Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Then why is it sold as “reuniting” America and Americans. I thought it was to “preserve the Union”? I’m glad we agree Lincoln provoked a war with a sovereign nation with no economic or self defense basis.

Mic drop!
Then why is it sold as “reuniting” America and Americans. I thought it was to “preserve the Union”? I’m glad we agree Lincoln provoked a war with a sovereign nation with no economic or self defense basis.

So economic reasons would make war okay?

I don't know who sold it to you as "reuniting" America and Americans?

Preserving the union would make more sense, because the union was fractured by those willing to leave.

In which case, if you support the causes of the south then why not find another country that fits your needs?
So economic reasons would make war okay?

I don't know who sold it to you as "reuniting" America and Americans?

Preserving the union would make more sense, because the union was fractured by those willing to leave.

In which case, if you support the causes of the south then why not find another country that fits your needs?

^^This is floundering around for a point.

Lincoln's stated goal at the start of the war was to preserve/reunite the union so he considered southerners Americans.
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So economic reasons would make war okay?
Well it is why most major conflicts break out yes.

I don't know who sold it to you as "reuniting" America and Americans?
Like every Lincoln historian which references it as preservation of the Union.
Preserving the union would make more sense, because the union was fractured by those willing to leave.
Yep. Now you’re seeing the light and it comes right after your previous stupid statement. Lincoln clearly viewed southerners as his subjects.
In which case, if you support the causes of the south then why not find another country that fits your needs?
Same answer I gave above. Why do I have to leave?
^^This is floundering around for a point.

Lincoln's stated goal at the start of the war was to preserve/reunite the union so he considered southerners Americans.
Yep. This fool stepped in it and we get to look forward to two pages of him flapping out of water now 😂
That's a categorically false statement. The senates in these states are a Republican majority, the letters were sent by the state senates, each of them were. Also, each state has power over their electors period.
It’s not false. The letters were not sent by official acts of any legislative body but by individual members thereof.

Whether those bodies have power to change their electors is a matter of state law that is immaterial given that no state legislative body acted to empanel a competing bank of electors.

Eastman’s proposal, which Trump pushed Pence to follow, would have carried out a coup.
I guess he doesn't, as long as he is okay with living in his opinon, a communist country. Maybe he should just be a terrorist, storm the capitol with his pee shooter and see if he can "save America"?
Huh. Wow didn’t know that he’s forced to accept the current state of our government as fixed and unchanging. Who knew!
^^This is floundering around for a point.

Lincoln's stated goal at the start of the war was to preserve/reunite the union so he considered southerners Americans.

None of that is making your point.

I am not sure why you can't understand the concept of succession.
It’s not false. The letters were not sent by official acts of any legislative body but by individual members thereof.

You are correct, it was sent by a number of individual officials. Would your mind be changed if it had been by senate leaders? Now that senate leaders support auditing the 2020 election, do you support those?
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That's a categorically false statement. The senates in these states are a Republican majority, the letters were sent by the state senates, each of them were. Also, each state has power over their electors period.

But the laws governing elections are set before the elections, not after the election. Federal law states that a legislature cannot alter an election by changing the law after the election. When the majority party loses an election, it must follow the existing law.
But the laws governing elections are set before the elections, not after the election. Federal law states that a legislature cannot alter an election by changing the law after the election. When the majority party loses an election, it must follow the existing law.

State legislators have the sole power of whether or not to certify their elections regardless of what the laws are. They can reject the outcome if they see fraud.
None of that is making your point.

I am not sure why you can't understand the concept of succession.

I do understand the concept. Several southern states legally (there is nothing in the constitution preventing it and no court ruling at the time declaring it illegal) seceded from the union. So either Lincoln ordered an invasion of a sovereign country in a war of conquest or Lincoln killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, which is it?
No, bless your heart. You still don't have any comprehension of the meaning of the word communist. And you will need to dig a little deeper and reach some conclusions regarding why communism will never happen here.
LOL< Keep living in that dream world. I know exactly what communism is. It's socialism at the end of the barrel of a gun. There's more and more of you sheep everyday. One day you'll wake up and it will be too late. Our freedoms are eroding daily. They do it in such small increments you don't even notice. My son and I the other day were talking, and he continuously said, I can't believe you all used to be able to do that. I just chuckled. He's 21.
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Unless you live somewhere other than the U.S. then its our government. Now, if you think its communist and don't prefer communism, then where would you like to move?
I never claimed we were communist currently. We're headed that way. The democrats want to eliminate the 2ND. When that happens it's over. We're moving slowly to one world government. It won't happen in my lifetime but it will happen.
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I can't believe you all used to be able to do that. I just chuckled. He's 21.

It's sad really. I had a thought about this new generation growing up today and envision that they will hate all of us. Just look at the young child pitching a fit over being forced to wear a mask.
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