Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt. Here’s Why.

Check the times. But it makes no difference.
I misread. I caught it. I corrected it.
At the same time you were condescendingly pointing out my mistake. Maybe the conservative in you is shining through????

Luth, you regularly talk down to those who don’t agree with you. Get some more self awareness.
I generally think most people who say they are moderate are somewhat liberal. I would tend to agree with you here.
I'm moderate/liberal on social stuff.
I'm dictatorial on taxes, spending, borrowing. I make conservatives look liberal by comparison.
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so you posted to point out my mistake then realized I hadn't made a mistake and are criticizing me for showing that your post was wrong?

That's pretty much it.....condescendingly being the key word.
so you posted to point out my mistake then realized I hadn't made a mistake and are criticizing me for showing that your post was wrong?

That's pretty much it.....condescendingly being the key word.
A moderate democrat can admit they're wrong.

A liberal has the moral high ground so it doesn't matter that they're wrong.
That's pretty much it.....condescendingly being the key word.

and you replied with a condescending reply?

I'd also suggest the original post to which I responded (why not more conservatives in education) was condescending in tone; particularly the "I always love the answers to this question, as wrong as they may be." part.

spare me the lecture
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so we can't tell from the data that those who are Democrat are liberal. combine that with the specific question on are your liberal, moderate or conservative then that study does not establish that teachers are overwhelmingly liberal.
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so we can't tell from the data that those who are Democrat are liberal. combine that with the specific question on are your liberal, moderate or conservative then that study does not establish that teachers are overwhelmingly liberal.
It seemed to establish that they are overwhelmingly democrat.

The irony of all of this is that in my county I would estimate that 70% of the teachers vote republican.
You’re in education, right?

How would you grade your answer to my question if it was on a test?

Please be honest.
I would say that it is important, related, and relevant information but does not directly answer the question.
I guess I should have provided that disclaimer to my post....or just provided the information without it being directly linked to your question.
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This is your whole shtick. You are condescending when often wrong, inaccurate or disingenuous

This is it, thats why I can't have dialogue with that person. I know a few like him that are so disingenuous they can't admit a wrong no matter the evidence they are presented with. I find it's better to not lower ones self to that level and just watch them twist and turn everything to fit their agenda. Sadly some are teachers and the students are the ones who will pay the price.
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Taxing me doesn’t provide me life, liberty or happiness.

Mrs Luther: Luther, did you eat the last piece of cake last night?
Luther: The last piece of cake was in the tupperware before I went to bed.
Mrs Luther: When did you go to bed?
Luther: Around 11:30 pm
Mrs Luther: ...and you didn't eat the cake?
Luther: Oh, yes I ate the cake. But it was in the container before I ate it.
Mrs. Luther: But you said you didn't eat it.
Luther: I wasn't wrong when I said it was in the container before I went to bed.

That stuff won't fly.

You'd have been better served to simply admit the mistake and move on. You're coming off as a complete horse's ass right now.
He's been a horse's ass for years
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