. No figures. One wrestling shirt. Daniel Bryan's Yes movement shirt. Several games though.

and that's the difference. Kids buy (or have their parents buy) shirts, belts, action figures and all sorts of other toys every month. And they want Cena. I watch RAW every week and spend my 9.99, but WWE has been to either Norfolk or Hampton probably eight times in the year I've been here. Never once bought a ticket.

Wrestling is backwards advertising. Marks like you and I are going to watch every week. We might get so upset that we quit watching for a couple of weeks, but we come back. The kids and casual fans are where WWE makes money. I think you're wrong about them just wanting to see Cena. They want Cena to be save the day. Cesaro is as good in the ring as possible. But he can't talk on a mic and he has next to no personality. WWE can't market him to anyone except the marks, who they already don't need to market to.

I will agree they are wasting Dean Ambrose. Ryback's better on the mic than I expected, but do you really think he's an exciting champion? I certainly don't.
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and that's the difference. Kids buy (or have their parents buy) shirts, belts, action figures and all sorts of other toys every month. And they want Cena. I watch RAW every week and spend my 9.99, but WWE has been to either Norfolk or Hampton probably eight times in the year I've been here. Never once bought a ticket.

Wrestling is backwards advertising. Marks like you and I are going to watch every week. We might get so upset that we quit watching for a couple of weeks, but we come back. The kids and casual fans are where WWE makes money. I think you're wrong about them just wanting to see Cena. They want Cena to be save the day. Cesaro is as good in the ring as possible. But he can't talk on a mic and he has next to no personality. WWE can't market him to anyone except the marks, who they already don't need to market to.

I will agree they are wasting Dean Ambrose. Ryback's better on the mic than I expected, but do you really think he's an exciting champion? I certainly don't.

Sure , kids get their parents to buy them Cena stuff. But plenty of hardcore wrestling fans spend ****loads of money on stuff. They give them ratings. The casual audience isn't watching Raw much at all right now. And besides. WWE will make plenty of money regardless. Lets be honest they did their best in history when they catered to a edgier audience in the first place. Your points are valid. Honestly they are. It's the truth, but WWE can go other ways and be just as prosperous if not more so. And Ryback can make a good champion if built right in my opinion. It's all about the booking sometimes.
Sure , kids get their parents to buy them Cena stuff. But plenty of hardcore wrestling fans spend ****loads of money on stuff. They give them ratings. The casual audience isn't watching Raw much at all right now. And besides. WWE will make plenty of money regardless. Lets be honest they did their best in history when they catered to a edgier audience in the first place. Your points are valid. Honestly they are. It's the truth, but WWE can go other ways and be just as prosperous if not more so. And Ryback can make a good champion if built right in my opinion. It's all about the booking sometimes.

The debate of rocking wrestling merchandise got discussed in this thread somewhere months ago. Only a couple of people that post in this site weekly had anything, and even then it was just a couple of shirts. There are a few diehards that blow money on wrestling stuff, but there aren't enough to make a lot of money off of those few people.
I'll also add after finally getting to watch the Cena My Wish special, John Cena can John Cena for as long as possible as long as he keeps granting wishes.
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The more I think about it, the more I think Ambrose could be the top guy. Loved by the marks. And I really think kids and the casuals can buy into him. If Cena is Superman , Ambrose is Batman. And in today's society Batman is honestly a more appealing character to people. Ambrose could still be that hero to kids but a more edgier, mysterious, cool hero instead of the uncreative, generic and plain super hero. I think if could work. But how long before the marks want him to turn heel and do something different? Ha. That's the tricky part.
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The more I think about it, the more I think Ambrose could be the top guy. Loved by the marks. And I really think kids and the casuals can buy into him. If Cena is Superman , Ambrose is Batman. And in today's society Batman is honestly a more appealing character to people. Ambrose could still be that hero to kids but a more edgier, mysterious, cool hero instead of the uncreative, generic and plain super hero. I think if could work. But how long before the marks want him to turn heel and do something different? Ha. That's the tricky part.

I don't buy that Cena is uncreative and generic. He continually adds moves to his sets this late into his career. I can't argue about Ambrose, other than even he prefers the heel gimmick. Wrestling needs a constant icon for kids to rally behind.

I also refer to my previous statement. In my small and humble opinion, that trumps all
I don't buy that Cena is uncreative and generic. He continually adds moves to his sets this layear into his career. I can't argue about Ambrose, other than even he prefers the heel gimmick. Wrestling needs a constant icon for kids to rally behind.

I also refer to my previous statement. In my small and humble opinion, that trumps all

Fair enough. Cena is wrestling his ass off lately, but he just needs to be losing now! Haha. But yeah mad respect for who he is as a person in all seriousness. You have to wonder if Ambrose or anyone did happen to become top face would they give as much effort for that kind of stuff? And also, I do believe when HHH takes over, things will be more enjoyable for the hardcore peeps.
I don't buy that Cena is uncreative and generic. He continually adds moves to his sets this late into his career. I can't argue about Ambrose, other than even he prefers the heel gimmick. Wrestling needs a constant icon for kids to rally behind.

I also refer to my previous statement. In my small and humble opinion, that trumps all

Reigns will probably be one of those guys.
Fair enough. Cena is wrestling his ass off lately, but he just needs to be losing now! Haha. But yeah mad respect for who he is as a person in all seriousness. You have to wonder if Ambrose or anyone did happen to become top face would they give as much effort for that kind of stuff? And also, I do believe when HHH takes over, things will be more enjoyable for the hardcore peeps.

Everyone says wait til HHH takes over completely, but then I read things like how Vince is pushing to make Rollins a stronger heel champ, while HHH likes using him as a pawn piece.
I'll also add after finally getting to watch the Cena My Wish special, John Cena can John Cena for as long as possible as long as he keeps granting wishes.

Yeah, I've got literally no problem with the guy. He's the face of the organization.

Also, looks like there's a racist Hulk Hogan story that's about to break and the WWE has preemptively washed their hands of him.
That was like really quick and thorough. If you do a search on the WWE website, literally nothing comes up on Hogan. I wonder if they'll give him the Benoit treatment on WWE network, where there is a big void where his matches are in the chapter selection. I doubt it.

Kudos to them for doing it tho. They did the right thing this time.

Cya in TNA again, Hulkster. I bet Bret Hart is laughing somewhere.
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I wonder who replaces him on tough enough.

Not much surprises me anymore but reading the quotes was unexpectedly disappointing.

My childhood is having a rough month.
Is it still racist if you use the hard r, but say something like "I'd rather her marry any ****** except that ****** over there?
Alright I have a new gimmick for hulk.

He comes out but instead of wearing his yellow trunks he has trunks with the Confederate flag. Gold?
Alright I have a new gimmick for hulk.

He comes out but instead of wearing his yellow trunks he has trunks with the Confederate flag. Gold?

...if you're going that far with it; you may as well give him a white hood and teach him the goosestep.
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The more I think about it, the more I think Ambrose could be the top guy. Loved by the marks. And I really think kids and the casuals can buy into him. If Cena is Superman , Ambrose is Batman. And in today's society Batman is honestly a more appealing character to people. Ambrose could still be that hero to kids but a more edgier, mysterious, cool hero instead of the uncreative, generic and plain super hero. I think if could work. But how long before the marks want him to turn heel and do something different? Ha. That's the tricky part.

ambrose is the joker
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So far in the Hogan bit I've heard one sound bite of Hogan talking about things that happened in the past, referencing himself being called the N word and using it around others. Booker T literally used it in promos, once to describe Hogan himself. That sound bite has since been removed.

The only other stuff I've seen is the National Enquirer reporting him using it to describe the guy Brooke was dating and/or having relations with if you catch my drift. It wasn't his best moment, but I'm not sure I find it worthy of firing him and removing himself from anything related to WWE. Has anyone found any other transcripts? There's rumored to be some very disgusting ones.
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So far in the Hogan bit I've heard one sound bite of Hogan talking about things that happened in the past, referencing himself being called the N word and using it around others. Booker T literally used it in promos, once to describe Hogan himself. That sound bite has since been removed.

The only other stuff I've seen is the National Enquirer reporting him using it to describe the guy Brooke was dating and/or having relations with if you catch my drift. It wasn't his best moment, but I'm not sure I find it worthy of firing him and removing himself from anything related to WWE. Has anyone found any other transcripts? There's rumored to be some very disgusting ones.

Here's one that I found:

“I guess we’re all a little racist.”

“She is making some real bad decisions now. My daughter Brooke jumped sides on me. I spent $2-3 million on her music career, I’ve done everything like a jackass for her.”

“The one option Brooke had, Brooke’s career besides me, is [to] sell beach records.”

“I don’t know if Brooke was *****ing the black guy’s son.”

“I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, *****ing n***ers. But then when it comes to nice people and sh*t, and whatever.”

“I mean, I’d rather if she was going to ***** some n***er, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n***er worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player! I guess we’re all a little racist. f–king n***er.”
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