and that's the difference. Kids buy (or have their parents buy) shirts, belts, action figures and all sorts of other toys every month. And they want Cena. I watch RAW every week and spend my 9.99, but WWE has been to either Norfolk or Hampton probably eight times in the year I've been here. Never once bought a ticket.
Wrestling is backwards advertising. Marks like you and I are going to watch every week. We might get so upset that we quit watching for a couple of weeks, but we come back. The kids and casual fans are where WWE makes money. I think you're wrong about them just wanting to see Cena. They want Cena to be save the day. Cesaro is as good in the ring as possible. But he can't talk on a mic and he has next to no personality. WWE can't market him to anyone except the marks, who they already don't need to market to.
I will agree they are wasting Dean Ambrose. Ryback's better on the mic than I expected, but do you really think he's an exciting champion? I certainly don't.